Open Tenders

Open Tenders


Contract Application

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Mining Service




KTC CM5 Chilling System

Through the scale and nature of the business, KCC makes a significant and positive contribution to our local communities, the province, country, and broader society. Positive impacts range from production of raw materials that drive social progress, to the payment of taxes and royalties to the DRC government, provision of employment and business opportunities. KCC is an equal opportunity employer and actively promotes diversity in its workplace. KCC’s Concentrator department (KTC) owns and operates the Trane Chillers on CM5 Cascade Mill and in the quest to improve the efficiency our HVAC equipment and their overall life span, KCC KTC is seeking the services of the OEM to carry out the Monthly, Quarterly & Annual Inspections and maintenance of the Trane Chillers for a three (3) year contract. The specifications of the equipment in question are listed below:
1.(Trane Model No.: RTAC400; Serial No.: EKW3180)-Chilled Water Pumps and Plate heat Exchanger
2.Chiller Skid 1(Chilled Water Pumps and Plate Heat Exchanger)
3.Chiller Skid 2(Chilled Water Pumps and Plate Heat Exchanger).




Grâce à l'ampleur et à la nature de son activité, KCC apporte une contribution significative et positive à nos communautés locales, à la province, au pays et à la société dans son ensemble. Les impacts positifs vont de la production de matières premières qui favorisent le progrès social, au paiement d'impôts et de redevances au gouvernement de la RDC, en passant par la création d'emplois et d'opportunités commerciales. KCC est un employeur garantissant l'égalité des chances et promeut activement la diversité sur son lieu de travail. Le département Concentrateur de KCC (KTC) possède et exploite les refroidisseurs Trane sur le broyeur à cascade CM5 et dans le but d'améliorer l'efficacité de nos équipements CVC et leur durée de vie globale, KCC KTC recherche les services de l'OEM pour effectuer les analyses mensuelles, trimestrielles et Inspections annuelles et maintenance des refroidisseurs Trane pour un contrat de trois (3) ans. Les spécifications des équipements en question sont listées ci-dessous :
1. (N° de modèle Trane : RTAC400 ; N° de série : EKW3180) - Pompes à eau réfrigérée et échangeur de chaleur à plaques
2. Chiller Skid 1 (pompes à eau réfrigérée et échangeur de chaleur à plaques)
3.Chiller Skid 2 (pompes à eau réfrigérée et échangeur de chaleur à plaques)

Consultancy service




15 Samplers at the dryers

The 15 samplers will perform sampling service at the dryers in full compliance to sampling standard.
The value chain (sampling process) will consist of:
• Sampling
• Packaging
• Samples submission to the Laboratory
Samplers will under Laboratory supervision.




Les 15 échantillonneurs effectueront le service d'échantillonnage dans les séchoirs en totale conformité avec les normes d'échantillonnage.
La chaîne de valeur (processus d’échantillonnage) comprendra :
• Échantillonnage
• Soumission des échantillons au Laboratoire
Les échantillonneurs seront sous la supervision du laboratoire.

Consultancy service




Dewatering Drilling-Shallow Piezometers

The Mine Technical Services Department at Kamoto Copper Company SA (KCC) wishes to drill and construct a total of 37 shallow standpipe piezometer holes for the monitoring of pore pressure and groundwater level variations within the between KOV Open Pit area.The aim is to provide dedicated facilities to monitor pore pressure and groundwater level variations at the toe of the KOV West WRD and the crest of the KOV Cut 5A1/6 pit design.The completed holes will provide valuable data input to the groundwater management system design and long-term monitoring.




Le département des services techniques miniers de Kamoto Copper Company SA (KCC) souhaite forer et construire un total de 37 trous piézométriques peu profonds pour la surveillance de la pression interstitielle et des variations du niveau de la nappe phréatique dans la zone de la fosse à ciel ouvert entre KOV.L'objectif est de fournir des installations dédiées pour surveiller les variations de la pression interstitielle et du niveau de la nappe phréatique au pied du KOV West WRD et à la crête de la conception de la fosse KOV Cut 5A1/6.Les forages réalisés fourniront des données précieuses pour la conception du système de gestion des eaux souterraines et la surveillance à long terme.

Consultancy service




Air quality power Bi dashboard

Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) operates the Katanga Mining Limited (KML) copper and cobalt mining complex in Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The mining complex includes underground and open pit mining, ore concentrating and refinery processing facilities, plus supporting facilities and infrastructure. KCC is seeking a suitable environmental/air quality specialist develop and maintain of an Air Quality Monitoring Dashboard for Kamoto Copper Company for a period of 12 Months as per KCC Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP)..
The scope of works includes:
1. Review and quality control of air monitoring data
2. Upload of air quality data onto Power BI dashboard
3. Review of Power BI dashboard with KCC
4. Update of air quality graphics to include in monthly report.
5. Development and submission of 12 monthly Air quality data reports
6. Compilation of data on atmospheric emissions monthly basic.
7. Updated air quality graphs
8. Development and submission of t12 monthly reports.




Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) exploite le complexe minier de cuivre et de cobalt de Katanga Mining Limited (KML) à Kolwezi, en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Le complexe minier comprend des installations d'exploitation minière souterraine et à ciel ouvert, des installations de concentration et de raffinage du minerai, ainsi que des installations et infrastructures de soutien. KCC recherche un spécialiste approprié de l'environnement et de la qualité de l'air pour développer et maintenir un tableau de bord de surveillance de la qualité de l'air pour Kamoto Copper Company pendant une période de 12 mois, conformément au plan de gestion de la qualité de l'air (AQMP) de KCC.
L'étendue des travaux comprend :
1. Examen et contrôle de la qualité des données de surveillance de l'air
2. Téléchargement des données sur la qualité de l'air sur le tableau de bord Power BI
3. Revue du tableau de bord Power BI avec KCC
4. Mise à jour des graphiques sur la qualité de l'air à inclure dans le rapport mensuel.
5. Élaboration et soumission de 12 rapports mensuels sur les données sur la qualité de l'air
6. Compilation mensuelle de données de base sur les émissions atmosphériques.
7. Graphiques mis à jour sur la qualité de l'air
8. Élaboration et soumission des rapports mensuels t12






We are currently facing many repetitive failures on all Trane chillers and air systems at the Luilu factory due to the lack of spare parts on site an equipment’s of different factories such as EW rectifiers, SX compressor room at cobalt plant. We want to set up a repair service regarding the efforts to be undertaken to restore the operation of the chillers. To keep the chillers at different locations in Luilu Plant running smoothly, it is necessary to have all the critical spares, parts, and tools available on-site, along with fully repaired and tested condenser coils.
Chiller repairing consists in repairing 17 condenser coils of:
• Chiller electrolyte TH1 3101- CHIL-01-041.
• Chiller electrolyte TH2 3101- CHIL-02-041.
• Chiller rectifier TH1 3101-CHIL- 01-042.
• Chiller rectifier TH1 3101-CHIL- 01-043.
• Chiller rectifier TH2 3101-CHIL- 02-042.
• Chiller rectifier TH2 3101-CHIL- 02-043.
• Roaster : 6 condenser coils must be repaired to refurbish the chiller completely. The refurbishment can only be possible if parts and specialised tools are available on-site, which KCC needs to supply
• Remaining (5) condenser available at supply chain damaged during transportation from SA to DRC.




Nous sommes actuellement confrontés à de nombreuses pannes répétitives sur tous les refroidisseurs et systèmes d'air Trane de l'usine de Luilu en raison du manque de pièces de rechange sur site et des équipements de différentes usines tels que les redresseurs EW, la salle des compresseurs SX de l'usine de cobalt. Nous souhaitons mettre en place un service de réparation concernant les efforts à entreprendre pour rétablir le fonctionnement des refroidisseurs. Pour que les refroidisseurs des différents sites de l'usine de Luilu fonctionnent correctement, il est nécessaire de disposer de toutes les pièces de rechange, pièces et outils essentiels disponibles sur site, ainsi que de serpentins de condenseur entièrement réparés et testés.
La réparation du refroidisseur consiste à réparer 17 serpentins de condenseur de :
• Électrolyte refroidisseur TH1 3101- CHIL-01-041.
• Électrolyte refroidisseur TH2 3101- CHIL-02-041.
• Redresseur refroidisseur TH1 3101-CHIL-01-042.
• Redresseur refroidisseur TH1 3101-CHIL-01-043.
• Redresseur refroidisseur TH2 3101-CHIL-02-042.
• Redresseur refroidisseur TH2 3101-CHIL-02-043.
• Torréfacteur : 6 serpentins du condenseur doivent être réparés pour remettre à neuf complètement le refroidisseur. La remise à neuf ne peut être possible que si des pièces et des outils spécialisés sont disponibles sur place, que KCC doit fournir.
• Condenseur restant (5) disponible au niveau de la chaîne d'approvisionnement endommagé pendant le transport de l'Afrique du Sud vers la RDC.

Mining Service





Provide onsite employee councelling services (a face-to-face counselling service under the EAP locally in the DRC) to support employees’ emotional and psychological wellbeing with expert counselling by professionals trained in violence and harassment counselling, as well as assisting employees in resolving personal problems that may be adversely affecting their work performance.




Fournir des services de conseil aux employés sur place (un service de conseil en face-à-face dans le cadre du PAE localement en RDC) pour soutenir le bien-être émotionnel et psychologique des employés avec des conseils d'experts par des professionnels formés au conseil en matière de violence et de harcèlement, ainsi qu'en aidant les employés à résoudre des problèmes personnels. problèmes pouvant nuire à leur performance au travail.

Consultancy service




Orica Explosives Depot Refurbishment

This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:
• Contractor to remove all existing damaged roof sheeting, rotten timber purlins and trusses to the Explosive Depot buildings.
• Contractor to supply, manufacture and install new timber trusses and purlins at Explosives Depot No. 1 & 2, building size 12,00m wide x 20,00m Long.
• Contractor to supply, manufacture and install new timber trusses and purlins at Explosives Depot No. 3,4,5 & 6, building size 6,00m wide x 36,00m Long.
• Contractor to supply and install new roof sheeting to Explosives Depots No. 1 & 2.
• Contractor to supply and install new roof sheeting to Explosives Depots No. 3,4,5 and 6.
• Contractor to supply all material and build minor brick work to selected Depot buildings.
• Contractor to supply all material and repair cracks in brickwork structures.




Cette étendue des services en vertu de ce contrat comprend, sans s'y limiter, les éléments suivants :
• L'entrepreneur doit retirer toutes les tôles de toit endommagées, les pannes en bois pourries et les fermes des bâtiments du dépôt d'explosifs.
• L'entrepreneur devra fournir, fabriquer et installer de nouvelles fermes et pannes en bois au dépôt d'explosifs n° 1 et 2, taille du bâtiment 12,00 m de large x 20,00 m de long.
• L'entrepreneur doit fournir, fabriquer et installer de nouvelles fermes et pannes en bois au dépôt d'explosifs n° 3, 4, 5 et 6, taille du bâtiment 6,00 m de large x 36,00 m de long.
• L'entrepreneur doit fournir et installer de nouvelles tôles de toit aux dépôts d'explosifs n° 1 et 2.
• L'entrepreneur doit fournir et installer de nouvelles tôles de toit aux dépôts d'explosifs n° 3, 4, 5 et 6.
• L'entrepreneur doit fournir tous les matériaux et construire des travaux mineurs de maçonnerie dans les bâtiments du dépôt sélectionnés.
• L'entrepreneur doit fournir tous les matériaux et réparer les fissures dans les structures en maçonnerie.

Consultancy service




Calibration for room thermometers

The service will consist of calibrating by SANAS and providing certificates of Calibration. • Compliance with the ISO 17025 and Laboratory procedures
• Maintain a calibration schedule as per Lab quality requirement.




Le service consistera à calibrer par SANAS et à fournir des certificats de calibrage. • Conformité à la norme ISO 17025 et aux procédures de laboratoire • Maintenir un calendrier d'étalonnage conformément aux exigences de qualité du laboratoire.

Consultancy service





Purpose intended within this Scope of Work is to rent 4x ADT Lube trucks to ensure that the distribution of lubricant 24/7 in Open pit (KOV and Mashamba) area are carried out as per KCC lubricant management procedures to avoid prolonged downtime of machines due to extended delivery times. Open pit machines lubricant supply will affect the availability and production if we encounter any the lack of Lube trucks in the pit.




L'objectif prévu dans ce cadre de travail est de louer 4 camions ADT Lube pour garantir que la distribution de lubrifiant 24h/24 et 7j/7 dans la zone à ciel ouvert (KOV et Mashamba) est effectuée conformément aux procédures de gestion des lubrifiants KCC afin d'éviter les temps d'arrêt prolongés des machines en raison de délais de livraison allongés. L'approvisionnement en lubrifiant des machines à ciel ouvert affectera la disponibilité et la production si nous rencontrons un manque de camions lubrifiants dans la fosse.

Mining Service




KTC Change Room Electrical Installation

Build a high standard locker room for KTC workers because the old locker room is no longer in good condition and requires refurbishment. Construire un vestiaire de haut niveau pour les travailleurs de KTC car l'ancien vestiaire n'est plus en bon état et nécessite une rénovation.

Mining Service





To allow the development of the KOV mine and MASHAMBA mine, it was decided to move a part of 15 kV JCI North overhead line to the left of the line which supplies the KOV-C substation. At MASHAMBA mine, it will be necessary to replace a portion of overhead line by an underground cable to ensure the supply of MAHAMBA mine and Kapata city.




Pour permettre le développement de la mine KOV et de la mine MASHAMBA, il a été décidé de déplacer une partie de la ligne aérienne 15 kV JCI Nord à gauche de la ligne qui alimente le poste KOV-C. A la mine MAHAMBA, il sera nécessaire de remplacer une partie de ligne aérienne par un câble souterrain pour assurer l'approvisionnement de la mine MAHAMBA et de la ville de Kapata.

Mining Service





Currently, the bounded area is full of solids because in the past, the plant was facing many mixing tanks overflowing due to bad control of the thickeners. this situation led to mixing tank structure corrosion and the housekeeping was also badly impacted. Due to the number of solids, the sump pumps were not performing well. The purpose of this job is to improve vertical pumps performance in order to prevent them from jamming due to solids build up into the sumps where they are installed.




Actuellement, la zone délimitée est pleine de solides car dans le passé, l'usine était confrontée à de nombreux débordements de cuves de mélange en raison d'un mauvais contrôle des épaississeurs. cette situation a entraîné une corrosion de la structure du réservoir de mélange et l'entretien ménager a également été gravement affecté. En raison du nombre de solides, les pompes de puisard ne fonctionnaient pas bien. Le but de ce travail est d'améliorer les performances des pompes verticales afin d'éviter qu'elles ne se coincent en raison de l'accumulation de solides dans les puisards où elles sont installées.

Mining Maintenance




Working at height services

Protekta has a working at height division that is committed to developing improved standart for quality accreditation and best practice in the working at height and confined space industry. Their methodology includes assessing site and existing working at height procedures, identified the gaps and propose trainings. as well as appropriate equipment for working at height( Enchor Point, Life line,...).




Protekta dispose d'une division de travail en hauteur qui s'engage à développer des normes améliorées en matière d'accréditation de qualité et de meilleures pratiques dans le secteur du travail en hauteur et des espaces confinés. Leur méthodologie comprend l'évaluation du site et des procédures de travail en hauteur existantes, l'identification des lacunes et la proposition de formations. ainsi que du matériel adapté aux travaux en hauteur( Point d'ancrage, ligne de vie,...)

Mining Service





Conduct studies on the lightning protection to be installed at ventilation shaft 4 and 5 areas. 1. Risk Assessment as per IEC Standard SANS 62305 including reports.
2. Detailed lightning protection system design including bill of materials and detailed drawings.

3. Site assessment as per SANS62305 standard including report




Réaliser des études sur la protection contre la foudre à installer au niveau des gaines de ventilation 4 et 5.
1. Évaluation des risques selon la norme CEI SANS 62305, y compris les rapports.
2. Conception détaillée du système de protection contre la foudre, y compris la nomenclature des matériaux et les dessins détaillés.
3. Évaluation du site selon la norme SANS62305, y compris le rapport

Consultancy service




MacLean Trainer to be onsite for mixer t

Provide an external trainer from MacLean OEM for the mixer truck SS2-022 and  the sprayer machine to train KCC operators and up skills them to be able to operate this new equipment efficiently. Fournir un formateur externe de MacLean OEM pour le camion malaxeur SS2-022 et la machine de pulvérisation afin de former les opérateurs de KCC et de les perfectionner pour qu'ils soient en mesure d'utiliser efficacement ce nouvel équipement.

Consultancy service




B4 rock breaker commissioning

B4 rock breaker commissioning. Mise en service du brise-roche B4

Consultancy service





Broadcast equipment installation contractors/suppliers will be responsible for purchasing the equipment, commissioning it and training the personnel who will work on it.




Les entrepreneurs/fournisseurs d’installation d’équipement de diffusion seront responsables de l’achat de l’équipement, de sa mise en service et de la formation du personnel qui y travaillera.





Working at height services

While being on site the contractor will be walking through the site accompanied by a member from KCC who is familiar with the site and its processes, they will be observing all the areas where work is being done at height. They will then put together a document in the form of a report for the site highlighting any gaps that may be identified from a compliance point through to the correct equipment for the application at hand. This report will assist the site in controlling these high-risk tasks and will ensure that a global best practice is considered by the sight for each gap identified. It will be beneficial if this can be arranged during a shut down when there would be a lot of activity at height and in a confined space.




Pendant qu'il sera sur place, l'entrepreneur se promènera sur le site accompagné d'un membre de KCC qui connaît le site et ses processus, ils observeront toutes les zones où des travaux sont effectués en hauteur. Ils établiront ensuite un document sous forme de rapport de chantier mettant en avant les éventuelles lacunes identifiées depuis un point de conformité jusqu'à l'équipement adapté à l'application concernée. Ce rapport aidera le site à contrôler ces tâches à haut risque et garantira qu'une meilleure pratique globale est prise en compte par le viseur pour chaque lacune identifiée. Il serait avantageux que cela puisse être organisé lors d'un arrêt lorsqu'il y aurait beaucoup d'activité en hauteur et dans un espace confiné.

Mining Service




KTC Lightning Protection Project

A risk analysis to be conducted according to SANS/IEC 62305-2 will determine how statistically likely it is that losses due to lightning-related damage will occur on the mine. The standard will give tolerable values for the risks of damage and loss. This allowable value is compared to the calculated risk of the unprotected state of the object. Should the risk be higher than the tolerable values, a reduction to the risk is made by selecting lightning protection measures as defined in IEC 62305-3 and 4. The process is to be carried out with DEHN support software, and a report document to be created showing the results.




Une analyse des risques qui sera menée conformément à la norme SANS/IEC 62305-2 déterminera la probabilité statistique que des pertes dues à des dommages liés à la foudre se produisent dans la mine. La norme donnera des valeurs tolérables pour les risques de dommages et de pertes. Cette valeur admissible est comparée au risque calculé de l'état non protégé de l'objet. Si le risque est supérieur aux valeurs tolérables, une réduction du risque est effectuée en sélectionnant des mesures de protection contre la foudre telles que définies dans les normes CEI 62305-3 et 4.Le processus doit être effectué avec le logiciel de support DEHN et un document de rapport doit être créé montrant les résultats.

Consultancy service




KTC Digital Logsheets

KTC currently has over 40 logsheets in circulation for capturing plant data for either process control or metallurgical accounting purposes. These logsheets are mainly excel spreadsheets. Challenges have been encountered in the quality, accuracy, security of the manual logsheets. These excel logsheets are prone to file corruption resulting in data loss and significant amount of time rectifying the corrupted files.  Reporting is not accurate due to these excel spreadsheet malfunctions. The objective of digitalization of the logsheets is to eliminate the forementioned challenges and improve the reporting and storage of plant data. KTC is looking for a contractor to supply, install and support the digital logsheet system. The support and licensing are for a period of five (5) years.




KTC dispose actuellement de plus de 40 feuilles de registre en circulation pour capturer les données de l'usine à des fins de contrôle des processus ou de comptabilité métallurgique. Ces feuilles de journal sont principalement des feuilles de calcul Excel. Des défis ont été rencontrés en termes de qualité, d'exactitude et de sécurité des feuilles de journalisation manuelles. Ces feuilles de journal Excel sont sujettes à la corruption de fichiers, ce qui entraîne une perte de données et un temps considérable pour rectifier les fichiers corrompus. Les rapports ne sont pas précis en raison de ces dysfonctionnements des feuilles de calcul Excel. L'objectif de la numérisation des feuilles de bord est d'éliminer les défis mentionnés ci-dessus et d'améliorer le reporting et le stockage des données de l'usine. KTC recherche un entrepreneur pour fournir, installer et prendre en charge le système de feuilles de bord numériques. Le support et la licence sont pour une durée de cinq (5) ans.

Consultancy service





KCC Geotechnical Unit is really concerned about the potential slope stability issues due to high variability in the slope design data which is introduced by the presence of highly deformed rock mass and variable structural orientations. These structures tend to control the stability of the pit slopes. As it has been highlighted through the HSEC and GRB findings, Geotechnical Data at KCC is below the desired design levels to meet the requirements for safe operations and for business continuity. The Acoustic Televiewer (ATV) Geophysical data acquisition process is required as part of the data quality control and assurance for KCC operations to meet the industry and Glencore safety and design standards.




L'unité géotechnique de KCC est très préoccupée par les problèmes potentiels de stabilité des pentes dus à la grande variabilité des données de conception des pentes, introduite par la présence d'une masse rocheuse fortement déformée et d'orientations structurelles variables. Ces structures tendent à contrôler la stabilité des pentes des fosses. Comme cela a été souligné dans les conclusions du HSEC et du GRB, les données géotechniques de KCC sont inférieures aux niveaux de conception souhaités pour répondre aux exigences de sécurité des opérations et de continuité des activités. Le processus d'acquisition de données géophysiques Acoustic Televiewer (ATV) est requis dans le cadre du contrôle et de l'assurance de la qualité des données pour les opérations de KCC afin de répondre aux normes de sécurité et de conception de l'industrie et de Glencore.

Consultancy service





Over the past number of years, the B3 crusher ROM bin tip bump stop were damaged due to abrasion and mechanical damage from mobile machinery dumping ore into the bin, clearing blockages with an excavator and/or mobile rock breaker, and mechanical cleaning at the tip area. The structural integrity of the bump stop was impacted, and the height reduced to a point where it has become a safety risk for machines performing load & haul operations to B43 crusher.




Au cours des dernières années, les butées de pointe de benne ROM du concasseur B3 ont été endommagées en raison de l'abrasion et des dommages mécaniques causés par des machines mobiles déversant du minerai dans la benne, nettoyant les blocages avec une excavatrice et/ou un brise-roche mobile et nettoyant mécaniquement à la pointe. zone. L'intégrité structurelle de la butée a été touchée et sa hauteur a été réduite à un point tel qu'elle est devenue un risque pour la sécurité des machines effectuant des opérations de chargement et de transport vers le concasseur B43.

Mining Service




West Collapse Clean up and Kinga Sump Ex

a) Cut5A1 west collapse material has completely filled up the existing KOV Cut5A1 1370L catchment safety berm. This is the only critical control to manage the failure material.  With the coming of the rainy season beginning early October, there is high risk of the failure material to flow and block the access ramp to KOV Cut5A1

b) Tension cracks have been observed at KOV 1430RL on Eastern side at the old T3 yard area situated adjacent to the Kinga pool. The ponding water is caused by illegal miners digging activities and trenching that naturally collect the water. This pond is outside KCCs concession. The ponding water is infiltrating into the open tension cracks, eroding the highly weathered RATL and results in huge amounts of sediment washout and multi-bench sloughing failures in Cut 4 slope. Ground water seepages is observed in Cut 4 East slope and is causing continued slumping mechanism failures.




a) Le matériau d'effondrement ouest du Cut5A1 a complètement rempli la berme de sécurité du bassin versant KOV Cut5A1 1370L existante. Il s’agit du seul contrôle critique permettant de gérer les matériaux défectueux. Avec l'arrivée de la saison des pluies qui débute début octobre, il existe un risque élevé que les matériaux de rupture s'écoulent et bloquent la rampe d'accès au KOV Cut5A1.

b) Des fissures de tension ont été observées au KOV 1430RL du côté Est de l'ancienne zone de triage T3 située à côté de la piscine Kinga. L'accumulation d'eau est causée par les activités de creusement et de tranchées des mineurs illégaux qui collectent naturellement l'eau. Cet étang se trouve en dehors de la concession de KCC. L'eau stagnante s'infiltre dans les fissures de tension ouvertes, érodant le RATL très altéré et entraînant d'énormes quantités de sédiments lessivés et des ruptures de desquamation à plusieurs bancs dans la pente de la coupe 4. Des infiltrations d'eau souterraine sont observées dans le versant est de la coupe 4 et provoquent des défaillances continues du mécanisme d'affaissement.

Mining Service





This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:

• Repair or break the concrete done by the previous contractor where required.
• Clean the pond and dispose at KCC designated area.
• Demolish where required some existing buried reinforced concrete foundations, bund wall and drains.
• Excavations and disposal of acid contaminated gravel material as instructed by KCC Engineer on site.
• Bulk earthworks including excavation, disposal, importing, backfilling and compaction of gravel material.
• Build a new concrete wall.
• The contractor may be required to demolish some existing buried reinforced concrete foundations, bundwall and drains.
• Excavations and disposal of acid contaminated gravel material as instructed by KCC Engineer on site.




Cette étendue des services en vertu de ce contrat comprend, sans s'y limiter, les éléments suivants :

• Réparer ou briser le béton effectué par l'entrepreneur précédent lorsque requis.
• Nettoyez l'étang et jetez-le dans la zone désignée par KCC.
• Démolir, le cas échéant, certaines fondations en béton armé enterrées, les murs de diguement et les drains existants.
• Excavations et élimination des graviers contaminés par l'acide selon les instructions de l'ingénieur de KCC sur place.
• Travaux de terrassement en vrac comprenant l'excavation, l'élimination, l'importation, le remblayage et le compactage du gravier.
• Construisez un nouveau mur de béton.
• L'entrepreneur pourrait devoir démolir certaines fondations, murs de séparation et drains en béton armé existants.
• Excavations et élimination des graviers contaminés par l'acide selon les instructions de l'ingénieur de KCC sur place.

Mining Service





The Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) is a world class, responsible mining business in the Democratic Republic of Congo. KCC is in Kolwezi, in the province of Lualaba.Through the scale and nature of the business, KCC makes a significant and positive contribution to our local communities, the province, country, and broader society. Positive impacts range from production of raw materials that drive social progress, to the payment of taxes and royalties to the DRC government, provision of employment and business opportunities. KCC is an equal opportunity employer and actively promotes diversity in its workplace.
KCC’s Concentrator department (KTC) owns and operates the ball mills and seeks the services of the OEM of ball mill relays Power Plant Electrical Technologies (Pty) Ltd for onsite support on the investigation and fixing of repetitive trip on BM6&7 relays on a 12-month Service Contract.The vendor will focus on the supply of site and remote technical support to Kamoto Copper Company on fault finding for relays REM615, REF615 and the Prolinx module for a period of 12 months.




La Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) est une entreprise minière responsable de classe mondiale en République démocratique du Congo. KCC se trouve à Kolwezi, dans la province du Lualaba.
Grâce à l'ampleur et à la nature de son activité, KCC apporte une contribution significative et positive à nos communautés locales, à la province, au pays et à la société dans son ensemble. Les impacts positifs vont de la production de matières premières qui favorisent le progrès social, au paiement d'impôts et de redevances au gouvernement de la RDC, en passant par la création d'emplois et d'opportunités commerciales.
KCC est un employeur garantissant l'égalité des chances et promeut activement la diversité sur son lieu de travail.
Le département Concentrateur de KCC (KTC) possède et exploite les broyeurs à boulets et sollicite les services de l'OEM des relais de broyeur à boulets Power Plant Electrical Technologies (Pty) Ltd pour une assistance sur site dans le cadre de l'enquête et de la correction des déclenchements répétitifs sur les relais BM6 et 7 sur une période de 12 mois. Contrat de service.
Le fournisseur se concentrera sur la fourniture d'une assistance technique sur site et à distance à Kamoto Copper Company pour la recherche de pannes pour les relais REM615, REF615 et le module Prolinx pour une période de 12 mois.

Mining Maintenance





The Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) is a world class, responsible mining business in the Democratic Republic of Congo. KCC is in Kolwezi, in the province of Lualaba.
Through the scale and nature of the business, KCC makes a significant and positive contribution to our local communities, the province, country, and broader society. Positive impacts range from production of raw materials that drive social progress, to the payment of taxes and royalties to the DRC government, provision of employment and business opportunities.KCC is an equal opportunity employer and actively promotes diversity in its workplace.KCC’s Concentrator department (KTC) seeks the services of Russel Mineral Equipment (RME) to carry out the servicing of the Mill Relining Machine (MRM) at KTC. The OEM will be required to manufacture, supply, install and commission all components  recommended for replacement as per the 10 Year Service Schedule.




La Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) est une entreprise minière responsable de classe mondiale en République démocratique du Congo. KCC se trouve à Kolwezi, dans la province du Lualaba.
Grâce à l'ampleur et à la nature de son activité, KCC apporte une contribution significative et positive à nos communautés locales, à la province, au pays et à la société dans son ensemble. Les impacts positifs vont de la production de matières premières qui favorisent le progrès social, au paiement d'impôts et de redevances au gouvernement de la RDC, en passant par la création d'emplois et d'opportunités commerciales.
KCC est un employeur garantissant l'égalité des chances et promeut activement la diversité sur son lieu de travail.
Le département Concentrateur de KCC (KTC) sollicite les services de Russel Mineral Equipment (RME) pour effectuer l'entretien de la machine de regarnissage du broyeur (MRM) à KTC. Le FEO devra fabriquer, fournir, installer et mettre en service tous les composants recommandés pour le remplacement conformément au calendrier de service de 10 ans.

Consultancy service




Labor Concrete Slab Expansion Lime Plant

Lime plant experience lop of mud during rainy season. This is a safety concern due the offloading of trucks using forklifts.




L'usine de chaux fait l'expérience de la boue pendant la saison des pluies. Il s'agit d'un problème de sécurité en raison du déchargement des camions à l'aide de chariots élévateurs.

Mining Maintenance




Survey IMDEX import and Validation Scrip

The Contractor will develop and remotely implement an automated process that will allow for the survey data received from IMDEX-Hub to be securely imported and validated into the geological data management system.




L'entrepreneur développera et mettra en œuvre à distance un processus automatisé qui permettra d'importer et de valider en toute sécurité les données d'enquête reçues d'IMDEX-Hub dans le système de gestion des données géologiques.

Consultancy service




Calibration for room thermometers

The calibration to be done in full compliance with calibration standards. The certificate of calibration to accompany the instruments.




L'étalonnage doit être effectué en totale conformité avec les normes d'étalonnage.Le certificat d’étalonnage pour accompagner les instruments.





To perform the Weeding and Housekeeping

The Labor Provider shall provide twenty (25) General Labors to perform the weeding along Pipes, Conveyors belt and Process water Ponds and perform housekeeping inside andoutside the plant.




Le fournisseur de main-d'œuvre fournira vingt (25) travaux généraux pour effectuer le désherbage le long desTuyaux, bandes transporteuses et bassins d'eau de traitement et effectuer l'entretien ménager à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur. de l'usine





Senior surveyor

The scope of work for this service is to recruit a senior surveyor to support the survey department in executing open pit and underground surveying.The current performance of the survey team requires some improvement and with the acquisition of new equipments (scanners and drones), the current skill of the survey team is not up to the upgraded technology.The current roster of most senior staffs in the survey team put the team under pressure due to amount of tasks to perform and limited knowledge of the surveyor supervisor and assistants that should have provided the required support.




La portée du travail pour ce service est de recruter un géomètre principal pour soutenir l'enquête.département dans l'exécution d'arpentages à ciel ouvert et souterrainsLa performance actuelle de l'équipe d'enquête nécessite certaines améliorations et avec l'acquisition de nouveaux équipements (scanners et drones), compétence actuelle de l'équipe d'enquête n'est pas à la hauteur de la technologie améliorée. La liste actuelle des cadres supérieurs de l’équipe d’enquête met l’équipe sous pression. en raison de la quantité de tâches à accomplir et des connaissances limitées du superviseur géomètre et assistants qui auraient dû fournir le soutien requis.

Mining Service





This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:
• Construction of Gabion wall
• Backfilling and compaction of compromised section of the Dewatering Station P2A for stability and soil treatment.
• Rock filling of compromised section corroded away due to erosion after soil treatment.
• Pouring of mass concrete 30MPa as filler of rocky materials as part of erosion repair solution.
• Excavation of stormwater drainage.
• Supply and place gabion mattress on drainage excavation as subbase.




Cette étendue des services en vertu de ce contrat comprend, sans s'y limiter, les éléments suivants :
• Construction d'un mur de gabions
• Remblayage et compactage de la section compromise de la station de déshydratation P2A pour la stabilité et le traitement des sols.
• L'enrochement de la section compromise a été corrodé en raison de l'érosion après le traitement du sol.
• Coulage de béton de masse 30MPa comme filler de matériaux rocheux dans le cadre d'une solution de réparation de l'érosion.
• Excavation du drainage des eaux pluviales.
• Fournir et placer un matelas de gabion sur l'excavation de drainage comme sous-couche.

Mining service





Internal inspection conducted on the 18/08/2023 by Luilu structural team compliance as per attached report shows that various and a lot of manual valves installed since plant don’t have appropriate access while they require an high frequency to open and close them per day shift ,this expose peoples to access and currently peoples are using temporary scaffold which exposing peoples at W @ H and causing a long time during operation processes as they have to wait for erection also scaffold to be inspected by competent person ,this exercise on multiple frequency as above detailed generating a lot of peoples fatigues or even during maintenance on that valves. It becomes urgent to install appropriate access to allow peoples to work safely, minimize fatigue and downtime to comply with requirements and Glencore’s sustainability approach.




L'inspection interne menée le 18/08/2023 par l'équipe structurelle de Luilu conformément au rapport ci-joint montre que diverses et nombreuses vannes manuelles installées depuis l'usine n'ont pas d'accès approprié alors qu'elles nécessitent une fréquence élevée pour les ouvrir et les fermer par jour. changement, cela expose les gens à l'accès et actuellement les gens utilisent un échafaudage temporaire qui expose les gens à W @ H et provoque un long temps pendant les processus de fonctionnement car ils doivent attendre le montage et l'échafaudage doit également être inspecté par une personne compétente, cet exercice sur plusieurs fréquences comme détaillé ci-dessus générant de la fatigue chez beaucoup de gens ou même lors de la maintenance de ces vannes. Il devient urgent d’installer des accès appropriés pour permettre aux personnes de travailler en toute sécurité, de minimiser la fatigue et les temps d’arrêt afin de se conformer aux exigences et à l’approche de développement durable de Glencore.

Mining Maintenance




Luilu Camp Upgrade Phase 1 - Civil Work

Construct high standard rafter slabs which will facilitate the construction of the senior accommodation camp for the Luilu Camp Upgrade project.




Construire des dalles de chevrons de haute qualité qui faciliteront la construction du camp d'hébergement des personnes et la modernisation du camp Luilu.

Mining service




KTC CM5 Chilling System

The Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) is a world class, responsible mining business in the Democratic Republic of Congo. KCC is located in Kolwezi, in the province of Lualaba.
Through the scale and nature of the business, KCC makes a significant and positive contribution to our local communities, the province, country, and broader society. Positive impacts range from production of raw materials that drive social progress, to the payment of taxes and royalties to the DRC government, provision of employment and business opportunities.KCC is an equal opportunity employer and actively promotes diversity in its workplace. KCC’s Concentrator department (KTC) owns and operates the Trane Chillers on CM5 Cascade Mill and in the quest to improve the efficiency our HVAC equipment and their overall life span, KCC KTC is seeking the services of the OEM to carry out the Monthly, Quarterly & Annual Inspections and maintenance of the Trane Chillers for a three (3) year contract. The specifications of the equipment in question are listed below:
1.(Trane Model No.: RTAC400; Serial No.: EKW3180)-Chilled Water Pumps and Plate heat Exchanger
2.Chiller Skid 1(Chilled Water Pumps and Plate Heat Exchanger)
3.Chiller Skid 2(Chilled Water Pumps and Plate Heat Exchanger)
The vendor will focus on the major inspections of the Trane Chillers to cover monthly, quarterly, and annual inspections and attend to major breakdowns once called upon by the client.
La Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) est une entreprise minière responsable de classe mondiale en République démocratique du Congo.




KCC est situé à Kolwezi, dans la province du Lualaba.
Grâce à l'ampleur et à la nature de son activité, KCC apporte une contribution significative et positive à nos communautés locales, à la province, au pays et à la société dans son ensemble. Les impacts positifs vont de la production de matières premières qui favorisent le progrès social, au paiement d'impôts et de redevances au gouvernement de la RDC, en passant par la création d'emplois et d'opportunités commerciales.
KCC est un employeur garantissant l'égalité des chances et promeut activement la diversité sur son lieu de travail.
Le département Concentrateur de KCC (KTC) possède et exploite les refroidisseurs Trane sur le broyeur à cascade CM5 et dans le but d'améliorer l'efficacité de nos équipements CVC et leur durée de vie globale, KCC KTC recherche les services de l'OEM pour effectuer les analyses mensuelles, trimestrielles et Inspections annuelles et maintenance des refroidisseurs Trane pour un contrat de trois (3) ans. Les spécifications des équipements en question sont listées ci-dessous :
1. (N° de modèle Trane : RTAC400 ; N° de série : EKW3180) - Pompes à eau réfrigérée et échangeur de chaleur à plaques
2. Chiller Skid 1 (pompes à eau réfrigérée et échangeur de chaleur à plaques)
3.Chiller Skid 2 (pompes à eau réfrigérée et échangeur de chaleur à plaques)
Le fournisseur se concentrera sur les inspections majeures des refroidisseurs Trane pour couvrir les inspections mensuelles, trimestrielles et annuelles et s'occupera des pannes majeures à la demande du client.

Consultancy service





To get to the maximum use of power that will be generated by the steam turbine generator from the acid plant, it is required that both old and new Luilu main substations respectively connected under 15kV and 33kV be interconnected thru an interconnecting transformer. This project aims the full installation and commissioning of the said transformer.




Pour utiliser au maximum l'énergie qui sera générée par le générateur à turbine à vapeur de l'usine d'acide, Il est nécessaire que les anciennes et les nouvelles sous-stations principales de Luilu, respectivement connectées sous 15 kV et 33 kV, soientinterconnectés via un transformateur d’interconnexion. Ce projet vise l'installation complète et la mise en service duledit transformateur.

Electrical service





The construction of new sewage chamber at KTO toilet will resolve issue of daily overflow with existing septic tank which the capacity is insufficient to contain 24 seats toilet connected to this one; will improve also the conditions of the toilet area which are in unsanitary conditions because of foul odors around all area. This scope of works details the steps the contractor must undertake to do construction of new sewage chamber.




La construction d'une nouvelle chambre d'épuration des toilettes KTO résoudra le problème de débordement quotidien avec la fosse septique existante dont la capacité est insuffisante pour contenir des toilettes de 24 places connectées à celle-ci ; améliorera également les conditions des toilettes qui sont dans des conditions insalubres en raison des odeurs nauséabondes dans toute la zone.
Cette portée des travaux détaille les étapes que l'entrepreneur doit entreprendre pour construire la nouvelle chambre d'épuration.

civil works




Transcom (USD)


Consultancy service




Transcom (USD)


Consultancy service




ICAM traning for HST Staff & Leaders

ICAM traning for HST Staff & Leaders.




Formation ICAM pour le personnel et les dirigeants HSE

Training Service




NOSA/SAMTRAC Training for HST Staff

NOSA/SAMTRAC Training for HST Staff.




Formation NOSA/SAMTRAC pour le personnel HST

Training Service




DB and feeders scada monitoring

1. Monitoring of 550Vac of 186 Feeders ON/OFF status on scada,
2. Monitoring of 550Vac of 39 DBs ON/OFF status on scada,
3. Built separate profibus or profinet network for DBs in 4 substations (Mills-Flottation),
4. Install and connect all BDs to stand-alone PLC 1500 in 4 substations (Mills-Flottation),
5. Send On/Off status of DBs and feeders to the scada through PLC1500,
6. Provide, Install and connect 10 units 110VAC 5000VA each UPS to supply each DB control circuit in each substation.




1.Surveillance de l'état ON/OFF des 550Vac des 186 départs sur scada,
2. Surveillance de l'état ON/OFF de 550Vac de 39 DBs sur scada,
3. Construction d'un réseau Profibus ou Profinet séparé pour les bases de données dans 4 sous-stations (Mills-Flottation),
4. Installez et connectez tous les BD au PLC 1500 autonome dans 4 sous-stations (Mills-Flottation),
5. Envoyer l'état marche/arrêt des bases de données et des mangeoires au scada via PLC1500,
6. Fournir, installer et connecter 10 unités 110VAC 5000VA chaque UPS pour alimenter
chaque circuit de contrôle DB dans chaque sous-station.

Consultancy service




Maintenance of occupational health equipment

Maintenance of occupational health equipment.




Assurer la maintenance et l’étalonnage annuel des équipements de la médecine du travail :

-   4 visio-testeurs Titmus, fabriqués par Titmus LCC ;
-   7 audiomètres Tremetrics, fabriqués par Maico Diagnostics GmbH ;
-   3 spiromètre EasyOne-PC fabriqué par NDD Medizintechnik AG ;
-   6 cabines d’audiométrie AX1 fabriquées par Propanels et Amtronix ;
-   1 logiciel AMS élaboré par Amtronix ;
-   3 seringues d’étalonnage de 3 litres fabriquée par Amtronix.

Les services doivent être accomplis conformément aux spécifications et standards des fabricants

Maintenance Service




KTC Auto-sampler Design

KTC Auto-sampler Design. Conception de l'échantillonneur automatique KTC

Consultancy service




Thermal drone survey & RGB pictures / Video of 120kV powerlines

The service is to have a Drone survey for power lines inspections: 120KV Lines from Snel to KCC and 15KV Lines supplying KCC plants.




Le service consiste à réaliser une étude par drone pour l'inspection des lignes électriques : lignes 120KV de Snel à KCC et lignes 15KV alimentant les centrales KCC.

Mining service




Quarterly stocktake of Cu and CoH stock

KCC is storing a significant quantity of copper and cobalt on site which need to be included under the Group’s cargo insurance policy (Mastery in stock take)Compliance with the business requirement to perform a full cycle count and a full inventory at least four times a year by a third party.This operation is necessary to meet the requirements of financial management and audits (internal audit, external audit, OHADA, Glencore).




KCC stocke sur place une quantité importante de cuivre et de cobalt qui doit être incluse dans la politique d’assurance cargo du Groupe (Maîtrise en inventaire)Respect de l'exigence commerciale d'effectuer un inventaire complet et un inventaire complet au moins quatre fois par an par un tiers.Cette opération est nécessaire pour répondre aux exigences de gestion financière et d’audit (audit interne, audit externe, OHADA, Glencore).

Mining service





The Renovation of Kamoto Building Toilet will resolve issue of actual toilet’s conditions which are poor and unsanitary. This proposal scope will improve Plumbing installation to provide sufficient flow, will short out matters of insufficient lighting in sanitary facilities, will provide proper ventilation by new extractor fans to be installed, will Refreshment walls by paints and tilling floor and wall for a good sanitary condition.




La rénovation des toilettes du bâtiment Kamoto résoudra le problème des conditions réelles des toilettes qui sont mauvaises et insalubres.La portée de cette proposition améliorera l'installation de plomberie pour fournir un débit suffisant, résoudra les problèmes d'éclairage insuffisant dans les installations sanitaires, assurera une ventilation adéquate grâce à de nouveaux ventilateurs d'extraction à installer, rafraîchira les murs par des peintures et labourera le sol et les murs pour un bon état sanitaire.

Mining service




T17 Pre Feasibility Study: VWP Drilling

This scope of work is to drill and install twelve (12) VWP installations up to a maximum depth of 320m around the T17 pit perimeter and to install automated datalogging systems on those drilled as part of the Concept Level Study.Three of the VWPs will be lugeon packer tested with up to 10 tests conducted during the drilling process. Following the successful drilling of these three holes, they will be equipped with up to 10 VWP sensors at varying depths attached to a 1-inch uPVC casing. The remaining nine VWPs within the program will not undergo lugeon packer testing during drilling and will be equipped with only 5 VWP sensors. All holes should be drilled using a diamond core method and a standard PQ diameter size.




Cette portée des travaux consiste à forer et à installer douze (12) installations VWP jusqu'à une profondeur maximale de 320 m autour du périmètre de la fosse T17 et à installer des systèmes d'enregistrement de données automatisés sur celles forées dans le cadre de l'étude de niveau conceptuel.Trois des VWP seront testés au lugeon packer avec jusqu'à 10 tests effectués pendant le processus de forage. Après le forage réussi de ces trois trous, ils seront équipés de jusqu'à 10 capteurs VWP à différentes profondeurs fixés à un boîtier en PVC de 1 pouce. Les neuf VWP restants du programme ne subiront pas de tests de lugeon packer pendant le forage et seront équipés de seulement 5 capteurs VWP. Tous les trous doivent être percés à l'aide d'une méthode de carottage au diamant et d'un diamètre PQ standard.

Mining service





This scope of work is for Off-shore and on-shore maintenance support of IDS GeoRadar systems. Cette portée de travail concerne le support de maintenance en mer et à terre des systèmes IDS GeoRadar.

Maintenance Service





Internal inspection conducted on the 18/08/2023 by Luilu structural compliance team as per attached report  shows that  various and a lot of manual valves installed since plant construction all over the plant don’t have appropriate access while they require an high frequency to open and close them per day shift; this expose peoples to access and currently peoples are using temporary scaffold which exposing peoples at W@H and causing a long down time during operation processes as they have to wait for erection also  scaffold to be inspected by competent person and generating a lot of people's fatigue   or even while doing maintenance on it.It became urgent to install appropriate access to allow peoples to work safely, minimize fatigue and downtime   to comply with requirements and Glencore’s sustainability approach.




L'inspection interne menée le 18/08/2023 par l'équipe de conformité structurelle de Luilu selon le rapport ci-joint montre que diverses et nombreuses vannes manuelles installées depuis la construction de l'usine dans toute l'usine n'ont pas d'accès approprié alors qu'elles nécessitent une fréquence d'ouverture élevée. et les fermer par équipe de jour ; cela expose les gens à l'accès et actuellement les gens utilisent des échafaudages temporaires qui exposent les gens chez W@H et provoquent un long temps d'arrêt pendant les processus d'exploitation car ils doivent attendre le montage et l'échafaudage doit également être inspecté par une personne compétente et génère beaucoup de fatigue des gens. ou même en effectuant une maintenance dessus.Il est devenu urgent d’installer des accès appropriés pour permettre aux personnes de travailler en toute sécurité, de minimiser la fatigue et les temps d’arrêt afin de se conformer aux exigences et à l’approche de développement durable de Glencore.

Mining service





New lime tank and pumps system installation, this tank as additional in flow sheet will help to increase the lime capacity supply required to cover Cobalt and Neutralization and will significantly reduce the lime pollution and avoid environmental issue related to as we are facing currently to comply with requirements and Glencore’s sustainability approach.




Installation d'un nouveau réservoir de chaux et d'un système de pompes, ce réservoir en plus dans le schéma de flux contribuera à augmenter la capacité d'approvisionnement en chaux requise pour couvrir le cobalt et la neutralisation et réduira considérablement la pollution par la chaux et évitera les problèmes environnementaux liés à ceux auxquels nous sommes actuellement confrontés. exigences et l'approche de Glencore en matière de développement durable.

Mining service




KTC - Main Entrance Road Repairs

This scope of works describes the civil works required for heavy vehicle road to KTC and stormwater drainage as part of the KTC entrance road . The KTC entrance road  is shown in the blue line  in figure 1 above. The road widths are 6m wide for minor roads and 10m width for main access roads. Typical road cross-section is cambered with drains on both side as shown in figure 2. Total length of roads approximately 0.8 kilometers.




Cette étendue des travaux décrit les travaux de génie civil requis pour la route des poids lourds menant au KTC et le drainage des eaux pluviales dans le cadre de la route d'entrée du KTC. La route d’entrée du KTC est représentée par la ligne bleue dans la figure 1 ci-dessus. La largeur des routes est de 6 m pour les routes secondaires et de 10 m pour les routes d'accès principales. La section transversale typique de la route est cambrée avec des drains des deux côtés, comme le montre la figure 2. La longueur totale des routes est d'environ 0,8 kilomètre.

Mining Maintenance




Inventory Demand Cataloger Contract Cost

The contractor will provide qualified personnel who will work under the supervision of the Inventory Demand Team and will be responsible for submitting creation requests in SAP according to KCC procedures and ensuring that the process is monitored until the creation of stock codes. The battery limits for the project are all cataloguing change request.




L'entrepreneur fournira du personnel qualifié qui travaillera sous la supervision de l'équipe de demande d'inventaire et sera responsable de soumettre les demandes de création dans SAP conformément aux procédures KCC et de veiller à ce que le processus soit surveillé jusqu'à la création des codes de stock. Les limites de batterie pour le projet sont toutes des demandes de changement de catalogage.

Consultancy service





Cathodes refurbishment will improve current efficiency at Cu EW.This scope of works details the steps the contractor must undertake to refurbish cathodes.




La remise à neuf des cathodes améliorera l'efficacité actuelle à Cu EW.Cette étendue des travaux détaille les étapes que l'entrepreneur doit entreprendre pour remettre à neuf les cathodes.

Mining service





§ The Contractor is at liberty to insert a rate of his own choosing for each item in the bill of quantities.
§ Unless otherwise stated, items are measured net in accordance with the drawings, and no allowance has been made for waste in the quantities, any allowance for waste must be included in the rates.
§ The prices and rates to be inserted in the bill of quantities are to be the full inclusive prices to the Employer for the work described under the several items. Such prices shall cover all costs and expenses that may be required for the work described, and shall cover the cost of all general risks, liabilities, and obligations set forth or implied in the documents on which the contract is based.
§ A price or rate is to be entered against each item in the bill of quantities, whether the quantities are stated or not. An item against which no price is entered will be covered by the other prices or rates in the bill of quantities.
§ Rates inserted in the bill of quantities shall allow for all abnormal working hours as may be necessary to execute the works.
§ All rates are to be calculated to two decimals unless otherwise stated in the bill of quantities.
§ During the execution of the contract care is to be taken not to damage any existing structure, pipelines, services or equipment. Any damage to such is to be restored to the original conditions at the expense of the Contractor.




L'Entrepreneur est libre d'insérer un tarif de son choix pour chaque article du devis quantitatif.
§ Sauf indication contraire, les articles sont mesurés nets conformément aux dessins, et aucune allocation n'a été faite pour les déchets dans les quantités, toute allocation pour les déchets doit être incluse dans les tarifs.
§ Les prix et tarifs à insérer dans le devis quantitatif doivent être les prix tout compris à l'Employeur pour les travaux décrits sous les différents articles. Ces prix couvriront tous les coûts et dépenses qui peuvent être nécessaires pour les travaux décrits, ainsi que le coût de tous les risques généraux, responsabilités et obligations énoncés ou implicites dans les documents sur lesquels le contrat est basé.
§ Un prix ou un taux doit être inscrit pour chaque article du devis quantitatif, que les quantités soient indiquées ou non. Un article pour lequel aucun prix n'est inscrit sera couvert par les autres prix ou tarifs du devis quantitatif.
§ Les tarifs insérés dans le devis quantitatif tiendront compte de toutes les heures anormales de travail qui pourraient être nécessaires à l'exécution des travaux.
§ Tous les tarifs doivent être calculés avec deux décimales, sauf indication contraire dans le devis quantitatif.
§ Pendant l'exécution du contrat, il convient de veiller à ne pas endommager les structures, canalisations, services ou équipements existants. Tout dommage doit être remis dans son état d'origine aux frais de l'entrepreneur.

Mining service




Service & Maintenance BG4 Sets

BG4 breathing apparatus is life sustaining piece of equipment used by the MRT to respond to underground emergencies. These BG4 breathing apparatus must be inspected and serviced by a manufacturer approved servings agent annually to comply with underground mining legislation. The MRT team has 38 BG4 breathing apparatus that must be inspected and serviced.
The MRT teams also need to be trained in the safe use and operation of the BG4 apparatus  to be able them to respond to fires and incidents underground. All training is based on the O.E.M’s accepted practices for the BG4 and generally accepted associated rescue work. It is not just sufficient to train the MRT teams in the basic use of the BG4 breathing apparatus but to give them skills and procedures to be able to work safely during fires and incidents.




L'appareil respiratoire BG4 est un équipement de survie utilisé par le MRT pour répondre aux urgences souterraines. Ces appareils respiratoires BG4 doivent être inspectés et entretenus chaque année par un agent de service approuvé par le fabricant afin de se conformer à la législation sur les mines souterraines. L'équipe MRT dispose de 38 appareils respiratoires BG4 qui doivent être inspectés et entretenus.
Les équipes MRT doivent également être formées à l'utilisation et au fonctionnement en toute sécurité de l'appareil BG4 pour pouvoir répondre aux incendies et incidents souterrains. Toute la formation est basée sur les pratiques acceptées par l’O.E.M pour le BG4 et sur les travaux de sauvetage associés généralement acceptés. Il ne suffit pas seulement de former les équipes MRT à l'utilisation de base de l'appareil respiratoire BG4 mais de leur donner les compétences et les procédures pour pouvoir travailler en toute sécurité lors d'incendies et d'incidents.

Mining Maintenance





Luilu Plant receives its primary freshwater supply from KOV boreholes via P6 and P7 pump stations. P6 and P7 are boosting pump stations that feed Koppi Dam which in turn supplies freshwater to Luilu Plant by gravity.As part of KOV dewatering network improvements, P7 pump station discharge manifold has been identified as one the items requiring urgent attention to improve the station reliability and subsequently sustain production. The current discharge manifold is highly deteriorated causing significant downtime of the pumping station. The current scope of works consists of fabricating a dimensionally identical discharge manifold to replace the existing. The manifold is fabricated out a DN1000 CS pipe schedule XS and 6-off DN300 nozzles as well as 6-off DN300 spools.The dismantling and installation of the new manifold will be conducted during shutdown, therefore will require 24h shift rotation to ensure works are completed within the allocated shutdown time.




L'usine de Luilu reçoit son principal approvisionnement en eau douce des forages KOV via les stations de pompage P6 et P7. P6 et P7 renforcent les stations de pompage qui alimentent le barrage de Koppi, qui à son tour fournit de l'eau douce à l'usine de Luilu par gravité.
Dans le cadre des améliorations du réseau de déshydratation KOV, le collecteur de refoulement de la station de pompage P7 a été identifié comme l'un des éléments nécessitant une attention urgente pour améliorer la fiabilité de la station et par la suite soutenir la production. Le collecteur de refoulement actuel est fortement détérioré provoquant un arrêt important de la station de pompage.L’étendue actuelle des travaux consiste à fabriquer un collecteur de refoulement dimensionnellement identique pour remplacer l’existant. Le collecteur est fabriqué à partir d'un tuyau DN1000 CS de type XS et de buses DN300 à 6 sorties ainsi que de bobines DN300 à 6 sorties.Le démontage et l'installation du nouveau collecteur seront effectués pendant l'arrêt et nécessiteront donc une rotation des équipes de 24 heures pour garantir que les travaux soient terminés dans le temps d'arrêt alloué.

Mining Maintenance





Provide onsite employee councelling services (a face-to-face counselling service under the EAP locally in the DRC) to support employees’ emotional and psychological wellbeing with expert counselling by professionals trained in violence and harassment counselling, as well as assisting employees in resolving personal problems that may be adversely affecting their work performance.




Fournir des services de conseil aux employés sur place (un service de conseil en face-à-face dans le cadre du PAE localement en RDC) pour soutenir le bien-être émotionnel et psychologique des employés avec des conseils d'experts par des professionnels formés au conseil en matière de violence et de harcèlement, ainsi qu'en aidant les employés à résoudre des problèmes personnels. problèmes pouvant nuire à leur performance au travail.

Consultancy service





KCC Geotechnical Unit is really concerned about the potential slope stability issues due to high variability in the slope design data which is introduced by the presence of highly deformed rock mass and variable structural orientations. These structures tend to control the stability of the pit slopes. As it has been highlighted through the HSEC and GRB findings, Geotechnical Data at KCC is below the desired design levels to meet the requirements for safe operations and for business continuity. The Acoustic Televiewer (ATV) Geophysical data acquisition process is required as part of the data quality control and assurance for KCC operations to meet the industry and Glencore safety and design standards. The variation in the structural setup at KCC is very complex due to a number of deformation events that has taken place in the area. This makes the geotechnical model and slope designs very difficult from a stability point of view. Better understanding of these complexities requires specialist data acquisition tools like that of the ATV. The request for Acoustic Televiewer work to be undertaken for KCC requires a contractor that has a high level of requisite expertise, skills, capabilities, and resources which are extensive in the region and in the DRC, which shall include having experience at KCC.The work will be covering both Exploration and Geotechnical Drilling works for T17 Project, Mashamba East Pit and KOV Pit.




L'unité géotechnique de KCC est très préoccupée par les problèmes potentiels de stabilité des pentes dus à la grande variabilité des données de conception des pentes, introduite par la présence d'une masse rocheuse fortement déformée et d'orientations structurelles variables. Ces structures tendent à contrôler la stabilité des pentes des fosses. Comme cela a été souligné dans les conclusions du HSEC et du GRB, les données géotechniques de KCC sont inférieures aux niveaux de conception souhaités pour répondre aux exigences de sécurité des opérations et de continuité des activités. Le processus d'acquisition de données géophysiques Acoustic Televiewer (ATV) est requis dans le cadre du contrôle et de l'assurance de la qualité des données pour les opérations de KCC afin de répondre aux normes de sécurité et de conception de l'industrie et de Glencore.La variation de la configuration structurelle de KCC est très complexe en raison d'un certain nombre d'événements de déformation survenus dans la région. Cela rend le modèle géotechnique et la conception des pentes très difficiles du point de vue de la stabilité. Une meilleure compréhension de ces complexités nécessite des outils spécialisés d’acquisition de données comme celui de l’ATV. La demande de travaux de téléspectateur acoustique à entreprendre pour KCC nécessite un entrepreneur possédant un haut niveau d'expertise, de compétences, de capacités et de ressources requises qui sont étendues dans la région et en RDC, ce qui doit inclure une expérience chez KCC.
Les travaux couvriront à la fois les travaux d'exploration et de forage géotechnique pour le projet T17, la fosse Mashamba Est et la fosse KOV.

Mining service




Maintenance of occupational health equipment

Maintenance of occupational health equipment.




Entretien des equipements de l'hopital.

Maintenance Service




KTO Ground Support Review

KTO uses ground support elements to support the development ends and the stoping areas in the room and pillar.  The current support standards were last updated in March 2019 and the mine has developed into new mining areas. The Geotechnical Review Board (GRB) in October 2022 recommended a review of the current standards and perform empirical calculations and numerical simulations on the support performance as there is a risk associated with poor performing support that could lead to fall of ground accidents which may in turn lead to equipment damage and fatalities. It has been recommend that this support design review be executed and supported by an independent and competent external review.




KTO utilise des éléments de soutènement au sol pour soutenir les extrémités de développement et les zones d'arrêt dans la salle et le pilier. Les normes de soutien actuelles ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois en mars 2019 et la mine s'est développée en de nouvelles zones minières. Le Comité d'examen géotechnique (GRB) a recommandé en octobre 2022 de revoir les normes actuelles et d'effectuer des calculs empiriques et des simulations numériques sur les performances du soutènement, car il existe un risque associé à un soutènement peu performant qui pourrait entraîner des accidents de chute au sol qui pourraient à leur tour entraîner des dommages matériels et des décès. Il a été recommandé que cet examen de la conception du support soit exécuté et appuyé par un examen externe indépendant et compétent.

Consultancy service




KITD Electrical work

A survey was conducted 3-Apr on KITD material to establish the volume of the material available for processing.  The volume of the material is 4,065,375 m3 which equates to 6,220,024 dry tons of material at a bulk density of 1.8 t/m3 and 15% moisture.




Une enquête a été menée le 3 avril sur le matériel KITD afin d'établir le volume de matériel disponible pour le traitement. Le volume du matériau est de 4 065 375 m3, ce qui équivaut à 6 220 024 tonnes sèches de matériau à une densité apparente de 1,8 t/m3 et 15 % d'humidité.

Mining service




Loading of IX Column Materials

To provide the Load out / transport crews with a full time 100 tonne crane as well as a 50-tonne support crane, multiple forklifts, trucks completed with the rigging crew, the labour and all the rigging gear for the loading of the resin column sections onto the designated transporters abnormal load road transport trailers. The columns are currently stored at ND Engineering’s storage yard Hammarsdale Durban.




Fournir aux équipes de chargement/transport une grue à temps plein de 100 tonnes ainsi qu'une grue de support de 50 tonnes, plusieurs chariots élévateurs, des camions complétés avec l'équipe de gréage, la main d'œuvre et tout le matériel de gréage pour le chargement des sections de colonnes de résine. sur les transporteurs désignés pour les remorques de transport routier de charges anormales. Les colonnes sont actuellement stockées dans le parc de stockage de ND Engineering, Hammarsdale Durban.

Mining service




Drilling Supervision for Environmental

The scope is outlined as follows:
· Provide review of selected drilling sites for the environmental monitoring boreholes.
· Supervise the drilling and construction of environmental monitoring boreholes with the
Kamoto Copper Company area.
· Supervise hydraulic testing and water quality testing of dewatering boreholes provide
regular reports to the mine technical team.
· Compile a comprehensive report of all activities undertaken as part of the drilling.




· Construction and testing of the environmental drilling boreholes.La portée est décrite comme suit :
· Fournir un examen des sites de forage sélectionnés pour les forages de surveillance environnementale.
· Superviser le forage et la construction de forages de surveillance environnementale avec le
Zone de la société Kamoto Copper.
· Superviser les tests hydrauliques et les tests de qualité de l'eau des forages d'assèchement pour fournir
rapports réguliers à l'équipe technique de la mine.
· Compiler un rapport complet de toutes les activités entreprises dans le cadre du forage.

· Construction et test des forages environnementaux.

Mining service




Quarterly stocktake of Cu and CoH stock

KCC is storing a significant quantity of copper and cobalt on site which need to be included under the Group’s cargo insurance policy (Mastery in stock take).Compliance with the business requirement to perform a full cycle count and a full inventory at least four times a year by a third party.This operation is necessary to meet the requirements of financial management and audits (internal audit, external audit, OHADA, Glencore).




KCC stocke sur site une quantité importante de cuivre et de cobalt qui doit être incluse dans la politique d'assurance des marchandises du Groupe (Maîtrise de l'inventaire). Respect de l'exigence commerciale d'effectuer un inventaire complet et un inventaire complet au moins quatre fois par an. année par un tiers. Cette opération est nécessaire pour répondre aux exigences de gestion financière et d’audit (audit interne, audit externe, OHADA, Glencore).

Mining service










Maintenance Service





Internal inspection conducted on the 18/08/2023 by Luilu structural compliance team as per attached report  shows that  various and a lot of manual valves installed since plant construction all over the plant don’t have appropriate access while they require an high frequency to open and close them per day shift; this expose peoples to access and currently peoples are using temporary scaffold which exposing peoples at W@H and causing a long down time during operation processes as they have to wait for erection also  scaffold to be inspected by competent person and generating a lot of people's fatigue   or even while doing maintenance on it.It became urgent to install appropriate access to allow peoples to work safely, minimize fatigue and downtime   to comply with requirements and Glencore’s sustainability approach.




L'inspection interne menée le 18/08/2023 par l'équipe de conformité structurelle de Luilu selon le rapport ci-joint montre que diverses et nombreuses vannes manuelles installées depuis la construction de l'usine dans toute l'usine n'ont pas d'accès approprié alors qu'elles nécessitent une fréquence d'ouverture élevée. et les fermer par équipe de jour ; cela expose les gens à l'accès et actuellement les gens utilisent des échafaudages temporaires qui exposent les gens chez W@H et provoquent un long temps d'arrêt pendant les processus d'exploitation car ils doivent attendre le montage et l'échafaudage doit également être inspecté par une personne compétente et génère beaucoup de fatigue des gens. ou même lors de la maintenance. Il est devenu urgent d'installer un accès approprié pour permettre aux personnes de travailler en toute sécurité, minimiser la fatigue et les temps d'arrêt afin de se conformer aux exigences et à l'approche de développement durable de Glencore.

Mining service





We currently feed the leaching system from tank 10, with the mixing system operated by the agitator. Whereas we are able feed a single leach train with tank 11. To be able to feed all leaching tanks with diluted solution from tank 11 and tank 9 while tank 10 is a backup, we need a full refurbishment of tank 9 with an in-line mixing system. Also, tank 9 and 10 top structure needs to be repaired and these tank need to be covered to avoid the top structure corrosion as experienced.




Nous alimentons actuellement le système de lixiviation à partir du réservoir 10, avec le système de mélange actionné par l'agitateur. Alors que nous sommes capables d'alimenter un seul train de lixiviation avec le réservoir 11. Pour pouvoir alimenter tous les réservoirs de lixiviation avec la solution diluée du réservoir 11 et du réservoir 9 pendant que le réservoir 10 est une réserve, nous avons besoin d'une remise à neuf complète du réservoir 9 avec un système en ligne. système de mélange. De plus, la structure supérieure des réservoirs 9 et 10 doit être réparée et ces réservoirs doivent être recouverts pour éviter la corrosion de la structure supérieure comme cela a été le cas.

Mining service




Infrared Thermography Level 2 Training

. Trains the candidates regarding the machinery lubricantion, Recommend improvements on the training module (theory and practical), Validate and or certify the trainers according to the standards.




Forme les candidats concernant la lubrification des machines, Recommande des améliorations sur le module de formation (théorie et pratique), Valide et/ou certifie les formateurs selon les normes.





Vibration Analysis ISO CAT2 training

Trains the candidates regarding the machinery lubricantion, Recommend improvements on the training module (theory and practical), Validate and or certify the trainers according to the standards.




Forme les candidats concernant la lubrification des machines, Recommande des améliorations sur le module de formation (théorie et pratique), Valide et/ou certifie les formateurs selon les normes.





Field Lubrification Analysis MLA I/MLT I

Field Lubrification Analysis MLA I/MLT I

Consultancy service




Accreditate provider according to the KCC standards

Accreditate provider according to the KCC standards.




Accréditer le prestataire selon les normes KCC

Consultancy service




Datamine services

Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) seeks a secondment of grade control geologists from Datamine to collaborate directly with their team, facilitating grade control activities at their site. The assigned resources will be responsible for the following tasks:

• Planning RC Holes: The geologists will plan RC holes for areas requiring accurate modelling.
• Grade Control Model Updates: They will update the existing grade control model or develop new models for specific benches.
• Flitches and Block-Outlines: The resources will create flitches and block outlines, ensuring accurate mining block depletion.
• Evaluation Report: Geologists will generate an evaluation report, providing insights into grade control effectiveness.
• Monthly Reconciliation Report: The team will produce a comprehensive reconciliation report at the end of each month.




Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) recherche un détachement de géologues de contrôle de teneur de Datamine pour collaborer directement avec leur équipe, facilitant les activités de contrôle de teneur sur leur site. Les ressources assignées seront responsables des tâches suivantes :
• Planification des trous RC : Les géologues planifieront les trous RC pour les zones nécessitant une modélisation précise.
• Mises à jour du modèle de contrôle de pente : ils mettront à jour le modèle de contrôle de pente existant ou développeront de nouveaux modèles pour des bancs spécifiques.
• Flitches et contours de blocs : les ressources créeront des flitchs et des contours de blocs, garantissant ainsi un épuisement précis des blocs miniers.
• Rapport d'évaluation : les géologues généreront un rapport d'évaluation, fournissant un aperçu de l'efficacité du contrôle des niveaux.
• Rapport de rapprochement mensuel : l'équipe produira un rapport de rapprochement complet à la fin de chaque mois.

Mining service




Rolling Machine Operation and Mtn

provide training to the remain artisans 100 candidates (Boilermakers and Welders) on stationary machine (Shear machine, Press Bend Machine, Rolling Machine, Pedestal Drill Machine, Twin Column Machine, Manual Thread Machine) from the workshop as a part of the trade upskilling training programme for 2023.




Former les artisans restants 100 candidats (chaudronniers et soudeurs) sur machine fixe (cisaille, presse plieuse, rouleuse, perceuse sur socle, machine à double colonne, machine à fileter manuelle) de l'atelier dans le cadre de la formation de perfectionnement au métier programme pour 2023.

Taining service




Shear Machine Operation and Maintenance

provide training to the remain artisans 100 candidates (Boilermakers and Welders) on stationary machine (Shear machine, Press Bend Machine, Rolling Machine, Pedestal Drill Machine, Twin Column Machine, Manual Thread Machine) from the workshop as a part of the trade upskilling training programme for 2023.




Former les artisans restants 100 candidats (chaudronniers et soudeurs) sur machine fixe (cisaille, presse plieuse, rouleuse, perceuse sur socle, machine à double colonne, machine à fileter manuelle) de l'atelier dans le cadre de la formation de perfectionnement au métier programme pour 2023.

Taining service




Press Bend Machine Operation and  Maintenance

provide training to the remain artisans 100 candidates (Boilermakers and Welders) on stationary machine (Shear machine, Press Bend Machine, Rolling Machine, Pedestal Drill Machine, Twin Column Machine, Manual Thread Machine) from the workshop as a part of the trade upskilling training programme for 2023.

Taining service




Pedestal Drill Operation and Maintenance

provide training to the remain artisans 100 candidates (Boilermakers and Welders) on stationary machine (Shear machine, Press Bend Machine, Rolling Machine, Pedestal Drill Machine, Twin Column Machine, Manual Thread Machine) from the workshop as a part of the trade upskilling training programme for 2023.




Former les artisans restants 100 candidats (chaudronniers et soudeurs) sur machine fixe (cisaille, presse plieuse, rouleuse, perceuse sur socle, machine à double colonne, machine à fileter manuelle) de l'atelier dans le cadre de la formation de perfectionnement au métier programme pour 2023.

Taining service




Twin Column Ben Saw

provide training to the remain artisans 100 candidates (Boilermakers and Welders) on stationary machine (Shear machine, Press Bend Machine, Rolling Machine, Pedestal Drill Machine, Twin Column Machine, Manual Thread Machine) from the workshop as a part of the trade upskilling training programme for 2023.




Former les artisans restants 100 candidats (chaudronniers et soudeurs) sur machine fixe (cisaille, presse plieuse, rouleuse, perceuse sur socle, machine à double colonne, machine à fileter manuelle) de l'atelier dans le cadre de la formation de perfectionnement au métier programme pour 2023.

Taining service




Manual Thread Cutting and Tapping

provide training to the remain artisans 100 candidates (Boilermakers and Welders) on stationary machine (Shear machine, Press Bend Machine, Rolling Machine, Pedestal Drill Machine, Twin Column Machine, Manual Thread Machine) from the workshop as a part of the trade upskilling training programme for 2023.




Former les artisans restants 100 candidats (chaudronniers et soudeurs) sur machine fixe (cisaille, presse plieuse, rouleuse, perceuse sur socle, machine à double colonne, machine à fileter manuelle) de l'atelier dans le cadre de la formation de perfectionnement au métier programme pour 2023.

Taining service




Coaching and procedure

provide training to the remain artisans 100 candidates (Boilermakers and Welders) on stationary machine (Shear machine, Press Bend Machine, Rolling Machine, Pedestal Drill Machine, Twin Column Machine, Manual Thread Machine) from the workshop as a part of the trade upskilling training programme for 2023.




Former les artisans restants 100 candidats (chaudronniers et soudeurs) sur machine fixe (cisaille, presse plieuse, rouleuse, perceuse sur socle, machine à double colonne, machine à fileter manuelle) de l'atelier dans le cadre de la formation de perfectionnement au métier programme pour 2023.

Taining service




training on SLM3 & SLM4 system

training on SLM3 & SLM4 system.




Formation sur le système SLM3 & SLM4

Taining service




Plasma Jet cutter machine installation

Plasma jet DSL 1530 installation (Check and validate the current positionings of different modules; make and/or validate the different connections between different modules; Check or install plasma jet software; do the commissioning of the Plasma jet DSL 1530 Machine).




Installation Plasma jet DSL 1530 (Vérifier et valider les positionnements actuels des différents modules ; faire et/ou valider les différentes connexions entre différents modules ; Vérifier ou installer le logiciel plasma jet ; faire la mise en service de la Machine Plasma jet DSL 1530)

Mining service




Consulting WMS Activities

KCC Workforce Management Services has installed biometric equipment that covers all KCC sites. The recommendation from the OEM and the auditors recommend that all sites be equipped with biometric equipment, that dependents be identified for management and control, that employee bus management be automatic and that contractor management be automatic.

Consultancy service




Aviation refueling operators

Aviation refueling operators

Mining service




KTO Ground Support Review

KTO uses ground support elements to support the development ends and the stoping areas in the room and pillar.  The current support standards were last updated in March 2019 and the mine has developed into new mining areas. The Geotechnical Review Board (GRB) in October 2022 recommended a review of the current standards and perform empirical calculations and numerical simulations on the support performance as there is a risk associated with poor performing support that could lead to fall of ground accidents which may in turn lead to equipment damage and fatalities. It has been recommend that this support design review be executed and supported by an independent and competent external review.




KTO utilise des éléments de soutènement pour soutenir les extrémités de développement et les zones d'abattage dans la chambre et le pilier. Les normes de soutien actuelles ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois en mars 2019 et la mine s'est développée en de nouvelles zones minières. Le Conseil d'examen géotechnique (GRB) en octobre 2022 a recommandé une révision des normes actuelles et d'effectuer des calculs empiriques et des simulations numériques sur les performances du support car il existe un risque associé à un support peu performant qui pourrait entraîner une chute d'accidents au sol qui pourraient à leur tour entraîner des dommages matériels et des décès. Il a été recommandé que cette revue de conception de support soit exécutée et appuyée par une revue externe indépendante et compétente.

Mining service





Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) is a world class, responsible mining business in the Democratic Republic of Congo. KCC is in Kolwezi, in the province of Lualaba.
Through the scale and nature of the business, KCC makes a significant and positive contribution to our local communities, the province, country, and broader society. Positive impacts range from production of raw materials that drive social progress, to the payment of taxes and royalties to the DRC government, provision of employment and business opportunities.
KCC is an equal opportunity employer and actively promotes diversity in its workplace.
KCC’s Concentrator department (KTC) owns and operates the GM 150S Aerzener Low Pressure (LP) Blowers for floatation air application and seeks the services of the OEM to carry out maintenance services on a 3-year Service Contract.
The contractor will focus on the supply of all critical spares for the overhauls, travel to site at specified service intervals and carry out service on the blowers and commission.




Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) est une entreprise minière responsable de classe mondiale en République démocratique du Congo. KCC est à Kolwezi, dans la province du Lualaba.
Grâce à l'échelle et à la nature de l'entreprise, KCC apporte une contribution significative et positive à nos communautés locales, à la province, au pays et à la société en général. Les impacts positifs vont de la production de matières premières qui stimulent le progrès social au paiement de taxes et de redevances au gouvernement de la RDC, en passant par la création d'emplois et d'opportunités commerciales.
KCC est un employeur garantissant l'égalité des chances et promeut activement la diversité sur son lieu de travail.
Le département concentrateur de KCC (KTC) possède et exploite les soufflantes GM 150S Aerzener basse pression (LP) pour les applications d'air de flottaison et recherche les services de l'OEM pour effectuer des services de maintenance dans le cadre d'un contrat de service de 3 ans.
L'entrepreneur se concentrera sur la fourniture de toutes les pièces de rechange critiques pour les révisions, se rendra sur le site à des intervalles d'entretien spécifiés et effectuera l'entretien des soufflantes et la commission.

Mining service




Sump Cleaning SWMP2

Excavation of sumps are Priority 1 actions in the Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) which is a critical control for the Open Pit Ground/Strata CHMP. A minimum design volume must be achieved in each of the KOV sumps for CHMP complianceSumps in KOV and Mashamba need to be excavated of accumulated mud in preparation for the 2023-24 wet season.An average haulage distance to the dumping area of 3.8 km has been calculated. In order to access the sumps to carry out the work in a safe manner it is expected that dry material will need to be hauled in by the contractor to use as ballast. Our assumption is that on average, 30% of the total excavation volume will be needed for each of the sumps. This material will be available in the waste dumping area to be hauled an equal distance.




L'excavation des puits est une action de priorité 1 dans le plan de gestion des eaux de surface (SWMP), qui est un contrôle essentiel pour le CHMP à ciel ouvert au sol/strata. Un volume de conception minimal doit être atteint dans chacun des puisards de KOV pour la conformité au CHMP Les puisards de KOV et de Mashamba doivent être excavés de la boue accumulée en préparation de la saison des pluies 2023-24. Une distance de transport moyenne jusqu'à la zone de décharge de 3,8 km a été calculé. Afin d'accéder aux puisards pour effectuer les travaux en toute sécurité, il est prévu que des matériaux secs devront être transportés par l'entrepreneur pour être utilisés comme lest. Notre hypothèse est qu'en moyenne, 30% du volume total d'excavation sera nécessaire pour chacun des puisards. Ce matériel sera disponible dans la zone de décharge des déchets pour être transporté sur une distance égale.

Mining Services




Heavy Equipment Machine Hire for KOV/ME

Provide heavy equipment supplied with appropriate manpower on a per vehicle per hour basis. There will be three separate equipment teams and each team must be supervised. Operations will be ongoing 12 hours Dayshift Only 7 days operation and supervision is required at all times to provide full coverage.

Availability of equipment must be continuous for a maximum of 1092 hours i.e., 3 months / 91 days/12hours per day.
Team 1 – 50-ton excavator and D9
Team 2 – 50-ton excavator and D9
Team 3 – 50-ton front end loader & 2 articulated dump trucks.




Fournir de l'équipement lourd fourni avec la main-d'œuvre appropriée sur une base par véhicule et par heure. Il y aura trois équipes d'équipement distinctes et chaque équipe doit être supervisée. Les opérations se poursuivront sur 12 heures de jour. Seulement 7 jours d'exploitation et de supervision sont nécessaires en tout temps pour fournir une couverture complète.

La disponibilité de l'équipement doit être continue pendant un maximum de 1092 heures, soit 3 mois / 91 jours / 12 heures par jour.
Équipe 1 – Excavatrice de 50 tonnes et D9
Équipe 2 – pelle de 50 tonnes et D9
Équipe 3 – chargeur frontal de 50 tonnes et 2 bennes articulés.

Mining Services





The Renovation of Kamoto Building Toilet will resolve issue of actual toilet’s conditions which are poor and unsanitary. This proposal scope will improve Plumbing installation to provide sufficient flow, will short out matters of insufficient lighting in sanitary facilities, will provide proper ventilation by new extractor fans to be installed, will Refreshment walls by paints and tilling floor and wall for a good sanitary condition.




La rénovation des toilettes du bâtiment de Kamoto résoudra le problème des conditions réelles des toilettes qui sont médiocres et insalubres. La portée de cette proposition améliorera l'installation de plomberie pour fournir un débit suffisant, résoudra les problèmes d'éclairage insuffisant dans les installations sanitaires, fournira une ventilation adéquate par de nouveaux ventilateurs d'extraction à installer, rafraîchira les murs par des peintures et le carrelage du sol et des murs pour un bon état sanitaire .

Civil Work




Thermal drone survey & RGB pictures / Video of 120kV powerlines

Thermal drone survey & RGB pictures / Video of 120kV powerlines.




Relevé thermique par drone & images RVB / Vidéo de lignes électriques 120kV

Mining Services





It is intended that this scope will provide details for the mid-life services (15000 Hours) to the two Perkins generators (GE107 and GE108) at the Management Village camp substation.These two generators have exceeded their mid-life run time and are in urgent need of mid-life servicing.All personnel working on this project shall be qualified and experienced Perkins technicians with recognized qualifications.If the mid-life servicing is not performed, these generators will fail and the MV camp will be without electrical power.




Il est prévu que cette portée fournira des détails sur les services à mi-vie (15 000 heures) des deux générateurs Perkins (GE107 et GE108) à la sous-station du camp de Management Village. Ces deux générateurs ont dépassé leur durée de fonctionnement à mi-vie et sont en besoin urgent d'un entretien à mi-vie. Tout le personnel travaillant sur ce projet doit être des techniciens Perkins qualifiés et expérimentés avec des qualifications reconnues. Si l'entretien à mi-vie n'est pas effectué, ces générateurs tomberont en panne et le camp MV sera sans alimentation électrique.

Mining Services




Cobalt Testing in Urine

To provide for Watu Wetu, Occupational Health department cobalt’s urine testing for biological monitoring purpose.




Fournir à Watu Wetu, département de santé au travail, des tests d'urine de cobalt à des fins de surveillance biologique.

Medical service




Klerkscale - Renewal of Software support

Klerkscale - Renewal of Software support

IT Software




T17 Pre Feasibility Study: Dewatering We

The Mine Technical Services Department at Kamoto Copper Company SA (KCC) is currently studying the path forward to resume mining at T17 open pit. The study is currently at Pre-Feasibility Level and this scope of work specifically focusses on gaining a better understanding of the groundwater conditions in the region to determine the best methodology to dewater the open pit.
As part of this programme, three large diameter deep dewatering wells in the different permeable fragments that the constrained case pit shells will intersect. These are the T17, Musonoi and FSSR fragments.
The outcomes of this investigation will provide a high level of confidence to the study program suitable to progress it to Feasibility Level, as well as provide information to complimentary studies such as numerical modelling.




Le département des services techniques de la mine de Kamoto Copper Company SA (KCC) étudie actuellement la voie à suivre pour reprendre l'exploitation minière à ciel ouvert T17. L'étude est actuellement au niveau de préfaisabilité et cette portée des travaux se concentre spécifiquement sur l'obtention d'une meilleure compréhension des conditions des eaux souterraines dans la région afin de déterminer la meilleure méthodologie pour assécher la mine à ciel ouvert.Dans le cadre de ce programme, trois puits d'assèchement profonds de grand diamètre dans les différents fragments perméables que les enveloppes de fosse à cas contraints croiseront. Il s'agit des fragments T17, Musonoi et FSSR.Les résultats de cette enquête fourniront un haut niveau de confiance au programme d'étude approprié pour le faire progresser jusqu'au niveau de faisabilité, ainsi que des informations pour des études complémentaires telles que la modélisation numérique.

Mining Services




Plasma Jet cutter machine installation

Plasma jet DSL 1530 installation (Check and validate the current positionings of different modules; make and/or validate the different connections between different modules; Check or install plasma jet software; do the commissioning of the Plasma jet DSL 1530 Machine).




Installation Plasma jet DSL 1530 (Vérifier et valider les positionnements actuels des différents modules ; faire et/ou valider les différentes connexions entre différents modules ; Vérifier ou installer le logiciel plasma jet ; faire la mise en service de la Machine Plasma jet DSL 1530)

Mining Services




KCC Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Provide an Employee Assistance Program (“EAP”) locally available in place to support employees’ emotional and psychological wellbeing with expert counselling by professionals trained in violence and harassment counselling.




Fournir un programme d'aide aux employés («PAE») disponible localement pour soutenir le bien-être émotionnel et psychologique des employés avec des conseils d'experts par des professionnels formés au conseil en matière de violence et de harcèlement.

Consultancy Service




Vodacom - DGDA Link - Sydonia

Vodacom - DGDA Link - Sydonia

Internet Services




Vodacom - dedicated Internet access

Vodacom - dedicated Internet access.

Internet Services




Drilling supervision for environmental monitoring wells

The scope is outlined as follows:
· Provide review of selected drilling sites for the environmental monitoring boreholes.
· Supervise the drilling and construction of environmental monitoring boreholes with the
Kamoto Copper Company area.
· Supervise hydraulic testing and water quality testing of dewatering boreholes provide
regular reports to the mine technical team.
· Compile a comprehensive report of all activities undertaken as part of the drilling.

· Construction and testing of the environmental drilling boreholes.




Fournir un examen des sites de forage sélectionnés pour les forages de surveillance environnementale.
· Superviser le forage et la construction de forages de surveillance environnementale avec le
Zone Kamoto Copper Company.
· Superviser les tests hydrauliques et les tests de qualité de l'eau des forages d'assèchement
rapports réguliers à l'équipe technique de la mine.
· Compiler un rapport complet de toutes les activités entreprises dans le cadre du forage.

· Construction et test des forages environnementaux.

Drilling Service




Quarterly stocktake of Cu and CoH stock

KCC is storing a significant quantity of copper and cobalt on site which need to be included under the Group’s cargo insurance policy (Mastery in stock take)
Compliance with the business requirement to perform a full cycle count and a full inventory at least four times a year by a third party.
This operation is necessary to meet the requirements of financial management and audits (internal audit, external audit, OHADA, Glencore).

This service is performed quarterly to cross check our internal data.




KCC stocke sur site une quantité importante de cuivre et de cobalt qui doit être incluse dans la police d'assurance cargo du Groupe (Maîtrise en inventaire)
Conformité avec l'exigence commerciale d'effectuer un cycle de comptage complet et un inventaire complet au moins quatre fois par an par un tiers.
Cette opération est nécessaire pour répondre aux exigences de la gestion financière et des audits (audit interne, audit externe, OHADA, Glencore).

Ce service est effectué trimestriellement pour recouper nos données internes.

Mining Activity




FOA Certified Fiber Optic Training

FOA Certified Fiber Optic Training. FOA Certified Fiber Optic Specialist/Design Course (CFOS/D).




Cours de spécialiste/conception de fibre optique certifié FOA (CFOS/D)





FOA Certified Fiber Optic Training

FOA Certified Fiber Optic Technician Course (CFOT) Onsite INSTRUMENTATION.




Cours de technicien certifié en fibre optique FOA (CFOT) sur site





Coaching and procedure

The training must include:

• Machine installation and assembly
• Start-up and change-over
• Various modes of operation
• Maintenance, cleaning, and repairs
• Shutdown
• Troubleshooting, clearing jams, etc.
• Hazards to be considered may include:
o Mechanical
o Energy sources (e.g., electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, etc.)
o Unexpected start-up or shut-down, or automatic repeat cycles
o Exposures to harmful substances or environments (e.g., chemical exposures, hot/cold surfaces, sharp edges, vibration, noise, dusts and fumes, etc.)
o Unstable loads, stocks, finished products, etc.
o Other




« La formation doit comprendre :
• Installation et montage de machines
• Démarrage et changement
• Divers modes de fonctionnement
• Entretien, nettoyage et réparations
• Fermer
• Dépannage, suppression des bourrages, etc.
• Les dangers à prendre en compte peuvent inclure :
o Sources d'énergie (par exemple, électrique, pneumatique, hydraulique, etc.)
o Démarrage ou arrêt inattendu, ou cycles de répétition automatiques
o Expositions à des substances ou à des environnements nocifs (par exemple, expositions chimiques, surfaces chaudes/froides, arêtes vives, vibrations, bruit, poussières et fumées, etc.)
o Charges instables, stocks, produits finis, etc.
o Autre"





PRINCE2 Agile Foundation

The PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation certificate is designed to help professionals deliver agile projects by tailoring PRINCE2
management controls with a broad toolset of agile delivery techniques and frameworks. The PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation
qualification is a prerequisite for the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner Examination.




Le certificat PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation est conçu pour aider les professionnels à réaliser des projets agiles en adaptant PRINCE2
contrôles de gestion avec un large ensemble d'outils de techniques et de cadres de livraison agiles. La Fondation PRINCE2 Agile®
La qualification est une condition préalable à l'examen PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner.





Querying Data with Microsoft TransactSQL

This course will teach the basics of Microsoft’s dialect of the standard SQL language: Transact-SQL. Topics include both
querying and modifying data in relational databases that are hosted in Microsoft SQL Server-based database systems,
including: Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and, Azure Synapse Analytics.




Ce cours enseignera les bases du dialecte Microsoft du langage SQL standard : Transact-SQL. Les sujets incluent à la fois
interroger et modifier des données dans des bases de données relationnelles hébergées dans des systèmes de base de données basés sur Microsoft SQL Server,
y compris : Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database et Azure Synapse Analytics.





Provide Qualified Personnel & Expertise

The Sulphuric Acid Plant at Kamoto Copper Company is integral into the operations of the
KCC’s Copper and Cobalt production, hence the need to ensure that the Acid Plant which
includes the Liquid SO2 Plant and a Power generating Plant have a reliable source of Plant
Process Air Blower that allows the Plant to run at Maximum capacity .This calls for the
need of a OEM backed Maintenance Service Contract for the Howden Blower SF140
Machine Serial 1052183.




L'usine d'acide sulfurique de Kamoto Copper Company fait partie intégrante des opérations de la
production de cuivre et de cobalt de KCC, d'où la nécessité de s'assurer que l'usine d'acide qui
comprend l'usine de SO2 liquide et une centrale électrique ont une source fiable d'usine
Process Air Blower qui permet à l'usine de fonctionner à sa capacité maximale. Cela nécessite le
besoin d'un contrat de service de maintenance garanti par un OEM pour le Howden Blower SF140
Machine série 1052183





Loading of IX Column Materials

To provide the Load out / transport crews with a full time 100 tonne crane as well as a 50 tonne support
crane, multiple forklift trucks completed with the rigging crew, the labour and all the rigging gear for the
loading of the resin column sections onto the designated transporters abnormal load road transport trailers.




Fournir aux équipes de chargement / transport une grue de 100 tonnes à temps plein ainsi qu'un support de 50 tonnes
grue, plusieurs chariots élévateurs complétés avec l'équipe de gréage, la main-d'œuvre et tout le matériel de gréement pour le
chargement des sections de colonne de résine sur les remorques de transport routier pour charges exceptionnelles des transporteurs désignés.

Mining Services




Tender for WW Staff training

To Provide training to WW Staff as per they annually and casual plans approved and budgetized.




Fournir une formation au personnel WW conformément aux plans annuels et occasionnels approuvés et budgétisés





Employee assistance program  EAP see SOW

Provide an Employee Assistance Program (“EAP”) locally available in place to support employees’ emotional and psychological wellbeing with expert counselling by professionals trained in violence and harassment counselling.




Fournir un programme d'aide aux employés («PAE») disponible localement pour soutenir le bien-être émotionnel et psychologique des employés avec des conseils d'experts par des professionnels formés au conseil en matière de violence et de harcèlement.






This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:
• Construction of Gabion wall
• Backfilling and compaction of compromised section of the Dewatering Station P2A for stability and soil treatment.
• Rock filling of compromised section corroded away due to erosion after soil treatment.
• Pouring of mass concrete 30MPa as filler of rocky materials as part of erosion repair solution.
• Excavation of stormwater drainage.
• Supply and place gabion mattress on drainage excavation as subbase.




Construction d'un mur en gabions
• Remblayage et compactage de la section compromise de la station d'assèchement P2A pour la stabilité et le traitement des sols.
• Le remblai rocheux de la section compromise s'est corrodé en raison de l'érosion après le traitement du sol.
• Coulée de béton de masse 30MPa comme remplissage de matériaux rocheux dans le cadre d'une solution de réparation de l'érosion.
• Excavation du drainage des eaux pluviales.
• Fournir et placer le matelas de gabion sur l'excavation de drainage comme sous-base.

Contruction services




Service Calls on the X-Ray Units

Service Calls on the X-Ray Units

Medical service




Geologists for Core Logging

Provide 4 geologists for:
• Core logging of approximately 59000 meters of KCC Surface Resource and geotechnical drilling
• Following up the drilling quality (recovery, dh-survey, orientation, markup) and safety aspects on the rigs daily in both Underground and Open Pit programmes
• Capturing and validating the data in KCC system
Provide a suitable LV 4x4 for Monitoring drilling on the site.




Fournir 4 geologues  et un vehicul adapte pour ce genre de services.

Labor Hiring





The Replacement of existing doors by rescue doors to all KCC substations, will resolve issue in emergency case to secure employees who are working permanently, or temporary in substations to evacuate safely, and to be also confirm with standards safety recommendations doors for substation. The Scope of works covers the removing existing doors, installation of new doors including all finishing works on 26 Main Doors and 22 Single Doors spread over 22 Substations.




Le remplacement des portes existantes par des portes de secours à toutes les sous-stations KCC, résoudra le problème en cas d'urgence pour sécuriser les employés qui travaillent en permanence, ou temporairement dans les sous-stations pour évacuer en toute sécurité, et pour être également confirmé avec les normes de sécurité des portes des sous-stations. L'étendue des travaux couvre la suppression des portes existantes, l'installation de nouvelles portes, y compris tous les travaux de finition sur 26 portes principales et 22 portes simples réparties sur 22 sous-stations.

Mining Maintenance





KCC mine has a lot of historical scaffolds scattered standing around its sites that need to be dismantled and removed from sites for safety and housekeeping reasons.
Elements removed from site will be segregated between the ones that are still in good conditions to be reused and the ones that are to be scrapped. All elements will be properly stacked in the dedicated laydown areas for further process.




La mine KCC possède de nombreux échafaudages historiques dispersés autour de ses sites qui doivent être démantelés et retirés des sites pour des raisons de sécurité et d'entretien.
Les éléments retirés du site seront séparés entre ceux qui sont encore en bon état pour être réutilisés et ceux qui doivent être mis au rebut. Tous les éléments seront correctement empilés dans les zones de dépôt dédiées pour un traitement ultérieur.

Mining Service




Reagents Warehousing

KCC requires the services of a third party provider to provide warehousing facilities to handle and store reagents (such as Quick Lime, Hydrated Lime, Sulphur, Ferrous Sulphate Monohydrate, SMBS, MgO, Coal, Coagulant,  and Soda Ash) in a safe and efficient manner. Refer to the MSDS as attached for detail on handling each of the reagents.




KCC a besoin des services d'un fournisseur tiers pour fournir des installations d'entreposage pour manipuler et stocker les réactifs (tels que la chaux vive, la chaux hydratée, le soufre, le sulfate ferreux monohydraté, le SMBS, le MgO, le charbon, le coagulant et le carbonate de soude) dans un environnement sûr et efficace. manière. Reportez-vous à la fiche signalétique jointe pour plus de détails sur la manipulation de chacun des réactifs.

Mining Service




Cherry Picker rental

Rental Cherry Picker 6 Months
• Rental Cherry Picker 6 months with a regular maintenance in charge of the contractor.




Location du camion elevateur pour 6 . Maintenance a la charge de l'entrepreneur.

Equipment hiring





The KADI Substation bearing masonry at the north of the building has sustained severe cracks that appear to be detrimental to the overall of stability of the structure. From the structural assessment conducted by the KCC team of engineers on site, they reported that structural integrity of the building has been compromised. KCC then engaged a further investigation with Investmech as an external specialist consultant. Investmech conducted another investigated and submitted their findings and recommendations.




La maçonnerie portante de la sous-station KADI au nord du bâtiment a subi de graves fissures qui semblent nuire à la stabilité globale de la structure. D'après l'évaluation structurelle menée par l'équipe d'ingénieurs de KCC sur place, ils ont signalé que l'intégrité structurelle du bâtiment avait été compromise. KCC a ensuite engagé une enquête plus approfondie auprès d'Investmech en tant que consultant spécialisé externe. Investmech a mené une autre enquête et a soumis ses conclusions et ses recommandations.

Civil work





Due to the criticality of the situation, KCC appointed Investmech to provide a repair solution for the building. In this Scope of services, we describe the required works that must be conducted in order to safely repair the building and prolong its service life.




En raison de la criticité de la situation, KCC a nommé Investmech pour fournir une solution de réparation pour le bâtiment. Dans cette portée des services, nous décrivons les travaux requis qui doivent être effectués afin de réparer le bâtiment en toute sécurité et de prolonger sa durée de vie.

Mining Service




Engineering Work required at SKM Environ

The construction of Floor Slab Storage area and Separator used oil at Engineering SKM Environmental   will resolve issue with contaminated soil on the storage area, will also prevent rainwater and used water to be evacuate separately.




La construction d'une zone de stockage de dalles de sol et d'un séparateur d'huile usée à Engineering SKM Environmental résoudra le problème de sol contaminé sur la zone de stockage, empêchera également l'eau de pluie et l'eau usée d'être évacuées séparément.

Civil work




KCC – Geotech Drilling KOV & ME

Due to the gap of data observed in the existing geotechnical dataset, the Mine Technical Service at KCC has decided to initiate a diamond drilling campaign. These holes are designed to cross next cuts push back KOV Cut5A2, KOV Cut6, ME Cut6,7 in order to collect geotechnical data useful for pit geotechnical hazards management.




En raison du manque de données observé dans l'ensemble de données géotechniques existant, le service technique de la mine de KCC a décidé de lancer une campagne de forage au diamant. Ces sondages sont conçus pour traverser les prochaines coupes repoussées KOV Cut5A2, KOV Cut6, ME Cut6,7 afin de collecter des données géotechniques utiles à la gestion des aléas géotechniques de la fosse.

Drilling service





Currently, we have the tailings lines of PN 12,5 with a single point discharge per pipeline with the pipeline crossing the TSF wall down to the dedicated discharge point.

We are experiencing frequent cracking of the PN 12,5 pipes resulting in production losses.

We provide to replace each of the existing PN 12,5 Tailings lines with PN20 on first portion to prevent pipes breakdowns and production losses.

Upgrading the first portion 1200 m pipeline to PN20 results in an increase in friction losses which consequently result in a reduced flow rate.
Higher flow rates are possible at low densities, however operating the system at low density to achieve higher flow rates will result in a reduced tonnage throughput.




Actuellement, nous avons les lignes de résidus de PN 12,5 avec un seul point de décharge par pipeline, le pipeline traversant le mur de l'ISR jusqu'au point de décharge dédié.

Nous constatons des fissures fréquentes des canalisations PN 12,5 entraînant des pertes de production.

Nous prévoyons de remplacer chacune des lignes de résidus PN 12,5 existantes par PN20 sur la première portion pour éviter les pannes de tuyaux et les pertes de production.

La mise à niveau de la première portion de canalisation de 1 200 m au PN20 entraîne une augmentation des pertes par frottement qui se traduit par conséquent par une réduction du débit.
Des débits plus élevés sont possibles à de faibles densités, mais le fonctionnement du système à faible densité pour obtenir des débits plus élevés entraînera un débit de tonnage réduit.

Mining Service






The work is supplying of the required skilled labour and equipment to commence work on installation of scrapers on the LUILU Dryer section and acid plant full conveyor belt structure area of the belt as follows.
Contractor should include time for completion and rates shall include supply and installation of all activities related to this work.

The description of the work shall be as follows:

• Installation of dirt whacker scrapers
• Service supply



Le travail consiste à fournir la main-d'œuvre qualifiée et l'équipement nécessaires pour commencer les travaux d'installation de racleurs sur la section du séchoir LUILU et sur la structure de la bande transporteuse complète de l'usine d'acide, comme suit.
L'entrepreneur doit indiquer le délai d'exécution et les tarifs doivent inclure la fourniture et l'installation de toutes les activités liées à ce travail.

La description des travaux est la suivante :

- Installation de racleurs de saleté
- Fourniture de services





Rental of 9 forklifts for Exports OPS.

Location de 9 chariots élévateurs pour Exports OPS.

Move copper cathodes at the cobalt plant
- Constitute lots of Cu and CoH on ground
- Load and offload trucks with Cu bundles and CoH bags for exportation purposes
- Working time : 16200 hours (90 days or 3 months), from Monday to Sunday, 24h everyday.

Contractor to provide PPE:
•         Hard hat
•         Safety glasses
•         Safety shoes
•         Reflector jackets / reflector overa
•         Food
•         Water
•         Transportation



 Déplacer les cathodes de cuivre dans l'usine de cobalt
- Constituer des lots de Cu et de CoH au sol
- Charger et décharger les camions de fardeaux de Cu et de sacs de CoH à des fins d'exportation.
- Temps de travail : 16200 heures (90 jours ou 3 mois), du lundi au dimanche, 24 heures par jour.

L'entrepreneur doit fournir les EPI :
- Casque de sécurité
- Lunettes de sécurité
- Chaussures de sécurité
- Vestes réfléchissantes / couvertures réfléchissantes
- Nourriture
- Eau
- Transport

Transport & Labor hire





• Provide 12 engineers in charge to perform the work according to the scope.

• Provide sampling, analytical instrument and reagents to perform the sampling and the water analysis.
• Run water analysis for physical and chemical control.
• Report on daily basis to KCC, results of analysis with recommendations.
• Implement the recommendations to ensure good performance of the plant.
• Optimize treatment programs for the best economical use of the water treatment Chemicals.
• Communicate problems and areas of concern to appropriate plant personnel in a timely manner.
• Maintaining chemical dosing and monitoring equipment to ensure an effective treatment regime.
• Performing chemical Inventories on behalf of KCC and advising when the KCC needs to order new stocks taking into account plant product availability and supply chain factors.
• Transfer skills to KCC plant operators in water treatment fundamentals.
• Safety surveys to ensure compliance of the site engineers to safety standards of KCC safety, health and environment policies.
• Hold regular meetings both formal and informal with the KCC Process management and site team to discuss any technical issues.
• Plant surveys for identifying any field of improvement on the process or water treatment side.



- Fournir 12 ingénieurs chargés d'effectuer les travaux conformément au cahier des charges.
- Fournir l'échantillonnage, l'instrument analytique et les réactifs pour effectuer l'échantillonnage et l'analyse de l'eau.
- Procéder à l'analyse de l'eau pour le contrôle physique et chimique.
- Rendre compte quotidiennement au CCK des résultats de l'analyse avec des recommandations.
- Mettre en œuvre les recommandations afin d'assurer une bonne performance de l'usine.
- Optimiser les programmes de traitement pour une utilisation économique optimale des produits chimiques de traitement de l'eau.
- Communiquer les problèmes et les sujets de préoccupation au personnel approprié de l'usine en temps opportun.
- Entretenir les équipements de dosage et de surveillance des produits chimiques afin de garantir un régime de traitement efficace.
- Réaliser des inventaires de produits chimiques pour le compte du KCC et conseiller le KCC lorsqu'il doit commander de nouveaux stocks en tenant compte de la disponibilité des produits de l'usine et des facteurs de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.
- Transférer les compétences aux opérateurs de l'usine du KCC en ce qui concerne les principes fondamentaux du traitement de l'eau.
- Effectuer des enquêtes de sécurité pour s'assurer que les ingénieurs du site respectent les normes de sécurité des politiques du KCC en matière de sécurité, de santé et d'environnement.
- Organiser des réunions régulières, formelles et informelles, avec la direction du processus de KCC et l'équipe du site pour discuter de toutes les questions techniques.
- Effectuer des enquêtes sur les installations afin d'identifier tout domaine susceptible d'être amélioré du point de vue du processus ou du traitement de l'eau.





Provision of qualified electricians



Location de 9 chariots élévateurs pour Exports OPS

The forklifts currently used in the export department for loading cobalt are all old and we need additional forklifts and operators to strengthen the team in order to speed up the loading operations of copper and cobalt.



Les chariots élévateurs actuellement utilisés au département export pour le chargement du cobalt sont tous anciens et nous avons besoin de chariots élévateurs et d'opérateurs supplémentaires pour renforcer l'équipe afin d'accélérer les opérations de chargement du cuivre et du cobalt.

Transport & Labor hire



Location de transport et de main-d'œuvre




Labour for Hydraulic Back Fill Walls con



Main d'œuvre pour les parois hydrauliques de remblayage con

Preparation  :   -   Provide labour for the HBF walls pre-construction :
a) Reinforcing preparation, rebars cutting and steel wire and bending if necessary  ( free issue )
b) Load and transport from surface to the Underground sites  ( KCC provide transport supports )
c) Prepare, load and transport the drainage pipes and flow pipes from surface to the Underground sites  (KCC provide transport supports )
d) Prepare, Cut and load the geofabric for wall covering ( free issue )
e) House keeping
• Construction  :     -     Provide labour for HBF reinforced walls construction:                          
a) Anchoring of rebars in the pre-drilled holes according to the standards and recommandations ( KCC drilling)
b) Reinforcing ( meshing ) according to the layouts and standards ( KCC supervision )
c) Covering the back of the walls with UG meshes and geofabrics ( KCC supervision )
d) Intall drainage and flow pipes according to the standards          ( KCC supervision )   
e) House keeping



Préparation : - Prévoir la main d'oeuvre pour la pré-construction des murs HBF :
a) Préparation de l'armature, coupe des barres d'armature et fil d'acier et pliage si nécessaire (émission gratuite)
b) Chargement et transport de la surface vers les sites souterrains (KCC fournit des supports de transport)
c) Préparer, charger et transporter les tuyaux de drainage et les tuyaux d'écoulement de la surface vers les sites souterrains (KCC fournit des supports de transport)
d) Préparer, couper et charger le géotissu pour le revêtement mural (émission gratuite)
e) Entretien ménager
• Construction : - Fournir la main-d'œuvre pour la construction des murs armés HBF :
a) Ancrage des barres d'armature dans les trous pré-percés selon les normes et recommandations (forage KCC)
b) Renforcement (maillage) selon les schémas et normes (supervision KCC)
c) Couvrir l'arrière des murs avec des mailles UG et des géotissus (supervision KCC)
d) Intall des tuyaux de drainage et d'écoulement selon les normes (supervision KCC)
e) Entretien ménager





Dewatering Well Drilling



Assèchement Forage de puits

Mobilization of drilling rig and experienced operators and assistants.
-Completion of safety audits, risk assessments and inductions.
-Specification of all well construction materials for KCC procurement.
-Drilling of four (4) large diameter dewatering wells up to 350m deep in KOV Open Pit for a 16” diameter completion.
-Full drilling support, including specification of all drilling muds, fuel, provision for water supply etc.
-Installation and completion of well screen, casing and gravel pack of a high specification and quality.
-Good record keeping during drilling and well construction (penetration rate, mud loss, weight-on-bit etc).
-Well surface completion and well airlift development.
-Drill platform clean-up and demobilization.



Mobilisation d'appareils de forage et d'opérateurs et d'assistants expérimentés.
-Réalisation d'audits de sécurité, d'évaluations des risques et d'inductions.
-Spécification de tous les matériaux de construction de puits pour l'approvisionnement de KCC.
-Forage de quatre (4) puits d'assèchement de grand diamètre jusqu'à 350 m de profondeur dans la fosse à ciel ouvert KOV pour une complétion de 16" de diamètre.
- Assistance complète au forage, y compris la spécification de toutes les boues de forage, du carburant, de l'approvisionnement en eau, etc.
-Installation et achèvement d'un écran de puits, d'un tubage et d'un pack de gravier d'une spécification et d'une qualité élevées.
-Bonne tenue de registres pendant le forage et la construction du puits (taux de pénétration, perte de boue, poids sur le trépan, etc.).
- Complétion de la surface du puits et développement du pont aérien du puits.
-Nettoyage et démobilisation de la plate-forme de forage.





CCRM-Certified Customer Relationship Man

The agent must become a supervisor and therefore needs this training because this will lead him to be more in contact with suppliers as well as other entities



L'agent doit devenir superviseur et a donc besoin de cette formation car cela l'amènera à être plus en contact avec les fournisseurs ainsi que d'autres entités





T17 Concept - Hydro Drilling - River Sta

This scope of work is to drill 7 standpipes on a strip of land between T17 open pit and Musonoi River. It comprises of 5 shallow vertical standpipes up to 50m deep, and 2 deep inclined standpipes up to 100m deep.
The Scope of Services under this contract include, but not limited to the following:
Mobilization of 1 drill rig (diamond core or RC), experienced operators and assistants.
Completion of safety audits, risk assessments and inductions.
Specification of all piezometer construction materials for KCC procurement.
Drilling up to 7 open standpipes (5 to 50m and 2 to 100m) at an inclination of up to 60 degrees between T17 open pit and Musonoi River.
Full drilling support, including specification of all drilling muds, fuel, provision for water supply etc.
Supply and installation of 2” uPVC casing of a high specification and quality.
Good record keeping during drilling and well construction (penetration rate, mud loss, weight-on-bit etc).



Cette portée des travaux consiste à forer 7 bornes-fontaines sur une bande de terrain entre la fosse à ciel ouvert T17 et la rivière Musonoi. Il comprend 5 bornes-fontaines verticales peu profondes jusqu'à 50 m de profondeur et 2 bornes-fontaines inclinées profondes jusqu'à 100 m de profondeur.
L'étendue des services dans le cadre de ce contrat comprend, mais sans s'y limiter, les éléments suivants :
Mobilisation d'1 foreuse (carotte diamant ou RC), d'opérateurs et d'assistants expérimentés.
Réalisation d'audits de sécurité, d'évaluations des risques et d'inductions.
Spécification de tous les matériaux de construction de piézomètres pour l'approvisionnement de KCC.
Forage jusqu'à 7 bornes-fontaines à ciel ouvert (5 à 50 m et 2 à 100 m) à une inclinaison allant jusqu'à 60 degrés entre la fosse à ciel ouvert T17 et la rivière Musonoi.
Assistance complète au forage, y compris la spécification de toutes les boues de forage, du carburant, de l'approvisionnement en eau, etc.
Fourniture et installation d'un boîtier en uPVC de 2" de haute spécification et qualité.
Bonne tenue des registres pendant le forage et la construction du puits (taux de pénétration, perte de boue, poids sur le trépan, etc.).





2023 Dewatering Drilling Project - Rehab

The Scope of Services under this contract include, but not limited to the following:
- Mobilization of drilling rig and experienced operators and assistants.
- Completion of safety audits, risk assessments and inductions.
- Specification of all well construction materials for KCC procurement.
- Airlift development using a compressor to lift mud and water from the bottom of the well to the crest and reinstate surface block. Water level is between 50-150m and hole up to 250m deep. In one hole, an application of tetrasodium-pyrophosphate should be applied to break down historical drilling mud additives that are currently smearing the screened area of the dewatering well (16” final casing – 150m slotted casing).
- Installation and operation of 3 pump sizes (150kw, 220kw and 300kw) running each pump for 24-hour period.
- Drilling 22-inch hole to install 16” casing up to 200m deep in the KOV area.
- Full drilling support, including specification of all drilling muds, fuel, provision for water supply etc.
- Installation and completion of well screen, casing and gravel pack of a high specification and quality.
- Good record keeping during drilling and well construction (penetration rate, mud loss, weight-on-bit, water strikes, airlift yields etc).
- Well surface completion and well airlift development.
- Drill platform clean-up and demobilization



L'étendue des services dans le cadre de ce contrat comprend, mais sans s'y limiter, les éléments suivants :
- Mobilisation d'appareils de forage et d'opérateurs et d'assistants expérimentés.
- Réalisation d'audits de sécurité, d'évaluations des risques et d'inductions.
- Spécification de tous les matériaux de construction de puits pour l'approvisionnement de KCC.
- Développement du pont aérien à l'aide d'un compresseur pour soulever la boue et l'eau du fond du puits jusqu'à la crête et rétablir le bloc de surface. Le niveau d'eau est compris entre 50 et 150 m et le trou jusqu'à 250 m de profondeur. Dans un trou, une application de tétrasodium-pyrophosphate doit être appliquée pour décomposer les additifs de boue de forage historiques qui souillent actuellement la zone grillagée du puits d'assèchement (caisson final de 16 po - caisson fendu de 150 m).
- Installation et fonctionnement de 3 tailles de pompe (150kw, 220kw et 300kw) faisant fonctionner chaque pompe pendant une période de 24 heures.
- Forage d'un trou de 22 pouces pour installer un tubage de 16 pouces jusqu'à 200 m de profondeur dans la zone KOV.
- Assistance complète au forage, y compris la spécification de toutes les boues de forage, du carburant, de l'approvisionnement en eau, etc.
- Installation et achèvement d'un écran de puits, d'un tubage et d'un pack de gravier d'une spécification et d'une qualité élevées.
- Bonne tenue des registres pendant le forage et la construction du puits (taux de pénétration, perte de boue, poids sur le trépan, coups d'eau, rendements du pont aérien, etc.).
- Complétion de la surface du puits et développement du pont aérien du puits.
- Nettoyage et démobilisation de la plateforme de forage





UG 2023 Shaft 6 capping

This scope of work is to demolish and remove the existing concrete cap at the shaft and install a new cap to make a tight seal, preventing surface water access.
The Scope of Services under this contract include, but not limited to the following:
- Mobilization of suitable construction equipment, skilled technical personnel and assistants.
- Completion of safety audits, risk assessments and inductions.
- Specification of all concrete cap construction materials for KCC procurement.
- Demolishing and removal of the existing concrete cap at Shaft 6
- Clearing and setting out in preparation for the installation of a new cap
- Full construction support, including specification of all concrete mixes, reinforced steel, fuel, provision for water supply etc.
- Construction and completion of concrete cap which is capable of withstanding high bending and tensile forces, and adequate dimensions to prevent leakage of surface water into the shaft below
- Good record keeping during cap demolition and construction (material quantities used, formwork inspection, concrete grade etc).
- Surface clean-up and demobilization.



Cette portée des travaux consiste à démolir et à enlever le capuchon en béton existant au niveau du puits et à installer un nouveau capuchon pour créer un joint étanche, empêchant l'accès à l'eau de surface.
L'étendue des services dans le cadre de ce contrat comprend, mais sans s'y limiter, les éléments suivants :
- Mobilisation d'équipements de construction appropriés, de personnel technique qualifié et d'assistants.
- Réalisation d'audits de sécurité, d'évaluations des risques et d'inductions.
- Spécification de tous les matériaux de construction de capuchons en béton pour l'approvisionnement de KCC.
- Démolition et enlèvement du chapeau de béton existant au puits 6
- Déblaiement et mise en place en vue de l'installation d'un nouveau bouchon
- Assistance complète à la construction, y compris la spécification de tous les mélanges de béton, de l'acier renforcé, du carburant, de l'approvisionnement en eau, etc.
- Construction et achèvement d'un chapeau en béton capable de résister à des forces de flexion et de traction élevées, et de dimensions adéquates pour empêcher les fuites d'eau de surface dans le puits en dessous
- Bonne tenue des registres lors de la démolition et de la construction du chapeau (quantités de matériaux utilisées, inspection des coffrages, qualité du béton, etc.).
- Nettoyage de surface et démobilisation.





6 Shallow Dewatering Wells

The Mine Technical Services Department at Kamoto Copper Company SA (KCC) is looking at alternative dewatering strategies for the area between the Mupine TSF embankment and the KOV Pit crest. This scope forms part of the investigation to characterize the hydraulic properties of the saturated RGS lithological unit within the KOV Cut 5A1.



Le département des services techniques de la mine de Kamoto Copper Company SA (KCC) étudie des stratégies alternatives d'assèchement pour la zone située entre le remblai de l'ISR de Mupine et la crête de la fosse KOV. Cette portée fait partie de l'investigation visant à caractériser les propriétés hydrauliques de l'unité lithologique RGS saturée au sein de la coupe KOV 5A1.









To secure KCC people, equipment and operations aigainst illegal miners intrusion



Sécuriser le personnel, l'équipement et les opérations de KCC contre l'intrusion de mineurs illégaux






To ensure the success of the Scats transfer project from KTC to IPC to supplement ore requirement for 2023 a per business plan.
Hauling ores to strategic points to ensure operational efficiency and a steady ore supplies to the mills



Assurer le succès du projet de transfert de Scats de KTC à IPC pour compléter les besoins en minerai pour 2023 selon le plan d'affaires.
Transporter les minerais vers des points stratégiques pour assurer l'efficacité opérationnelle et un approvisionnement régulier en minerai vers les usines









• The contractor will provide all equipment and personnel to clean the areas of the export department daily, as directed by the company representative.
• The contractor will ensure that cleanup operations are performed safely by qualified operators, as this work will be performed in the plant next to empty and loaded trucks to remove household waste, unneeded materials and shall dispose of them in accordance with KCC environmental policy.



- Le contractant fournira tout l'équipement et le personnel nécessaires pour nettoyer quotidiennement les zones du département des exportations, conformément aux instructions du représentant de la société.
- Le contractant veillera à ce que les opérations de nettoyage soient effectuées en toute sécurité par des opérateurs qualifiés, étant donné que ce travail sera effectué dans l'usine à côté de camions vides et chargés pour enlever les déchets ménagers, les matériaux inutiles et les éliminer conformément à la politique environnementale de KCC.

Cleaning service




Biodiversity Consultancy review



Examen de la consultation en matière de biodiversité

To satisfy the requirements of the KCC HSEC Strategic Plan. To develop an understanding of ongoing potential and actual impacts to biodiversity by KCC operations and provide recommendations to manage those impacts. To provide a review of the Biodiversity Management Plan for KCC site and recommendations for improvement. To identify priority areas for biodiversity management and actions.



Satisfaire aux exigences du plan stratégique HSEC du CCK. Développer une compréhension des impacts actuels et potentiels des opérations du KCC sur la biodiversité et fournir des recommandations pour gérer ces impacts. Fournir un examen du plan de gestion de la biodiversité pour le site de KCC et des recommandations d'amélioration. Identifier les domaines prioritaires pour la gestion de la biodiversité et les actions.

Environmental services








Conduct an environmental and social audit of KCC operations and prepare an audit report that satisfies DRC Mining Regulations for submission to the DRC government.



Réaliser un audit environnemental et social des opérations de KCC et préparer un rapport d'audit conforme à la réglementation minière de la RDC, qui sera soumis au gouvernement de la RDC.





Lab analysis outside country



Analyse de laboratoire en dehors du pays

1. The contractor is required to provide fully qualified and experienced Personnel to carry out analysis of Water and Soil samples (the Services) as requested by the Company’s Representative.
2. The Services to be provided shall include but not be limited to, the following:
- Routine quarterly analysis of groundwater, surface water, soil samples for pH, TSS, ORP and All Elements as requested.



1. Le contractant est tenu de fournir un personnel pleinement qualifié et expérimenté pour procéder à l'analyse d'échantillons d'eau et de sol (les services) à la demande du représentant de la société.
2. Les services à fournir comprennent, sans s'y limiter, les éléments suivants :
- Analyse trimestrielle de routine des échantillons d'eau souterraine, d'eau de surface et de sol pour le pH, le TSS, l'ORP et tous les éléments demandés.

Laboratory services




Statutory inspection on pressure Vessel



Inspection statutaire des appareils à pression

1. Inspect the pressure vessel: consists of external equipment check, documentation check, examination of safety accessories,
2. Check the outside of the pressure vessel using the VCR in good working order with valid certificate according to NF EN ISO 17638:2003 and ISO 17640 standard (Non-destructive test weld inspection)
3. Check the inside of the pressure tank by endoscope using an endoscope in good working order with a valid certificate according to standard NF S 98-030, (Non-destructive test weld inspection)



1. Inspection de l'appareil à pression : vérification de l'équipement externe, vérification de la documentation, examen des accessoires de sécurité,
2. Vérifier l'extérieur de l'appareil à pression à l'aide du VCR en bon état de fonctionnement avec un certificat valide selon les normes NF EN ISO 17638:2003 et ISO 17640 (contrôle non destructif des soudures).
3. Contrôle de l'intérieur du réservoir sous pression par endoscope à l'aide d'un endoscope en bon état de fonctionnement avec un certificat valide selon la norme NF S 98-030, (Contrôle non destructif des soudures).

Maintenace services








Complete the upgrade of all areas related to the central workshops’ activities, relocated from LUILU and currently functioning without proper and safe materials storage yard.



Achever la modernisation de toutes les zones liées aux activités des ateliers centraux, déplacées de LUILU et fonctionnant actuellement sans cour de stockage des matériaux appropriée et sûre.

Engineering services




KTO UG 2023 - Drain Hole Drilling



KTO UG 2023 - Forage

This scope of work is to drill 2 (two) long and 4 (four) short drain holes within Zone 5 of the KTO underground and instal the requisite casing. Each long drainhole will be drilled to a depth of 300m, each short drainhole to a depth of 200m and completed at HQ final diameter



Les travaux consistent à forer 2 (deux) trous de drainage longs et 4 (quatre) trous de drainage courts dans la zone 5 du sous-sol de KTO et à installer le tubage nécessaire. Chaque trou de drainage long sera foré à une profondeur de 300 m, chaque trou de drainage court à une profondeur de 200 m et sera achevé à un diamètre final de HQ

Drilling services








The contractor is to perform daily inspections of all air conditioning units within the substations and MCC’s as mentioned in the introduction. Install new or replacement air conditioner units as and when required. Maintain all existing and new air conditioner units to operate efficiently to retain the correct set room temperatures of the substations and rectifier MCC’s.



Le contractant doit effectuer des inspections quotidiennes de toutes les unités de climatisation dans les sous-stations et les MCC, comme indiqué dans l'introduction. Installer des unités de climatisation nouvelles ou de remplacement selon les besoins. Entretenir toutes les unités de climatisation existantes et nouvelles pour qu'elles fonctionnent efficacement et conservent les températures ambiantes correctes des sous-stations et des MCC des redresseurs.

Labor hire




Power Stabilisation Feasibility Study



Étude de faisabilité de la stabilisation de puissance

KCC power stabilization project is for the stabilization of the power sent to KTC and thereby adhere to specifications proposed in order to reach a goal that some or all the mills will be able to run uninterruptedly during power fluctuations or power outage



Le projet de stabilisation de l'énergie du KCC vise à stabiliser l'énergie envoyée au KTC et à respecter ainsi les spécifications proposées afin d'atteindre l'objectif selon lequel certaines ou toutes les usines pourront fonctionner sans interruption en cas de fluctuations ou de coupures de courant.

Electrical services




Defect Elimination Process



Processus d'élimination des défauts Processus d'élimination des défauts

This contract is to increase the plant availability, reduce downtime and provide more stabile operations for the fixed and mobile plants by eliminating defects and repeat failures.



Ce contrat vise à augmenter la disponibilité de l'usine, à réduire les temps d'arrêt et à fournir des opérations plus stables pour les usines fixes et mobiles en éliminant les défauts et les pannes répétées.

Maintenance service




Settling pond & B3 trench cleaning



Curage bassin de décantation & tranchée B3

The existing ponds are full of mud and need to be cleaned in order to have sufficient area to adequately contain all the tailings runoff from the plant. In addition, this is to ensure good tailings management and control.
This job needs to be done by a contractor because KCC lack the necessary resources to carry out this kind of work or service.



Les bassins existants sont pleins de boue et doivent être nettoyés afin d'avoir une superficie suffisante pour contenir adéquatement tous les ruissellements de résidus de l'usine. De plus, il s'agit d'assurer une bonne gestion et un bon contrôle des résidus.
Ce travail doit être effectué par un entrepreneur car KCC manque de ressources nécessaires pour effectuer ce type de travail ou de service.

Maintenance service








• Mobilisation and demobilisation.
• Skills and competencies required.
• Supply and installation required for the works.
• Term of the services are they recurring services or as required.
• Plant and equipment that will be required to conduct the services.
• Dismantle the corroded metallic roofs.
• Repair or replacement the corroded structures.
• Painting of all structures.
• Install Plastic roofing’s as per BOQ specifications and attached drawing SP0600/7900/0008.

• Concrete of the floor.
• Install exhaust Fans.
• Housekeeping.



• Mobilisation et démobilisation.
• Aptitudes et compétences requises.
• Fourniture et installation nécessaires aux travaux.
• Durée des services sont-ils des services récurrents ou au besoin.
• Installations et équipements qui seront nécessaires pour effectuer les services.
• Démonter les toitures métalliques corrodées.
• Réparer ou remplacer les structures corrodées.
• Peinture de toutes les structures.
• Installez les toitures en plastique selon les spécifications BOQ et le dessin ci-joint SP0600/7900/0008.

• Béton du sol.
• Installez les ventilateurs d'évacuation.
• Entretien ménager.

Cleaning service




Provision of qualified electricians




Mise à disposition d'électriciens qualifiés

Past electrical safety audits and electrician assessments have revealed a gap in the levels of KCC electricians and the standard.
An upskilling program for electricians has been initiated and is ongoing.
To ensure the levels of KCC electricians correspond to similar levels internationally accepted, training department has taken the option to provide a 6 months training to a group of 50 electricians selected from different operational departments. Upon completion of training, the candidates will be assessed and certified by internationally recognised bodies.
This training and the certification thereafter are necessary to ensure electrical works on all KCC sites are done safely according to electrical safety standards.




"Les audits de sécurité électrique et les évaluations des électriciens passés ont révélé un écart entre les niveaux des électriciens KCC et la norme.

Un programme de perfectionnement des électriciens a été lancé et se poursuit.

Pour s'assurer que les niveaux des électriciens de KCC correspondent à des niveaux similaires internationalement acceptés, le service formation a pris l'option de dispenser une formation de 6 mois à un groupe de 50 électriciens sélectionnés dans différents départements opérationnels. À la fin de la formation, les candidats seront évalués et certifiés par des organismes internationalement reconnus.

Cette formation et la certification par la suite sont nécessaires pour garantir que les travaux électriques sur tous les sites de KCC sont effectués en toute sécurité conformément aux normes de sécurité électrique."


Labor hire



Embauche de main-d'œuvre





Excavation of KITD (Tailings Material)

KITD tailings dump needs to be excavated in preparation for mining new phases of Mashamba East open pit

The average haulage distance from KITD to the dumping area is 2km. In order to access KITD to carry out the work in a safe manner, it is expected that dry material will need to be hauled in by the contractor to use as ballast.  Our assumption is that on average, 10% of the total excavation volume will be needed for KITD.  This material will be available in the waste dumping area to be hauled an equal distance

Mining Maintenance




Bollore Warehousing and Handling

Bollore Warehousing and Handling





Luilu nursery shadehouse civil erection

This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:

• General including site establishment and site clearance
• Concrete work including reinforcement and formwork
• Building work including brickwork and plastering
• Irrigation system including plumbing.
• Assembly of the metal structure according to the design.

Construction service




Mobile rockbreaker rental

The Contractor is required to provide fully qualified and experienced operators to carry out rock breaking of oversize material with two fully functional rock breakers for a period of 12months.





WRD Drilling program 2023

WRD Drilling program 2023

Drilling services




Talbot (Knight piesol) lab

1. The contractor is required to provide fully qualified and experienced Personnel to carry out analysis of Water and Soil samples (the Services) as requested by the Company’s Representative.
2. The Services to be provided shall include but not be limited to, the following:
- Routine quarterly analysis of groundwater, surface water, soil samples for pH, TSS, ORP and All Elements as requested.
- Reporting of analysis results and Certificate
- Analyses schedule and number of samples shall be determined by Company and subject to change in accordance with operational requirements.
3. The contractor shall provide necessary equipment and working tools.
4. The contractor shall ensure that the results from sampling is to be sent to the Company within 96h of receipt of samples.
5. Analysis in accordance with international best practice procedures.
6. The Contractor ensure that he has accreditation or in process of accreditation as independent laboratory by recognized institution (i.e. SABAS accredited lab.) and in terms of ISO9001 and other standards.

Consulting service




Cleaning totes

KCC is urgently looking for a capable and certified company that can clean-up empty totes from the processing operations. These totes contained chemicals used at the plant. The purpose of this service is to ensure that the totes are cleaned and fit for the safest community use.

Cleaning service




Maintenance for Jaguar air compressor

Maintenance for Jaguar air compressor

Maintenance service




Minalyzer service and operation contract

Minalyzer service and operation contract

Maintenance service




Luilu Operational Reliability and Refurbishment

Kamoto Copper Company recently constructed two large greenfield projects namely the Whole Ore Leach processing plant and Sulphuric Acid Plant with both plants located at the Luilu refinery concession. These plants produce an estimate of ± 300KTPA of 99% pure copper and approximately 2000 tpd of concentrated Sulphuric acid respectively. The newly constructed WOL and Acid Plant has been in operation since 2017 (WOL) and 2019 (ACID). True to the nature and operational conditions of these plants, several key areas and infrastructure has been exposed to severe operational circumstances that has led to premature failure of supporting structures, pipe racks, gantry’s, tanks, pipes, pumps, electrical equipment, civil bases, bund areas and AKS liners. KCC has identified a few refurbishment and reliability projects that must be implemented to maintain the plants sustainability and operational consistency.





Drain and culvert maintenance

The scope of work includes but are not limited to the cleaning & maintenance of the culverts and drains on ALL KCC properties.

Cleaning services




Canal Plus Subscription

Canal Plus Subscription

Drilling Services




Construction of Water Tanks for Mine Water

Installation and commissioning of water filling station in 2 locations (1 in KOV and 1 in ME)

Mining Maintenance




Kujuwa B1 offices cabling - link to LAN

Description of the Services (with breakdown and/or program of each step to be performed):
• Pull fiber from B1 building to Old Dover Office
• Pull fiber  from B1 building office to KTO Park office, distribution point
• Cabling of new building
• Network Documentation

IT Services





1. Provide geological core logging services
2. Provide core sampling services
3. Core boxes displacement, stacking, ranking core boxes
4. Metal boxes assemblage
5. RC and pulps samples preparation
6. RC drilling supervision and sampling
7. Stockpiles blending
8. Open pits demarcation blocks survey

Labor hire





The project consist of constructing a facility to accommodate a cooking area and an eating area for truck drivers at the truck parking of Luilu. The project main phases includes earthworks, civil works, steel carpentry, finishes, water supply and electrical connection.
Contractor supplies all materials, equipment and personnel for the execution of this project within the recommended timeframe and include all costs related to the project in the rates.

Construction Services




ISO 9001 & 17025

ISO 9001 & 17025

Training service






Mining Maintenance




Fire Suppression Installation & Maintenance

Ansultech Crew Duties and Responsibilities-
• Provide FRA’s (Fire risk Assessment) and system designs of system installations on
• Installations of New Ansul Fire Suppression Systems,
• Service the currently fitted Ansul Fire Suppression Systems,
• We recommend that the service intervals be monthly,
• Carry out a monthly inspection of all the fire systems fitted to the KCC Open Pit fleet
• Report all defects identified by the monthly inspections to the relevant KCC, section manager, and to carry out the subsequent repairs required,
• Respond to fire system related breakdowns

Mining Maintenance




3 network licenses of Trimble TBC

3 network licenses of Trimble TBC






Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) is in the process of addressing several operational improvements throughout the asset. Key focus at KTC and Luilu is to ensure that the maximum cobalt and copper is produced. Several opportunities have been identified. One such initiative is to mature the sensors, instrumentation, and control within various sections of the plants, as it is a common strategy to have the necessary control capability in place to stabilise and eventually optimise these circuits, to maximise production and production efficiencies.

KCC has therefore opted to consult with process experts to undertake a series of work streams, as part of a larger project initiative, to help audit various circuits instrumentation and develop the necessary improvement roadmaps for each circuit.

The required service aims to execute a deep and detailed diagnostic to deploy advanced process control strategies, to the following sections at KCC (in order of priority):
1. Crushing and Milling at KTC
2. Floatation circuits
3. Whole Ore Leach at Luilu (pre-leach, leach, post-leach)
4. CCD circuit and other thickeners
5. FAM Precipitation Circuits
6. Cobalt Precipitation and Drying
7. Sulphide Roasters
8. Acid supply
9. Neutralisation and lime make-up
10. High grade SX and low grade SX
11. Copper Electrowinning

Consultancy Services




KOV Disaptch Tower Overload

The existing KOV tower was not calibrated to receive so much material, which resulted in deformation.
In order to solve this problem and in view of the increase of the equipment in the area, we suggest the Installation of 25 m tower at KOV dispatch (Concreate base and earthing system to be done 1 Ohm for Earthing)

Mining Maintenance




Sterilization Reverse Circulation Drilling

§ Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling and sampling of 73 000 m in/around KCC lease area.
§ Drilling will take place from surface on roads, dumps and various topographies comprising the ASA blocks therefore drill rigs should be suitable for slightly sloping surfaces (maximum 10 degrees) and rough terrain. Both wheeled and tracked drill rigs will be considered.
§ Drilling will be conducted in 3 phases following on each other with some contingency drilling included should drill sites believed to be un-available become available. The drill phases are as follow:
o Phase 1: 41 400 m – 207 holes
o Phase 2: 15 200 m – 76 holes
o Phase 3: 8 000 m – 40 holes
o Contingency: 8 400 m – 42 holes
§ Operation and servicing of two (02) RC drill rigs (staff, fuel, water etc.) to ensure a 24-hour operation (2 x 12hr shifts) and a target drill rate of 200 m/day/rig. 
§ Drilling holes to a target depth of 200 m deep from the surface. Holes will be vertical. There may be ad hoc request for slightly deeper and / or inclined holes. These should be limited to special circumstances.
§ Drilling techniques and practices should ensure optimum quality of chips, sampling and presentation.
§ Each rig to be fitted with a serviceable automated cyclonic sampler fitted with a conical sample splitter.
§ All drilling to be completed within 11 months of the agreed start date. 
§ Contractor should quote on dry rates for the SOW
§ No claim for loss equipment should be considered

Drilling Services




Sterilization Diamond Drilling: ASA Bloc

§ Diamond Drill drilling of 42 500 m in/around KCC lease area.
§ Drilling will take place from surface on roads, dumps and various topographies comprising the ASA blocks therefore drill rigs should be suitable for slightly sloping surfaces (maximum 10 degrees) and rough terrain. Both wheeled and tracked drill rigs will be considered.
§ Drilling will be conducted in 3 phases following on each other with some contingency drilling included should drill sites believed to be un-available become available. The drill phases are as follow:
o Phase 1: 10 000 m – 20 holes
o Phase 2: 16 000 m – 32 holes
o Phase 3: 9 000 m – 18 holes
o Contingency: 7 500 m – 15 holes
§ Operation and servicing of six (06) diamond drill rigs (staff, fuel, water etc.) to ensure a 24-hour operation (2 x 12hr shifts) and a target drill rate of 25 m/day/rig. 
§ Drilling holes to a target depth of 500 m deep from the surface.
§ Expected hole diameter is 4,5’’ OD, 3.25’’ ID.
§ Drilling techniques and practices should ensure optimum quality of core and core presentation. Triple-tube drilling with the use of a split tube sampler is required for optimum core recovery.
§ A minimum average core recovery of 90% per month measured month on month is required.
§ All drilling to be completed within 15 months of the agreed start date.
§ Grouting of all holes drilled from surface is required.
§ Contractor should quote on dry rates for the SOW
§ No claim for lost equipment should be considered

Drilling Services





The purpose of the service is to supply the Engineering Services & Projects department with the skilled workforce required for the workload.

Labor hire





This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:

• Supply of rented sewage trucks for a designated period to help evacuate waste from sewage chambers.
• Supply of experienced and qualified personnel
• Managing sewage waste appropriate to avoid overflow and contamination of nearby population and environment

Mining Maintenance




Waster management services

Supply suitable mobile equipment, tools, and labour to conduct the clean-up of waste material, separate useable material and transporting reusable material to an allocated area.

Mining Maintenance




Mupine Labor requirement 2023

Mupine Labor requirement 2023

Labor hire





An alternative sample product was received for plant trial but due to the fact that KCC has not facilities and doesn’t have guaranties on process, production and safety related using the product, a rental pilot plant appears a quick solution to test the new product before moving to a full plant implementation.
The scope of work aimed to rent those facilities for a period of 2 month on site.

Mining Maintenance




Idle Monitor Module

Idle Monitor Module





Glencore – KCC - Argus Monitoring  System

The proposed solution will be split in two phases, the technology verification/pilot phase which will be piloted for 7 shovels and 56 trucks. For the full project, a hardware kit will be installed on shovels and the mRoc management software will be installed and configured KCC on servers and office Desktops. Modular highly recommends that all trucks being serviced by this shovel be installed with the system to ensure maximum compliance.

Mining Maintenance




Deswik Advanced Open Pit License Purchas

Deswik Advanced Open Pit License Purchas





Roaster Capacity Concept Study

Over the next 10 years, Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) anticipates a substantial change in their ore profile, which will result in a much larger proportion of the input copper to Luilu refinery to be in the form of sulphide concentrate.
KCC is interested in exploring several options for increasing roasting capacity at Luilu, including the use of oxygen enrichment and the construction of additional fluid-bed roasters. XPS was requested by Glencore Copper to prepare a scope of work for a Concept Study to evaluate options for increasing roaster throughput. These options include constructing additional roasters and/or using oxygen enrichment of the fluidising air. De-bottlenecking of the existing roasters may also
result in a capacity improvement.
The structure of the scope of work is based on elements of the Glencore Copper Study Guidelines for Major Projects. The Study Guidelines are an essential part of the Glencore Copper Capital Management Framework. The Study Guidelines also provide a methodology to define the deliverables for each stage of the project.
Two key enabling technologies will be evaluated as part of this Concept Study. The first technology is oxygen enrichment of the roaster fluidizing air. This has been used in other sulphide
roasters to increase the production rate without having to increase the physical size of the equipment. The second technology is recovering sulphur dioxide from the roaster as a byproduct such as sulphuric acid. The increased oxygen in the roaster air will also increase the sulphur dioxide concentration in the off gas. This could make the sulphur dioxide more amenable
for conversion to sulphuric acid.
A key part of the Concept Study will be identification of the risks and opportunities for the different process options. High level estimates of capital and operating costs will also be developed to support the selection of the best option. The key findings from the study will be used to build a Forward-Looking Plan for the subsequent project stages.

Consulting service




ARCGIS license renewal

ARCGIS license renewal





Electrical safety repairs

In December 2022, an intensive audit on electrical installation, Substation and DB installation was done to determine the condition thereof, compile, and implement a corrective action plan, now that we are getting the substations and DB on standard and safe there is fair amount of work in the field that is not up to safe and correct standard that can cause potential high risk in the plant for our employees and contractors. The main reason for this is because many of the installations were done over a long period, many of them were old, poorly maintained and do not comply with the latest requirements and standards

Electrical Service




Electrical audit on motors

Electrical audit on motors

Consulting service




Bearing refurbishment

Bearing refurbishment.
Scope of work





Sage 300 License renewal

Sage 300 License renewal





2023–KCC–Surface Resource and Geotech Drilling

core drilling of 48,919 m in/around KCC open pits.
- Operation and servicing of eight (8) diamond drill rigs (staff, fuel, water etc.) to ensure a 24-hour operation (2 x 12hr shifts) and a target drill rate of 25 m/day/rig. 
- Drilling up to a maximum of 1,000m deep holes from the surface. Holes will be inclined and oriented on the surface, drilling azimuth ranges from zero to 360 degrees.
- Orientated geomechanical drilling is required for PQ3, HQ3 and NQ3 core.
- Drilling methods and good practices to ensure optimum quality of orientation, core recovery and core presentation. Triple-tube drilling and use of split tube sampler required for optimum core recovery.
- A minimum average core recovery of 90% is required.
- Grouting on all holes is required on surface.
- The contractor is expected to confirm fully to all KCC’s relevant policies, standards, and procedures.

Drilling Services




3D Geotechnical Model Building

Most geological models that are being used and developed imply the implicit modelling technique which helps to refine the boundary limits of a geological model. KCC has used Leapfrog, an implicit modelling software for grade control, ore body refinements and geological displays from which geotechnical assessments are made. TECT, a contractor, has been providing and updating these models since 2019 and immense value has been achieved from using Leapfrog over the currently available software such as Surpac and Deswik





VSAT Internet Service - Marlink

VSAT Internet Service - Marlink





Historical Survey and Imagery Project Pr

1. Scan and orthorectify all relevant Keyhole Satellite imagery of the KCC pit area from the 1960s and 1970s. We will utilize that information to establish and digitize the pit crest and other visible pit features that will inform Glencore as to when maximum pit depth was reached.

2. As part of this scope of work, PhotoSat will process and deliver an additional 10 of Topographic surface data and orthorectified imagery of the Pit area.





Luilu Camp Demolition Phase 1

This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:
• Stripping of structures & internal services of these buildings include but not limited to electrical wiring, electrical fittings, A/C units, roof sheets, doors, windows, wall boards, toilets, shower fittings, plumbing lines and geysers.
• Removal and relocation of furniture to be donated, including but not limited to beds, tables, chairs, cupboards.
• Removal and transportation of containers to a location within 1km radius
• Removal and relocate workshop tools and equipment within Luilu
• Dismantle and removal of steel structures

Construction service




Luilu camp Earthworks phase 1

This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:
• Excavate and remove all existing isolated services in work area, excavations to be backfilled and compacted
• Demolish existing sewage chambers, over-excavate, and dispose of material at dump site to be nominated by the Client, but within a radius of 4.5 km.
• Import material for backfilling sewage chamber excavation, backfill and compact
• Remove existing Installation of services piping and buried electrical cables.
• Surface strip surface soil and dispose at designated dump site within a radius of 4.5 km, to be determined by contract owner
• Import material for work site, backfill and compact as per BOQ

Construction service




IPC apron feeder head drive replacement

IPC apron feeder head drive replacement

Mining maintenance




ASA Blocks drilling: full project Manage

§ To conduct ASA block full drilling project management in/around KCC lease area.
§ ASA project will take place from surface on roads, dumps and various topographies comprising the ASA blocks therefore drill rigs should be suitable for slightly sloping surfaces (maximum 10 degrees) and rough terrain. Both wheeled and tracked drill rigs will be considered.
The project includes 85 inclined Diamond drill holes to a depth of 500 m on a 400X400 m grid spacing. this grid will be further infilled by RC drillholes to a maximum depth of 500 m on a grid of 400x400m, except where existing exploration drilling is available.
§ Control the cost and quality in line with the project objectives
§ To conduct all activities of core process at the core shed
§ To capture all geological data in Database
§ To execute this project, it required: planning, detailed drilling organization with respect to safety standards, management and quality control of whole drilling  execution steps up to deliver as final product a related details drilling database with geological exploration standards.

Consulting service




Earthwork Contract ASA BLOCK DRILLING

§ Provide equipment with appropriate manpower to carry out earthworks to prepare the access and the platforms for Diamond and RC drilling in ASA BLOCK drilling project. ASA project will take place from surface on roads, dumps and various topographies comprising the ASA blocks project.
§ In the slightly remote area, it will be required to the contractor to establish the access
§ The equipment required are Dozer, grader and TLB
§ Operations will be on daily basis and supervision is always required to provide full coverage.
§ The size of a DD platform must be 15X20 meters around the DDH point and for RC drilling 10X10 meters
§ Contractor should quote on dry rates for the SOW

Mining maintenance




Support improvement on asset register

Purpose intended within this scope of works is to optimize the spare parts and components management & maintenance scheduling strategies, to improve the compliance to plan, during maintenance execution activities, ensuring equipment are being maintained as per the optimised strategies. This improvement contract will focus on the update of the Asset’s Registers and their criticality, update the Bill of Materials (BOMs) and spares parts required to perform all the maintenance strategies and tactics across all Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) assets / equipment, with an initial focus on the KTC Plant.

Labor hire




Mupine Pumping System electrical install

Kamoto Copper Company herein refer to as the Company have bought a new pumping system for Mupine TSF, this however requires electrical installation work to be completed and commissioned. The pumping system is business critical as it is used for the return water to KTC plant.

Engineering services




Road Extension

The Scope of Work to be performed shall include, but not be limited to the following:

Note: Refer to Bill of Quantities for all Earthworks, Concrete, Formwork, Reinforcing

1. SX access road

1.1 Earthworks Construction Phase:
• Backfill and compact to 95% Mod AASHTO as required up to 300mm below NGLV for foundations, bases, trenches and surface beds, etc. and use for backfilling or embankment.
• HDPE 1.5-micron liner to be placed on surface bed and gully areas and welded at all 150 mm overlaps.

1.2 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement:
• Rough formwork to sides of concrete surfaces.
• High Tensile Welded Mesh, Install type reference 395
• High Tensile Reinforcing Steel. Cut, bend and install in all diameters.
• Concrete 30MPa/10 -15mm high density. Reinforced concrete in bases, trenches, plinths, surface beds, and columns, etc.
• Unformed Surface Finishes. wood floated finish to horizontal concrete floor surfaces bed.
• Isolation and Saw cut joint as per drawing
• Concrete cover to me absolute minimum of 50 mm to a max of 75 mm.
• Concrete must be poured/placed as monogamous pours between movement joints. No construction joints will be allowed other than surface bed and wall/bases. All cold joint needs to be thoroughly scabbled and clean of latent before new concrete is placed.

Construction service




Illing SLA & Improve Asset Reliability

Illing SLA & Improve Asset Reliability

Mining maintenance





to provide on-site service that will ensure the sandblasting of components, machineries’ frames, welded fabrications, pumps, valves, scaffolding elements, etc. and supply paint to deliver built or rebuilt equipment by central workshop to the end user in a professional way, close to original manufactures’ standards.

Mining maintenance






Mining maintenance




SCM General workers for SCM Operations

Contractor will provide workers to perform different general warehousing tasks such as, not limited to:
• - Move material from different warehouse locations
• - Hook big bag during offloading operations
• - Help forklift operators as spotter
• - perform housekeeping in their area of work
• - carry material from different Bin location to the issuing point
• - Operate forklift for different warehouse needs
• - workers to perform work on shift (Day): 7:00 -19:00 and (night) 19:00-7:00
• - workers to perform on Normal hours (7:00 - 16:00)

Labor hire




MI Core Annual Software Maintenance

MI Core Annual Software Maintenance





LV Drivers for Mine Shift Change

• Provide drivers for the light vehicles around the open pits at KCC to facilitate shift change for the open pit operators in good operating conditions for day and night shift transportation for mine operators. The role will primarily be used to move incoming and outgoing operators in and out of the mine at shift change (3 x per day). Outside of shift change times, drivers will be expected to clean and refuel LV’s and prepare all vehicles and associated issues (tyre replacement etc) for the next shift change.

Labor hire




Architectural and Engineering Design

This scope of works is  to design a new school on a 1300mx300m plot .The design should include :
• Architectural plans with all the necessary details (civil and structure)
• Electrical plans according to IEC Standard standards
• Plumbing plans
• Bill of Material and Bill of quantity for civil
• Cost Estimate

Engineering services





Develop/improve on the technology business case: Identify technology alternatives, rank technology alternatives, and develop technology alternative business cases.
For this project to be successful it required to understand whether the business case assumptions are valid. To reach this conclusion we need to have the identified technologies (from the Metallurgical Consulting work) assessed through preliminary tests at bench scale. This work also requires assessing of ion exchange reagents, if multiples are available, for their efficiency and potential drawbacks. The test work will be performed on slurries and effluents as provided by Glencore.
At the time of conception, it is anticipated that the technology solutions capable of reducing the cobalt in the process streams are closely related to Ion Exchange (Column based IX, or Resin in Pulp). However, for brevity SX may well prove successful too.
Given the expected technologies to be employed, the following test work is anticipated. (It falls to the vendor to also detail any additional test work they might recommend.)
• Resin loading / Absorption tests – How effective the resins are at adsorbing cobalt from effluent and Slurry.
• Assays for impurities which are also adsorbed into the resin.
• Isotherms – to help with sizing and opex considerations
• Total dissolved solids (TSS) for effluents

Consulting service




Calibration of 10 Mechanical and Electrical

• Provide a short, but concise ‘Background’. This provides the tenderers with an early understanding of the mine ownership, site operations, location, and extent of mining operations, specific tender requirements and Glencore’s Sustainability approach.

• The certification of measuring instruments for structural and condition monitoring inspection is a mandate based upon OEM and the ISO 9001-2015 standard (Quality system management). The frequential interval for this mandatory certification should be done every one year of usage through course of which the instruments is calibrated to guarantee the accuracy of the measurements and to avoid errors (false results of the measurements)..





ITIL Phase 2 implementation project

ITIL Phase 2 implementation project

IT service




KTO UG – silo and feeders level control

Control the ore level in the silo & Feeders and replace damaged LCD display 1. Pull instrument cable
2. Fabricate LIT support
3. Install LIT
4. Gland and terminate instrument cables
5. Cable rack installation size 150mm
6. Assess and optimize the wiring
7. Underground ABB PLC programming and Engineering
8. Shaft 1 ABB PLC programming and Engineering
9. Shaft 1 LCD display replacement
10. Test and commissioning

Maintenance service




Dosimetric monitoring of agent  KCC MIN

The contractor must present a project to prevent and protect workers working under ionizing radiation against the effects of the latter by controlling the doses absorbed. It must therefore develop a dosimetric monitoring project for workers under ionizing radiation.

This project will consist of:
• Evaluate or determine with KCC the list and number of workers who will be monitored;
• Determine the different exposures, work procedures and appropriate dosimeters;
• Provide a dosimetric monitoring program;
• Ensure the supply of passive dosimeters;
• Determine the place and mode of the analysis of passive dosimeters (reading);
• Determine the archiving mode of individual data;
Provide the ability to provide spare dosimeters on time.

Consulting service




Welding of metal bumpers of new Sandik T

Cutting of Hardox Metal Sheet
- Welding of Front Bumpers side plate left and right 1500x350x50mmx2
- Welding of back protection side plates and right 1000x200x50mmx8
- Painting of all protection side plates

Mining maintenance





The bounded area (X4 &Y4) receiving sulphur from KTC forms a storage place for all the waste and various materials washed away by the passage of rainwater.
And the objective of this project is to prevent the entry of these foreign materials in this area in order to avoid the repulping in the circuit.

Construction service




International SOIS - transition services

International SOIS - transition services

Medical service




Process diagnostic and optimization

Glencore Copper’s Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) is in the process of addressing several
operational improvements throughout the asset. Key focus at KTC and Luilu is to ensure
that the maximum cobalt and copper is produced. Several opportunities have been
identified. One such initiative is to mature the sensors, instrumentation, and control within
various sections of the plants, as it is a common strategy to have the necessary control
capability in place to stabilise and eventually optimise these circuits, to maximise
production and production efficiencies.
Glencore has therefore opted to consult with process experts to undertake a series of
work streams, as part of a larger project initiative, to help audit various circuits
instrumentation and develop the necessary improvement roadmaps for each circuit.
This project relates to Glencore’s technology transformation plan as it seeks to achieve
maximum throughput and recovery by leveraging available fixed plant assets and data.
The following value levers has been identified and are classified in direct or positive
externalities around the business unit.

Mining Operation




Liner laydown yard and car parking construction

This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:

• Site clearance with vegetation removal.
• Bulk earthwork on the whole areas and compaction with allowances for drainage.
• Backfilling of imported materials.
• Fencing and gates installation.
• Security huts constructions for access regulation.
• Electrical installation for lighting.

Mining Operation




HGAC Circuit Reconfig. - Concept Study

Based on the life of asset mining plans, Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) expects an increase in
gangue acid consuming (GAC) minerals beyond the processing capability of the current
operations: KTC- a concentrator comprising seven milling circuits with dif ferent flotation
configurations, and Luilu, a downstream processing facility comprising whole ore leach (oxides)
and sulphating roasting (sulphates). Copper solution is purified by solvent extraction and plated
in conventional electrowinning tank houses, whilst cobalt in solution is precipitated by lime and
milk of magnesia to produce a hydroxide salt.
An intermediate implementation was performed by KCC to modify the existing hydro-mining
circuit to exclusively process high GAC ore fingers from mining.
See Figure 7 for KTC block flow diagram. Processing of high GAC ore is paramount:
a. High GAC ore samples contain appreciable quantities of cobalt and copper.
b. The acid production f rom the on-site acid plant will be exceeded, necessitating either
lower throughput, or a process modification towards GAC removal in the flotation circuit.
Due to the high GAC expected in the HGAC ore, it is not feasible to leach this material
directly due to the high acid cost and excessive heat generation.
c. KCC has started the segregation of primary ore production in 2027 into High GAC oxide
ore (>80 kg/t). Low GAC oxide ore (<80 kg/t) and sulphide ore (which contains >80%
sulphides). Majority of the High GAC ore comes f rom the KOV open pit ore body.
Through good mine planning and mining hygiene practices, KCC is confident that these
three ore types will be able to be mined separately and segregated efficiently to allow
distinct processing of each.
d. High GAC ore is thus mostly oxides with less than 20% sulphides and Ca levels ranging
f rom 2-8%.
e. Mineralogical assessment of High GAC ore samples has shown the calcium almost
exclusively present as dolomite with little association between Cu/Co and the gangue

Consulting Services





This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:

• Earthworks for containers platform and for stairs
• Concrete works for containers plinths (ablution and restaurant) and for staircase.
• Plumbing connection of the containers to the sewage chamber with all necessary accessories.
• Supply and install water tanks and water pumps for water storage and distribution. 
• Supply and install one extra 6m treated container for storage.
• Supply and install steel shed between container modules
• Supply and picnic tables as extra furniture.

Construction services





KTC has 7 primary mills and 6 ball mills  - each mill is to be scanned once per month as opportunity allows
Mill inspections reports are to give clear predictions on end of life of the mill components to allow for suitable shutdown planning

Mining Maintenance




Dassault - Geovia\ Surpac license

Dassault - Geovia\ Surpac license





AMT software license renewal

AMT software license renewal






As the stripping machines 1&2 are running on semi-auto, we need a support of some contractors to sustain the production on quantity and quality by doing manual strip, segregation, weighing, strapping, housekeeping and cell maintenance.

Labor Services




Implementing and Operating Cisco Security

Implementing and Operating Cisco Security

Training Services




Electrical work for liner & restaurant

The targeted site for KTC new liners laydown on the left side of the KTC bus parking is a targeted area for the new laydowns for Mills liners. Moreover, a section of the Area together with the area on the left side of the KTO Main entrance gate will be used for the new KTC Car parking area and restaurant facilities for all KCC employee working in KTC. Therefore, KCC requires to install lights in this new area and powering the restaurant installation.
This scope of works details and steps all electrical works related to light poles installation in the new liner laydown area and electrical installation for the new restaurant.

Electrical Services




Liner handler beam refurbishment

Kamoto Copper Company (KCC), a large mining company in the DR Congo owns the Kamoto Concentrator (KTC) which was commissioned more than 50 years ago but fell in the 90s under subpar maintenance and operations which resulted in lot of structural steel deterioration due to corrosion, mechanical stress,... Etc. This current scope of works intends to address some of these issues by employing a subcontractor to carry out corrective works on structural steel members during a 3 months project to deliver works compliant with best industry standard and restore the integrity of the concentrator structural steel

Mining Maintenance





KCC Open pit mining operations deploy multiple fleet management, collision avoidance and fatigue management technologies amongst others. The current mesh network has been established making use of Rajant technologies by design and this is the standard technology across all mining operations for Wi-Fi networks. The underground operations are in the process of installing and commissioning collision avoidance technologies (CAS) to enhance safety and reduce employee risk exposure with regards to mobile equipment interaction hazards in line with the requirements of fatal hazard protocol 4 (FHP4).

These technologies transmit data from the operational fleet to the surface control rooms by means of network systems. An upgrade to the underground network is in progress standardising on Rajant technologies to ensure consistency and standardisation of design and inventory holding at KCC. At present, the only technical network support being provided is by means of an existing contract for remote support. Remote network support is acutely limited at present and it is not serving the required intent to ensure effective monitoring, control and reporting of critical network performance information.

Network coverage, latency issues, bandwidth information which are all imperative for the effective operation of fleet management and operator safety systems (fatigue management and CAS technology) are inadequately monitored for reliability and response support on the Rajant network by agents situated remotely is ineffective. High availability networks are required to ensure the adequate functioning of all fleet safety and productivity technologies. At present, the remote network support contract in place is inadequate and a need for on-site network support on the standard Rajant networks is required, especially considering the planned expansion of the network into the underground operations at KCC (KTO).

IT Services





Pull Fiber optic cable and Splice (Length 10 000M)
- To Pull UTP and doing connectors (Length 10 000M)
- To Install 70 Junction box and mount 70 cameras.
- To Install Cabinet Enclosure Mounting and Installing 30 Cabinets

IT Services





Currently, the roaster5 top cover of the vault and expansion joint conditions is very bad and require major repairs to guarantee roaster life.
As we know the space between the roof of vault and the concrete allows the furnace to breathe.
this bad situation requires a quick repair to avoid heat and smoke dissipation.

Mining Maintenance




2 Ventsim licenses and 12 Months  maintenance

• Purchase of additional 2 Ventsim licenses 
• Annual maintenance extensions service for those licenses





Fire monitoring in substation and MCC

KCC has some fire detection and quenching system of substations and MCC which are not operational. To mitigate fire effect there is a need to monitor and fight fire in case of start 24 hours/7 days.

Mining Maintenance




Replacement of Fuel Management System

As part of the KCC fuel stations upgrade to efficiently manage, report and reconcile fuel stocks movement the existing FMS in use will be replaced.
The current FMS called FAMS is not designed to handle the volumes of KCC operations. There are several integration failures to other systems in use and high risks of uncontrolled fuel dispensing. On completion of the upgrade, automated vehicle recognition, equipment burn rate, data processing in SAP, AMT integration, fuel leak detection, reorder point, safe fill alert, accurate ATG and reports will be available.
This scope of service will consist of installation of fixed units’ plinths, mobile units, fuel tags on LVs and other diesel-powered equipment. The RFS set up, GPS link, system integration to SAP and AMT.

Mining Maintenance




LV Drivers for Mine Shift Change

• Provide drivers for the light vehicles around the open pits at KCC to facilitate shift change for the open pit operators in good operating conditions for day and night shift transportation for mine operators. The role will primarily be used to move incoming and outgoing operators in and out of the mine at shift change (3 x per day). Outside of shift change times, drivers will be expected to clean and refuel LV’s and prepare all vehicles and associated issues (tyre replacement etc) for the next shift change.

Transportation Services




TFM Upliftment of 3000Mt of lime

TFM Upliftment of 3000Mt of lime

Transportation Services




UHP water for internal pipe cleaning

UHP water for internal pipe cleaning

Cleaning service




Mupine CQA 2023

Mupine CQA 2023

Mining Maintenance




International Travel- Accommod- Transfer

International Travel- Accommod- Transfer

Transportation Services





Glencore jointly owns the Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) which mines and produces Copper and Cobalt at the Luilu refinery in Kolwezi in the Southern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

The raw material after crushing, milling, and floatation are acid leached to dissolve Coper and Cobalt. The leach pulp is thick and wash in a counter current decantation system (CCDs) and the final tailing are neutralized with milk of lime prior to send to tailing dams. Therefore, the overflow of CCDs after Solvent extraction constitutes the Low Grade raffinate which feed Cobalt production plant by selective precipitation of impurities with milk of lime before producing Cobalt hydroxide. 

Several challenges have been faced for months at the lime plant, impacting the overall performance of copper & cobalt Plant and this is now the major bottleneck of the entire processing operation.
An alternative solution was identified to partially or completely substitute the quicklime by limestone, this option will have below impact on the process:
• Reduction of operating cost as the limestone is cheaper
• Reduction of carbon footprint regarding then from production to product consumption
• Reduction of wastes generated as limestone is delivered in dump truck and does not require polypropylene bags
• Safer working condition as limestone makeup process does not generate dust and is not skin irritant
• Reduction of cobalt losses at FAM as limestone in known to entrain less cobalt at precipitation process.
The main objective of this scope of work will be to characterise the limestone milling parameters to design the comminution circuit of the limestone plan project.

Mining Operation




KOV-ME & MUPINE-Remote SSR Monitoring Se

Description of the Services (with breakdown and/or program of each step to be performed):

The scope of services to be performed shall include, but not be limited to the following:
• Continuous real-time monitoring of eight (8) radars for KOV, ME and MUPINE
• Review and interpret data to ensure consistent data optimization
• Respond where required to triggered alarms and significant changes in deformation trends
• Provide input to site personnel and ensure the earliest possible operational response to any new risk relating to identification of wall movement ensuring any potential impact on production due to newly identified Geotechnical hazards is minimised and the maximum safety benefit of SSR monitoring is realised. A project specific Trigger Action Response Plan (to align with site processes) has been drafted to identify and document appropriate responses to particular levels of risk associated with:
o Changing ground conditions (i.e., identification of linear or progressive deformation trends)
o Triggered alarms
o System or communication failures
o Atmospheric or other events leading to the requirement for relocation of stable reference
o Correct and effective application of enhanced deformation masking to optimise application of the enhanced deformation algorithm for extreme atmospheric conditions/events

Training Services




SMC Tests on Mashamba Ore

KCC processes ore from various open pit and underground sources. One of these open pits, Mashamba East, have been identified as causing a possible reduction in mill throughput due to its ore hardness and grindability. This needs to be confirmed and compared to the KCC geometallurgy program results. The results from this program will enable KCC to better plan milling strategy and production in future.


To determine the Mashamba East ore hardness and amenability to be processed in a single stage SAG mill by performing SMC (Sag Milling Comminution) tests on 16 different drill core samples. These ore hardness results will be compared to the geometallurgy database.

Scope of work

• Sample receipt and preparation
• SMC tests on 16 different Mashamba East drill core samples which will represent four different lithologies from the Mashamba pit
• Review and analysis of the results
• Sample storage and/or disposal


A final report showing the SMC test results with photos of the core samples and interpretation of the results. Interpretation of the results should include applicability for single stage SAG milling and suggestions of the optimum grinding circuit for this ore type.

Mining Operation




BIS Radar data- Slow Movement Analysis

The scope of services to be performed shall include, but not be limited to the following:
Provide a service of Slow movement analysis over IBIS Radar data set containing at least 3 months of monitoring data from a single radar installation in the same position and conduct advanced training on IBIS Radar data analysis.
The report on slow movement analysis will contain:
• Monthly and total cumulative slow-movements displacement maps
• Monthly and total average slow-movements velocity maps
• Time series (plots showing displacement vs. time, velocity vs. time and/or inverse of the velocity vs. time) of points/areas located in significant sectors of the monitored scenario (selected along with the user, maximum of ten points/areas over the map)
• Comments about the presence of significant changes detected by the radar with respect to the previous six months.
Onsite advanced training on IBIS radar data analysis contains for modules as follows:
• Module 1 – Radar Interferometric Radar Features
• Module 2 - Slope deformation in open pit mining (refresh of rock mechanics)
• Module 3 – Slope Stability Hazard Monitoring with Guardian
• Module 4 - Best practices for slope monitoring with IBIS radar:

Mining Maintenance




Inspect maintain and repair lifelines

The Supply Chain Management (SCM) raised the need to issue maintenance Contract to maintain all installed lifelines for KCC, based in Luilu, KTC and KTO.

It is in our best interest to provide the safest environment for all employees, and therefore we need to maintain our Structural overhead beam lifelines, including the horizontal lifelines. These lifelines are used almost 20 hours per day with Reagents (abrasive).

Mining Maintenance





This scope of work is to provide high skilled artisan labour, PPE, tools, safety officers and supervision to repair the structures and apply acid proofing on deviations observed identified at  EW3 plant in (LUILU) in order to comply with Glencore safety standards.
Materials and consumables will be supplied by KCC.
Contractor must be ready to site establish and commence work as soon as possible (preferably on the 01 September 2022).
Contractor must provide a confirmation letter to ensure they understand all safety and environmental aspects in EW3 as below described on point 6.1 SOW fundamental.
Contractor must submit a Quality Control Plan (QCP) for the approval by the client prior to commencement of work and detailed Methodology on working in EW3, Coating of structures and Acid proofing.

Mining Maintenance




EW2 Cathodes & Anodes workshop construction

Preambles: -
Floor slab, Foundation, drains and sump.
· Saw cut.
· Demolish existing slab to construct drain,
· Excavate in existing ground for open channel drains,
· Remove existing acid proofing & scabble existing concrete.
· Neutralise existing concrete slab using line water solution.
· Drill & epoxy Y12 bars into existing floor slab.
· Fix rebar for drain & foundations,
· Fix rebar at the base as per drawing,
· Fit the holding bolts,
· Place mesh reinforcement for floor slab,
· Cast concrete floor slab, a new one around building, foundation, and drains allowing for
construction joints as shown on drawings
· The concrete floor slab to have wood float finish.
· Housekeeping

Construction services




RME relining machine

The scope of supply covers the supply of all materials and construction of the WORK as
stated herein and as specified on the order.
All Work and safety shall as a minimum conform to:
• Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996 (if applicable).
• Directives from the Department of Labour and or the Department of Mineral and
Energy Affairs, amendments and re-enactments thereof and other provisions having
force of law, particular to that geographical area in which the PROJECT falls
• Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations 85 of 1993.
• Including all local and provincial regulations and the latest revision and amendments
• SANS 10120 Serie

Mining Services





This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:

• Demolish the failed wall and dispose.
• Fabricate, supply, and install new pipe ruck support. (steel work)
• Excavations for the new wall foundation and disposal.
• Build a new concrete wall.

Mining Services





1. Services for refuge chambers 2. Training and certification on maintenance for refuge chambers.

Training Services





KCC requests Cong Online Solutions SARL to conduct a Network Assessment Audit and shares recommendations. As mining businesses grow, it usually needs to scale up its operational networks to accommodate new requirements and to deliver a more extensive range of capabilities. Often during the operational pressures to increase production targets and operating under budgetary constraints, the essential maintenance tasks are neglected or delayed which are detrimental in the long run for productive output. The main goal of this proposal is to ensure the gaps in the process are identified and corrected to ensure strategic goals of the company are met.

The report will be accompanied by a complete bill of materials (BOM) for the various phases of the project to achieve the project objectives and scope of work.

Training Services




Cleaning of WW Hospital's Facilities

CLEANLINESS is the core of all actions related to infection control prevention (ICP), safety and hygiene within the Watu Wetu Healthcare Facilities.  It is considered as the first step in the technical / physical procedure related to disinfection and sterilization.  These two elements converge to produce a feeling of well-being and safety to patients, their families and the healthcare professionals who work inside the hospital / healthcare facility environment.
An effective healthcare cleaning service should:
• Be customer focused
• Provide clarity for all personnel responsible for ensuring the healthcare environment is clean and safe
• Enhance quality assurance systems
• Address governance and risk assessment
• Be consistent with infection control prevention (ICP) standards and requirements
• Have clear objectives that provide a foundation for service improvements
• Be flexible to meet the needs of specific healthcare environment circumstances, and priorities
• Have well documented cleanliness policies and procedures
• Provide for a culture of continuous improvement
• Be flexible, to meet the ongoing needs of operations service delivery
• Consider the health, safety, and well-being of patients, personnel / staff, and other members of the public
• Be efficiently delivered.

Cleaning services





This scope of work is to provide high skilled boiler makers and welders workers, PPE and supervision to manufacture and test the tank as per BOQ.

- Contractors must be ready to site establish and commence work as soon as possible.
- Contractor must supply all tools and equipment for manufacture the tank , staying within KCC SHEQ rules.
- Contractor must provide the job plan with letter completion date confirmed.

Mining Maintenance





Refinery sulfide circuit ICSN consist of remote terminal units, variable frequency drives and direct online network for plant automation system. The actual condition of all ICS structure does not guarantee business continuity. Therefore the sulfide, MCCs and RIOs of ICSN required renewal to ensure a business continuity.

IT Services




KTC plant cleaning crew

The scope of work (SOW) under this Contract includes, but is not limited to the following:
The Contractor is required to provide qualified and experienced personnel, to be able to carry out general housekeeping and cleaning services in the KTC – Milling - Flotation - Tailings - Reagent and workshops sections.

Scope of work

Provide experienced manpower for:
• General housekeeping.
• Physical removal and hosing of spillage / slurry if required.
• Handling and movement of equipment to enable the cleaning crew to effectively conduct housekeeping and cleaning operations.
• Cleaning spillage along and under conveyors and structures.
• Cleaning spillage around Milling - Flotation - Tailings - Reagent.

Cleaning services




GPS Courier Service Between KCC and MUMI

Services required as follows.
• Transport of 100 GPS to Mutanda Truck park
• Services to be rendered on a daily basis, 7 days a week
• Given the weight of the 100 GPS units it can be done by motor bike
• Would suggest that the motor bike be fitted with a delivery box on the back.
• Units to be placed in a box for ease of handling
• Units will be collected from KCC either early morning or late afternoon, then delivered to Mutanda Truck Park that same day;
• No subcontracting will be allowed
• The Service provider not permitted to stop for any other passengers on route to Mutanda
• Value of 100 GPS units US$ 1,000
The following to be provided by the Service provider
• Roadworthy Vehicle
• Fuel to be supplied by the Service provider
• If per motorbike, all protective clothing and helmet for the Service Providers account
o Helmet;
o Protective shoes;
o Bikers jacket, and
o gloves

Mining Services




Renewal iSpring software License for LMS

Renewal iSpring software License for LMS





Reagents Forklifts Support - Offloading

Reagents Forklifts Support - Offloading

Labor hiring




KTC ball mill and critical spare audit

This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:

• Supply labour for a period of 30days to perform audit on KTC ball mills and critical spare. Contractor to supply:
- Mill experienced Condition monitoring NDT technician
- Mill experienced skilled labour
- Mill motor experienced electrical technician
- Mill experienced technical specialist
Scope of services to be done:
• Detailed mechanical condition audit of 6 x KTC ball mills and critical components
• Mechanical inspection of on-site critical spares for each mill.
• NDT critical components on 6 x KTC Ball mills.
• NDT of on-site spares for each mill.
• Electrical audit on Mill main motor for 6 x KTC Ball mills & Spare main motors.
• Detailed condition reports on separate mill & on site spares condition for specific mill.
• Critical spares list per mill.
• Recommendations for repairs to mills.

Mining Maintenance




Deswik - License renewal

Deswik - License renewal





Dedicated internet - Kapanga

Dedicated internet - Kapanga

IT Services










Annual accreditation and surveillance

Annual accreditation and surveillance





LV Drivers for Mine Shift Change

• Provide drivers for the light vehicles around the open pits at KCC to facilitate shift change for the open pit operators in good operating conditions for day and night shift transportation for mine operators. The role will primarily be used to move incoming and outgoing operators in and out of the mine at shift change (3 x per day). Outside of shift change times, drivers will be expected to clean and refuel LV’s and prepare all vehicles and associated issues (tyre replacement etc) for the next shift change.

Mining Maintenance




Fire monitoring in substation and MCC

KCC has some fire detection and quenching system of substations and MCC which are not operational. To mitigate fire effect there is a need to monitor and fight fire in case of start 24 hours/7 days.

Mining Maintenance




ISO 14001 for 10 employees from SKM, MTN-Garage, Process Luilu, Process KTC, Facilities and MTS/Mining.

ISO 14001 for 10 employees from SKM, MTN-Garage, Process Luilu, Process KTC, Facilities and MTS/Mining.

Training Services




Radar Technical Training: At GroundProbe

Radar Technical Training: At GroundProbe

Training Services





The  tender planned by the Legal department to recruit a law firm based in Kinshasa to contest unfair decisions rendered against KCC by local courts.
On the grounds of those partial decisions, KCC’s bank accounts have been seized several times in 2019, for a total amount of approx. USD 7 million.
In order to mitigate this risk before the courts of Lualaba, KCC must:
- Make more legitimate suspicious claims to refer ongoing cases to another court, out of the Lualaba Province;
- Initiate civil actions against the judges for miscarriage of justice;
In regard of the claims, they have to be systematically taken at the Cassation Court in Kinshasa.
Presently, KCC has one contract with a local law firm, based in Kolwezi & Lubumbashi and consequently:
- Could not follow-up on regular basis litigations brought to the Cassation Court (Kinshasa)
- KCC would have to engage additional fees (flights, accommodation, procedural fees, etc.)
- Their reactivity would not be adequate to counteract effectively the Lualaba Courts
A common call for tender (KCC-MUMI) is therefore the preferred solution to:
- Benefit from an economy of scale (between KCC and Mumi)
- Compare the market and find a suited Law firm in Kinshasa
- Have a dedicated team in Kinshasa that will increase our reactivity
- Demonstrate to the local jurisdictions our ability to constantly challenge their partial / unlawful decisions
Upon Management Committee (MC) acceptation, Glencore DRC will administrate the tender on behalf of KCC and Mumi, but under KCC control:
Upon agreement of both Companies, a three (3) years contract will be signed separately by each Company with the successful bidder.

Legal Assistance





The wooden panels that are protecting the steel structure around the EW cells from acidic corrosion.
This scope of works details the steps the contractor must undertake to remove and replace the existing steel structure in wood from the EW cells. This project should take a maximum of five months until completion depending on the starting date.

Cleaning Services





Due to atmospheric corrosion sections of the carbon steel structures of columns supporting the cells, gratings and platforms at EW3 are severely corroded and in urgent need of repair and will be corrosion protected by Acid Proofing.
The acid proofing has been damaged over years and concrete of pump bases damaged with acid.
The severely corroded steel will be replaced, other will be corrosion protected and walkways and treads will be replaced with GRP grating.

Mining Maintenance




EW2 cathodes & anodes workshop construction

This scope of works describes the works required for the modification of existing floor for
Cathode & Anode maintenance workshop and drainage at the EW2 Plant at Luilu.
The contractor have to demolish existing slab to construct drain and pour concrete, the area to
pour the concrete is located in the red square at EW2, in figure above. The total area is
approximately 1600m2
The contractors scope is the following;
1. Supply all materials including but not limited to, cement, aggregate, reinforcement, joint material
2. Construct a reinforced concrete floor slab, including all thickenings, construction joints, drains,
sumps, foundation, and reinforced concrete cover.
3. Installation of all cast-in items as shown on drawings.
4. Concrete test at 7, 14 and 28 days as per SABS 1200, and provide results to KCC Representative.
5. All exposed concrete edges to have 25mm chamfers.
6. Cast new 30 MPa concrete to the required levels.
7. Allow curing of concrete for 7 days minimum
8. Provide saw-cut joints in floor slab within 24 hours of casting.
9. Housekeeping

Construction Services










B4 rock breaker commissioning

B4 rock breaker commissioning

Equipment Maintenance




KTC Floatation audit

KTC Floatation audit

Consultancy service




Provision of Security services 001

Kamoto Copper Company (hereinafter called the “Company”) is requesting quotations from reputable security service providers (hereinafter-called the “Contractor”) with a local presence in the Lualaba Province of the DRC for the provision of security officers and supervisory/support personnel to carry out the following duties:
• Static Guarding
• Access Control
• Intervention Teams
• CCTV and/or Security Operations Control Monitoring
Services are to be carried out on Company premises in Kolwezi to guard and protect the Company’s assets and personnel and provide other related security services.

The Contractor shall provide fully trained and qualified personnel, as well as all equipment and materials necessary to carry out the required services properly and safely. This shall include all necessary Personal Protective Equipment.

Security Services




Drone Pilot Training

Drone Pilot Formation - OP
• Theoric course (Indivudal Syllabus + Powerpoint)
• Included :UAS Legislation; Flight Theory ; Meteorology ; Drone Technology ; Instruments ; Safety
• Individual Practice Flight course
• Individual Flight Exams
• Delivery of a Diploma
• 3 x 6 hours of Theory + 4 Hours of Individual practice flight
• 1 Hour Theoric Exam + 1 Hour of Individual Flight Exam

Drone Training




Pull 1300M of optical fiber

Pull 1300M of optical fiber

IT Services




Dashboard Development KOV & Mashamba Mining

Dashboard Development KOV & Mashamba Mining

Consulting Services










KTC process water and GSW repairs

Due to Luilu's inadequate pH control Serious sections of pipeline were extensively corroded by high acid pH water that passed through the KTC process water and GSW systems. Line failures have also caused multiple downtime, and there are significant dangers in the plant that, if not addressed, might result in major downtime. Currently, basic line repairs are being made, but technical pipe welding skills are severely lacking and occasionally result in more downtime and issues than the original issue. The purpose of this contract is to bring a skilled team to the site to work risks and issues on the GSW, process water, and also slurry lines in order to keep the plant running on these lines until the new stainless steel and GSW and process water lines are installed in the future. Slurry lines are also being addressed longer term in a separate project to install standardized ceramic lined pipe for all slurry lines. D5

Mining Services




EXTEND 710mm Line to KTC

EXTEND 710mm Line to KTC

Mining Services




KTC OPS and METALLURGY training support

KTC currently consists of a number of crushing, milling and flotation plants for various open pit and underground ore sources, ore sources treated include oxide, sulphide and high calcium ore. Opportunity exists to improve performance of the plant through training and mentoring of both the operational and metallurgy teams and also KTC supervisors.

Labor Hiring




KTC plant cleaning crew

The scope of work (SOW) under this Contract includes, but is not limited to the following:
The Contractor is required to provide qualified and experienced personnel, to be able to carry out general housekeeping and cleaning services in the KTC – Milling - Flotation - Tailings - Reagent and workshops sections.

Mining Services




KTC New Core Shed Additional Works

As part of the Geology mining to upgrade geology core storage and create shelter for mineralised core sample, the Geology management request additional works for gable end and ramps on their existing three sheds 20m wide on the proposed location as shown picture below.

Construction Services








Consulting Services




Occupational Hygiene Monitoring

The Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) is a world class, responsible mining business in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The KCC mine site complex is located adjacent to Kolwezi Town in Lualaba Province, southern DRC. Coordinates 10° 43' 15" S 25° 21' 58" E


We produce copper and are the world’s single largest producer of cobalt – commodities that are advancing everyday life by underpinning the energy and mobility transformation and enabling the transition to a low carbon economy.

Located in Kolwezi, in the province of Lualaba, our portfolio of assets includes two open pit mines (KOV and Mashamba East), one underground mine (KTO), the Kamoto concentrator, and the Luilu refinery and supporting facilities and infrastructure. Onsite employment is currently approximately 10,000 persons, of which nearly 50 percent are contractors. The business is jointly owned by Glencore (75%), Gécamines (20%) and SIMCO 5%).

Consulting Services




Calibration of fuel flow meters

1.         Contractor shall provide an estimate to one (1) Certified Master Test Equipment and one (1) Verification Officer to use KCC provided calibration equipment to verify KCC flow meters in their DRC operations and to prepare and issue a report and certificates as required.


2.         Method


2.1.      All work will be carried out in accordance with the current API MPMS (Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards), Chapters 4, 5 & 12.

2.2.      Contractor will apply the relevant internal procedure for the work scope; copy procedures or an ITP (Inspection and Test Plan) must be submitted.

2.3.      A risk assessment will be carried out prior to the commencement of the work.

2.4.      The calibration will be traceable to credited bureau of Standards.


3.         Resources


Contractor will provide appropriately calibrated thermometers


4.         Personnel


4.1.      Contractor must have experienced CT’s (Calibration Technicians) currently providing this service in other Oil & Gas sites around the world.

4.2.      Appropriately, experienced technicians will be allocated the task to perform the work scope.

4.3.      Technicians will carry a valid Trade Metrology Verification officer qualification. Copies of certifications must be presented on the submission

4.4.      The technician assigned to conduct the calibration shall abide by the KCC onsite induction and assessment on safety procedures. A briefing shall be carried out prior to the commencement of the calibration.


5.         Reporting


5.1.      A report will be issued providing the detail required as stated in MPMS determining the volume of the equipment being tested.

5.2.      Authorized time sheets for each day worked will be attached to the invoice.

Training service




PBRS Blu Annual Subscription

PBRS Blu Annual Subscription





Software provider that has been delivered these licenses

Software provider that has been delivered these licenses





HG DBC AKS Installation

The Scope of Work to be performed shall include the installation of the AKS Liner

Mining Services




New Sulphur Warehouse - Fire Suppression

The Supply Chain Management (SCM) raised the need to build a Sulphur storage Warehouse due the increase in the reagent demand to improve their internal product management.
The SCM department did an evaluation of the storage size they need and proposed 5,300 m2 to be built. To protect reagent that will be stored in the warehouse, a fire system is required.
The project office was approached the SCM to do the design a development and construction management of the of the warehouse. This document will establish the engineering and construction of the fire system scope of work.

Construction Services




Trainers Excel Microsoft Certification

Trainers Excel Microsoft Certification





Translation of material 720 pages

Translation of material 720 pages

Translator service




HR and Generic Management Development

HR and Generic Management Development

Training service





Dans le but de promouvoir les associations et coopératives, les entreprises KAMOTO COPPER COMPANY et MUTANDA MINING organisent la 9ème Edition du marché d’exposition. Offre du marché : - MARKETING DES ASSOCIATIONS - VENTES DES PRODUITS FRAIS A BON PRIX - ANIMATION AVEC DES ESPACES DE GRILLADES Pour un bon déroulement l’évènement est prêt d’accueillir 2000 visiteurs,120 exposants et autant d’animaux

Organisation d'une ceremonie




Transportation of IX Materials

Transportation of IX Materials

Transportation services





 Pull Fiber optic cable and Splice (Length 10 000M)
- To Pull UTP and doing connectors (Length 10 000M)
- TO Install 60 Junction box and mount 60 cameras.
- TO Install Cabinet Enclosure Mounting and Installing 20 Cabinets
- To manufacture and fix supports for cabinet Enclosure and cameras
- To install the cable trays.
- To pull electrical power cable from main IPDB to all cabinet enclosure.C10

IT Services




Trainers Excel Microsoft Certification

Trainers Excel Microsoft Certification

Training Services




Service of 2 Unit DSA 5000 M DENSITY AND ACID

Service of 2 Unit DSA 5000 M DENSITY AND ACID

Mining Maintenance




Independent Copper and Cobalt Pricing

Independent Copper and Cobalt Pricing







Specialized service




KTO Pond 2 & Dima Pond Repairs

This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:

• Demolish some existing buried reinforced concrete foundations, bundwall and drains.
• Excavations and disposal of acid contaminated gravel material as instructed by KCC Engineer on site.
• Bulk earthworks including excavation, disposal, importing, backfilling and compaction of gravel material.
• Build a new concrete wall.
• The contractor may be required to demolish some existing buried reinforced concrete foundations, bundwall and drains.
• Excavations and disposal of acid contaminated gravel material as instructed by KCC Engineer on site.

Civil work




Rental of fuel bowser

1. Fuel bowser will ensure bulk distribution of fuel on KCC site as per Fuel Management team instructions.

2. Method

2.1. All work will be carried out in accordance with the KCC Fuel distribution procedures and standards.
2.2. A vehicle assessment will be carried out prior to the commencement of the work.
2.3. Bowser must be fitted with a meter connected to the distribution system

3. Resources

Contractor will provide a fuel bowser in good operating condition
4. Personnel

4.1. Contractor will provide a driver to operate the bowser.
4.2. Driver must have a valid driving license.
4.3. The driver assigned to the bowser shall abide by the KCC onsite induction and assessment on safety procedures. A briefing shall be carried out prior to the commencement of the work.

5. Reporting

5.1. Authorized time sheets for each day worked will be attached to the invoice.

6. Mobilization of bowser
6.1. To be agreed between Contractor and KCC according to the most suitable schedule for both parties.

Rental of equipment




English Courses

English Courses

Training service




Train the trainers on MacLean Equipment

Train the trainers on MacLean Equipment

Training service




LIMS geology interface and Support 2023

Configuration Assistance on new scope for
Cobalt Hydroxide Assay Comparison

Specialise service




ISO 14001 Lead Implementor

ISO 14001 Lead Implementor

Training service




Prokon License renewal

Prokon License renewal





KCC - Minalyzer & Leapfrog SSIS Packages

Minalyzer data storage - development of a SSIS package to store the csv output from the Minalyzer XRF machine in the Fusion database.
 Leapfrog STRAT interpretations - development of a SSIS package to store the re-interpretations of STRAT carried out in Leapfrog.
These re-interpretations (supplied in csv format) will be stored in a separate/new STRAT table in Fusion, thus maintaining the original STRAT interpretations done by the geologists while logging the core.


Mining Services




Independent Copper and Cobalt Pricing

Independent Copper and Cobalt Pricing

Consultance service




Trial MineProtect Collision Avoid Syst

Trial MineProtect Collision Avoid Syst

Consultance service




Sulphuric Acid Plant Technical Assistance

To supply Sulphuric Acid Plant Technical Assistance during plant shutdown on dates to be planned
and agreed on. Available equipment will be inspected during the stoppage and points of concern will
be raised as they occur. A written Report with findings and recommendations will be submitted asap
after completion.


Mining Maintenance




NetApp License and Support

NetApp License and Support





OEM to calibrate all KROHNE flowmeters

OEM to calibrate all KROHNE flowmeters

Specialise service




HMA Installation and Support of Geotechn

The HMA team will be involved in installing subsurface instrumentation, ensuring that the systems are operational and training of the KCC geotechnical team to be able to install future geotechnical monitoring tools. These instruments will be installed on completion of each geotechnically planned borehole. The KCC teams will then receive on-site and on-the-job training so that the team builds and develops their skillset.


Mining Maintenance




Use of Fluke power quality 434-435

Use of Fluke power quality 434-435

Training service




KCC Forklift Maintenance Support Service

The Contractor is required to provide fully qualified and experienced personnel, with backgrounds in Mechanical and Electrical expertise, for the different forklift manufacturers, JCB, Toyota, Manitou, Kemach. The focus will be to improve the performance and availability of the forklift fleet. They will mentor/coach the KCC technicians to improve their understanding and capability in the maintenance and technical arena. They will also provide the diagnostic tool, in order to make a contribution to these activities by the Service Provider, resulting in an uplifting of performances across the Forklifts:
Labour required:
- 3 x Mechanical skills
- 1 x Electrical skill


Maintenance des equipement




CSCA - Certified Supply Chain Analyst

CSCA - Certified Supply Chain Analyst





CSCM - Certified Supply Chain Manager

CSCM - Certified Supply Chain Manager





Easylogcloud Professional access

Inspection et calibrage des équipements

Maintenance des equipement




EW Pilot Plant Rental For Acid Mist Test

There’s a shortage of the FC1100 product on the market because its production has been stopped for a safety concern; so urgently an alternative product should be considered in the EW plant as this is a health environmental, and safety concern due to acid mists release during the copper deposition.


An alternative sample product was received for plant trial but due to the fact that KCC has not facilities and doesn’t have guaranties on process, production and safety related using the product, a rental pilot plant appears a quick solution to test the new product before moving to a full plant implementation.


The scope of work aimed to rent those facilities for a period of 2 month on site.


Mining Maintenance




KTC substation AirCon MTN services

It is intended that this scope will provide details for maintenance to and installations of replacement and or additional air conditioning units in the KTC plant substations and MCC’s but not only limited to these specific areas (however, specifically excluding Underground work). The contract will be valid for twelve (12) months.

The bulk of the air conditioner units consist of the wall mount split type and floor standing type units.


A supervisor must also be appointed for this contract whose responsibilities will include but not limited to, planning schedules for services, cleaning, repairs and or replacements of air conditioning units.


All personnel working on this project shall be qualified and experienced air conditioning technicians with recognized qualifications and at least some multi-skilled electricians with recognized qualifications. Electrical persons will also perform basic electrical isolations and terminations in isolator switches and connections onto air conditioning units. They will also perform locking out at distribution boards as per KCC standard


Mining Maintenance




Specialist services required for Feasibity

Assistance with preparation and review of Feasibility Study Submission

Specialist services




Treesize Professional utility

Treesize Professional utility

License service





The project consists of constructing a sewage chamber of 8m x 4m for the new container ablution at the dryer plant with setting out concrete plinths as bases for container ablutions.

Contractor must supply all materials, equipments and personnel for the execution of this project and include all costs related to the project in the rates.

Contractor must include lead-time for materials brought from South Africa, Zambia, etc.


Mining Maintenance





Luilu Cobalt storage shed_E & I

In order to complete the construction of the luilu Cobalt storage shed, it was decided to do the electrical installation in order to energize the new shed in term of lighting. The present scope describe all electrical works, which shall be done in order to energize and control the new installation.


Mining Maintenance




IT contractor

IT contractor

Labor hire




Transportation of IX Materials


Transportation of IX Materials

Transport service




English Courses

English Courses





ISO 14001 Lead Implementor


ISO 14001 Lead Implementor





Luilu Felco WH Extension -Steel Erection

The SCM department did an evaluation of the storage size they need and proposed 980 m2 to be built (distributed as follows: 36mx24m in front of the building either on the west side according to the attached drawings and a 3.6m canopy at the rear facade to prevent the infiltration of rainwater).


The project office was approached the SCM to do the design a development and construction management of the warehouse. This document will establish the engineering and construction scope of work and general standard project development practices.


Mining Maintenance





Katanga Copper Company (KCC), part of Glencore Copper makes use of Lime to neutralise solutions and slurries at various points in its processing circuits. Lime is one of the more expensive reagents in use at KCC.


Due to the large neutralisation reagent consumption demand, quality of delivered lime, the associated prices of these reagents, and often lack of availability of these reagents, KCC requires an investigation into options which may alleviate the strain on supply.

Some of the supply options therefore may include various optimisation initiatives, finding alternative supply sources, alternative/larger reagent make-up circuits or process changes to existing circuits. This study specifically focuses on generating options, and costing them, for reagent make-up solutions.


Consulting service




NRP Study Old Lime Ball Mill Cleaning

To sustain the production while moving from oxide concentrate leach operation to Whole ore leach operation, a second lime slaking plant was necessary to cover the entire lime demand. Therefore, it was observed +/- 25% of lime grit generation due to lime quality, this impacting on high consumption of lime and production cost.

An alternative solution has been identified to recover the Lime lost via grit, such as refurbish and operate old GCM lime mill facility.  this option will treat the grit by mill slaking and feed the neutralization tanks, the benefit expect is the lime consumption rate that will be reduce, reduce losses of lime, and mitigate the grit management issues by its reconditioning.

The propose of this scope consist in the cleaning of the old Gecamines installation to allow an easy access to equipment and assess the equipment conditions.


Cleaning service





The project consists of constructing shed and slab for the ferrous sulfate area for the iron sulphate preparation and a soda ash area needs to be covered with concrete slab as well. The same project includes repair of sumps for ferrous sulfate preparation.

Construction material will be provided by Contractor but sumps repair material will be provided by KCC.

Contractor must include lead-time for materials and rates must include supply and installation for all materials.






KTC - Main Entrance Road Repairs

This scope of works describes the civil works required for heavy vehicle road to KTC and stormwater drainage as part of the KTC entrance road.

The KTC entrance road is shown in the blue line in figure 1 above. The road widths are 6m wide for minor roads and 10m width for main access roads. Typical road cross-section is cambered with drains on both side as shown in figure 2. Total length of roads approximately 0.8 kilometers.


Mining Maintenance




Open Pit Dust Suppression

Before the Supplier treats a new road, the segment of the road to be treated must be accepted in Writing by the Service Provider, project leader, construction foreman and surveyor. Subject to confirmed product compatibility testing with identified site material and water prior to commencement of the project.

The scope of work is summarized below:

Global Network Broker

§ This proposal is based on the existing area being stabilized based on a 1-month trial. The service in this proposal includes the supply of product to Kamoto Copper Mine in DRC, the establishment of site when required and the treatment of the existing haul roads / roads / driving surface by onsite personal and dedicated equipment.

§ Dust-A-Side is a bitumen emulsion which is a binder and an excellent dust suppression application. Binding occurs during spraying which does not leach out and over time a smooth sealed driving surface is obtained which can be graded and maintained in terms of sweeping and maintenance spray on applications. Dust-A-Side serves as an “All weather road”. If adhered to wet road conditions practices, production can continue without stoppages during rain.


Mining Maintenance




Job Evaluation Tender

KCC has a headcount of 6,233 direct hires, which translates to approximately x unique roles.
To date there has not been any formal and transparent Job Analysis and Evaluation conducted based on industry-recognized methodology (i.e., Paterson, Hay, Towers Watson, Mercer, etc.) to understand the existing x unique roles and consolidate them into relevant job families and a defendable hierarchy.

The lack of formal Job Analysis and Evaluation has resulted in ongoing requests for pay grade adjustments, which results in conflict and difficult working interpersonal relationships. In addition, there are incessant unjustified changes to job designations and departmental structures to motivate promotions, even if there have not been material changes to the nature of the job/role (accountabilities).

The lack of discipline in the promotion process has resulted in situations where employees are placed in non-recognized or approved roles, or unjustified jumps in classification which over the years result into employee claims and disputes (continued Legacy).

Above all, existing job Classification in the Collective Agreement is not supported by any methodology and guidance to differentiate between the levels (e.g., difference between Basic skilled jobs, Semi-skilled, Skilled, Team Leader, Supervisor and Coordinator), coupled with Union demands for compensation and benefits equity – employees doing the same jobs to be paid equally (Art. 86 of the Labor Law).


Labor hire




Octoplant software

Octoplant software

Software license





DRC Customs Services (import & Export)


Clearing services on import & export for Kamoto Copper Company SA.





Stockpile sheds and B3 Equipments rental

The Contractor is required to provide fully qualified and experienced operators to load and feed feeders in KTC stockpile sheds or scats crusher at B3 with a fully functional excavator.

Scope of work
1. Excavator type 300 or 350 or equivalent to be used in loading and feeding feeders in KTC stockpile sheds or B3 scats crusher area.
2. Equipment will be required to travel and operate between KTC stockpile sheds and B3 scats crusher as required and instructed by end user.


Equipment rental





• Earth works ( ground cracks fixing ) :
- To excavate: 4.5 meters deep   , 8 meters large And 5 meters wide   120 M3.
- To push, to load and to transport the excavated products
- To fill the laterite ground and stones  in the excavated area ( laterite and stones area defined by KCC)
- To compact and to level the laterite ground according to the specifications and the coordinates
- To survey and to test the compaction ( >250 psi )
• Civil jobs : 1 Cracks and drainage :
                     -    Old wall demolishing and rebuilding : 18 x 1 m ( on top )
                      -    materials load and transport : 4 M3

                          1.1  Drainage  ( bottom )
- To improve the drainage capacity, building the wall on top of the drain : 45 x 0.6 m ( bottom )

1.2  Cracks on the floor
- Testing the cracks deep
- Excavation according to the crack deep: 8 m large and 0.8 m wide
- Filling ground and compaction
- Pouring concrete

2 Electrical WS

2.1 Store 1
- Store emptying ( electrical equipment and steel shelfs )
- Steel siding dismounting and transport
- Face Bricks wall building, plastering and painting:36 x 2.6 m
- Inside wall plastering and painting:19 x 3.6 m and 9.2 x 3.6 m
- Floor painting:  19 x 4.6 m


Civil work





Description of the Services (with breakdown and/or program of each step to be performed):
• Supply 800 M2 of IBR 686 sheets and accessories
• Dismount all old sheets
• Install new IBR 686 sheets
• Dismount 300 M2 of old ceiling and supports
• Supply 300 M2 of new Rhino board gypsum ceiling and supports
• Install new ceiling
• Paint 300 M2 of new ceiling






High GAC Concept Study

The broader project objective is to determine the optimum flow sheet in order to process High GAC ore. LoA throughputs and Ca grades are shown below:

• 2.5Mtpa of high GAC ore at 5-6% Ca in 2024.
• 6Mtpa of high GAC ore at 5-6% Ca in 2028 onwards. This will require an expansion of the High GAC circuit.

The above throughput requirements and Ca content is based on the latest 2023 LOA model which will be provided to the engineering company performing the concept study. KCC is currently segregating mined ore based on GAC content with all primary ore with a GAC content of larger than 80 kg/t being classified as high GAC ore. Low GAC ore is processed through the standard KTC Open Pit flow sheet as shown in figure 1.

The optimum flow sheet should take capital expenditure, operational expenditure, SHEQ risks, revenue generation, implementation schedule and ease of operation into account


Mining operation





Provide skilled contractor Labor, required tools and material (Rubber, SC200 glue, Solvent, Metal primer, Chem cure, Brushes, P16 discs, trimming blades, Tools and equipment) for to do Rubber liner the seven  leach tank overflow boxes as per Tank shut opportunity .







The service will consist on oil sampling with required tools and performing DGA (Dissolve Gas Analysis) test by certified devices and providing a complete report with recommendation. The contract will be on annual basis with possibility of call out according to the results obtained or in the event of a breakdown occurring on any KCC HV or MV transformer or during commissioning a new HV or MV transformer.


Gas analysis




Specialised Acid Plant Total Shut  Labor

Contract for a Service Engineering Company to Provide and Supervise Skilled Experienced Labour in the Executing of Tasks as Planned on the Sulphuric Acid Plant Gantt chart using the required QA/QC standard as per Plan. Provide tools and equipment to be utilized by The Skilled Artisans.


Labor hire





• DUMP TRAYS maintenance REPAIR, Repair Welding and line boring for 793D, 777E, 777D, 745 and others UG Trucks

• BLADES REPAIR, Repair Welding and Line boring for Dozers & Graders

• BUCKETS REPAIRS, Welding, and line boring for shovels, Loaders & Excavators


Maintenance Services





Kamoto Copper Company S.A. « KCC », recherche des partenaires intéressés à participer à l'appel d’offre afin d’aider comme main d’œuvre pour la mise en place d’une pépinière de 100000 plantules d’espèces miombo.


3 – Description des services

3.1 Remplissage des terres noires dans les sachets en respectant les techniques spécifiques apparentées :

(i) Préparation du terrain

(ii) Préparation des sachets

(iii) Préparation de la terre noire

(iv) Remplissage de sachets

(v) Arrosage et suivi de la croissance

(vi) Préparation des plantules et graines avant semis

3.2 (i) Le semis des graines et plantules


Ce projet consiste à :

1. Nettoyage du Site

2. Le semis des graines et plantules

3. Entretien des arbres plantés

4. Classer dans l’ombrière


Environment Maintenance




Supply black soil

Provide 90 cubic meters of Black soil to KCC as part of the project to install the central Nursery at KCC Under the DRC Mining Code and regulation in view of the vison of 1Billion trees by 2030 and regarding the purposes of the Strasbourg Cop 26. The Nursery will provide 100000 native Miombo seedling of wood and fruit trees which will allow us to reforest 50 to 60 ha depending on the spacing chosen. According to our rehabilitation Management plan (RMP) the context of KCC the rehabilitation plan is progressive associated with enriching the degraded green spaces at KCC with trees produced in the central KCC Nursery and providing the neighboring community with the ability to create the home gardens that will benefit from its ecosystem, services.


Environment Maintenance




Environmental annual report 2021-2022

The KCC mine site is located adjacent to Kolwezi Town in Lualaba Province, southern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The complex includes underground and open pit mining, ore concentrating facilities, a refinery, and supporting facilities and infrastructure. Mining operations have been undertaken at this site by various operators since 1943.

The DRC mining regulations (Article 458) set out that every year, the company must submit an Environmental annual report of their activity.


Article 458: The annual report on the performance of exploitation, mitigation and rehabilitation works

Within one hundred days of the anniversary date of the approval of the Environmental and Social Impact Study and the Environmental and Social Management Plan, the holder is required to submit a report each year to the Congolese Agency for Environment, the National Promotion and Social Service Fund and the Directorate for the Protection of the Mining Environment.


This report must briefly describe:

• the operating works carried out and their impact on the environment.

• the mitigation and rehabilitation work that have been carried; out.

• the progress of mitigation and rehabilitation measures compared to those provided for in the approved Environmental and Social Management Plan.

• costs incurred in connection with the implementation of these mitigation and rehabilitation works.

• the progress and results of the implementation of the sustainable development plan and the specifications.


Environment Report




CM6 Gearbox Change

Site setup and tool tagging

• Conduct Risk Assessment with all crew members

• Balance mill

• Lock Out and Isolation

• Remove guards

• De-couple couplings

• Remove piping

• Remove HD bolts

• Lift and remove gearbox

• Clean area

• Inspect & Prepare new gearbox/couplings

• Install new gearbox & pre-align

• Connect piping

• Install HD Bolts

• Final alignment of drive train

• Torque bolts

• Install all guards

• Housekeeping


Maintenance Services





• Country sourcing protocols that must be adhered to: Manpower must be recruited first locally


• Local Sourcing Opportunities: Only general parts can be supplied locally


• Regional Sourcing Opportunities: Would depend to needs after expertise


Need an OEM support to perform Cummins engine maintenance. The OEM will assist in expertise on all maintenance activities of the fleet (25 engines): preventive and corrective maintenance.


This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:


1. Assist the Corporation with troubleshooting, carry out diagnostics and fault codes analysis

2. Assist and guide KCC maintenance team on valve lash adjustment

3. Component change-out follow-up: support to component change-out, commission and draw up the service report of commissioning as specified under “Component installation check list’’ to be provided by the Contractor

4. Review oil analysis reports provided by the Corporation

5. Inspection and recommendation of the repair and parts requirement

6. Recommendation of utilization of specific tools


Maintenance Services




Integrate all REM615 relays into Scada

The system faults on the Relays RM615 or breakers (MCC) of the function blocks which control the Mills (CM1, CM2, CM3, CM 4, CM 5, CM6, CM7, BM1, BM2, BM3, BM5, BM6 and BM7). It is not properly map, not provide more details with profibus and the Alarms are limited; the contractor will install S71500, Modbus facilities, program function blocks integrate in the existing SCADA system and commissioning.


. Major job:

• Install and program the S7 1500 PLC

o Install the Engineering Station with the TIA portal software

o Examine Existing profibus infrastructure

o Install and setup the Ethernet switches

o Remapping of RM615 information according to information

o Program function block which supports Modbus and link with S7 1500

o Adding functionality to cater for Modbus

o Scada Faceplate redesign to cater for Modbus


• S7 1500 PLC intercom with S7 1500

o Setup the PLC intercom

o Integrate S7 1500 PLC into the existing SCADA

o Write program to allow for new Data Transfer

o Remapping of RM615 information according to Modbus and PLC S7 1500 

o Redesign of RM615 Block

o Adding functionality to cater for more First Ups

o Scada Faceplate redesign to cater for more First-ups Testing

Mining Services





Les termes de références annonçant la demande de recrutement d’un facilitateur de la formation en la gestion des plaintes, requêtes, enjeux et engagements communautaires.

Les consultants ayant la charge de conduire cette formation se fixe comme objectif globale de la consultance qui se résume en ces termes « les Capacités des staff Kamoto Copper Company SA sont renforcées en matière de gestion des plaintes, requêtes, enjeux et engagements communautaires ».

Le mécanisme de gestion des plaintes vise à gérer les risques, diffuser les informations sur les possibilités de recours, permettre l’alerte précoce et augmenter la transparence, la responsabilisation des acteurs du projet et l’appropriation des activités du projet par les citoyens

Le MGP vise à fournir aux personnes et communautés qui se sentent lésées par les activités du l’entreprise, des possibilités accessibles, rapides, efficaces et culturellement adaptées pour soumettre leurs plaintes et préoccupations afférentes à l’entreprise.


De manière spécifique il est attendu des participants à la formation qu’ils soient en mesure de :

● Présenter la démarche de mise en place d’un mécanisme de gestion des plaintes dans une entreprise.

● Identifier les principes, outils, contraintes de conception d’un mécanisme de gestion de plainte.

● De connaitre le processus de l’Engagement Communautaire


Training Service





Scrum master training

IT Training




Windows 10 certification

Windows 10 certification


IT Training




Calcine analysis

Scope of work will comprise the following:

1. Particle size distribution

2. Mineralogy: size by size characterization must cover all minerals detectable in each fraction size

3. Assays: size by size full analytical assays


Mining Services





This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:

• Earthworks for the access road included excavation, backfilling and compaction

• Construction of reinforced concrete foundations and anchorage of holding down bolts, masonry boundary walls and road access and drains

• The contractor will be required to dismantle the existing old steel structure not used anymore on site and to demolish an existing reinforced concrete wall and remove any other materials that can be found site.


Mining Maintenance




KCC Material property and UCS test

Test work will be carried out on the three ores from the KTO mine to determine the cause of retardation of the backfill material and provide and optimum blend to achieve the minimum required strength for the backfill operations. 


Consultancy Services




Maintenance et calibrage d’équipement

de médecine du travail

Assurer la maintenance et l’étalonnage annuel des équipements de tests suivants :

-   4 visio-testeurs Titmus, fabriqués par Titmus LCC ;

-   7 audiomètres Tremetrics, fabriqués par Maico Diagnostics GmbH ;

-   3 spiromètre EasyOne-PC fabriqué par NDD Medizintechnik AG ;

-   6 cabines d’audiométrie AX1 fabriquées par Propanels et Amtronix ;

-   1 logiciel AMS élaboré par Amtronix ;

-   3 seringues d’étalonnage de 3 litres fabriquée par Amtronix.

Les services doivent être accomplis conformément aux spécifications et standards des fabricants.


Maintenance des equipement




Services de maintenance d’équipement


Faire la maintenance annuelle d’unités radiologiques Control-X Z-Motion fabriquées par Control X Medical Ltd.


Les services doivent être accomplis conformément aux spécifications et standards du fabricant.


Maintenance des equipement




Services de maintenance préventive et

calibrage d’équipements de laboratoire

Assurer la maintenance et le calibrage annuel d’équipements de test en laboratoire de marque Applied Biosystems et fabriqués par Thermo Fisher Scientific, Life Sciences Solution Group (réfrigérateurs/congélateurs basse températures, une centrifugeuse, une station de travail pour analyse microbiologique).


Maintenance des equipement





 This works under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:


• Concrete demolition & scabbling where required

• Site Setup & Mobilisation

• Restricted Excavations.

• Compaction.

• Formwork.

• Reinforcement.

• Concrete.

• Steelworks

• Finishing Works.

• Housekeeping.


Mining Maintenance




Warehouse Signage Fitment

• Fit new signage to all warehouse buildings at KCC mine (32 signs in total)

• Signage Size; 500mm x 1,000mm

• Pre-drilled 4No x 6mm holes on each corner - 5mm from sides; 2 x 6mm holes in center of sign on the long side

• Different methods of fixing will be needed, as per each building’s requirement (to be advised and agreed upon during site inspection)

• The Area Supervisor will confirm the final position.


Mining Maintenance




Cisco ISE Support

Cisco ISE Support

IT Services




Autocad - License renewal

Autocad - License renewal

IT License




Formation en médecine au travail

Formation des personnels de santé Watu Wetu SAS en en spirométrie, audiométrie et dépistage des troubles de la vision.

  • Formation de haut niveau, théorique et pratique à l’attention des personnels de santé de notre hôpital.
  • Formation en présentiel à Kolwezi, province du Lualaba.
  • 20 étudiants qui peuvent être divisés en 2 groupes.
  • Cycle de formation court en spirométrie (50 heures), audiométrie (50 heures) et dépistage des troubles de la vision (40 heures).
  • Formateurs experts en la matière et aptes à dispenser des formations aux standards internationaux.
  • Supports de formation sérieux et actualisés, rédigés spécifiquement pour apprentissage par des professionnels de santé (manuels, vidéos, supports divers).


Services de formation

10 août 2022



Curative Maintenance of Mini Vidas equipment

Curative Maintenance of Mini Vidas equipement(Lab equipment)

Equipment Maintenance




Training of Trainers on the Simulators at Open Pit 

Mine Operator Trainers to be initiated on the use of the simulator


Training services




Security Technical

1  Painting of the SOC

2. Installation of new Flooring

3. Installation of new Lighting

4. Installation of the wireways for electrical and network cables

5. Installation and termination of the Cabling required

a. Electrical cabling

b. Networking cabling

6. Installation of the Plugs/Adaptors

7. Setup of furniture

8. Mounting and configuration of the monitors

9. Installation and setup of workstations

10. Testing of workstations and networks


Security services




ITIL 4 Foundation

The course is designed as an introduction to ITIL 4 and enables you to understand a new way to look at IT Service Management through a Service Value System (SVS).


Training services




EXTEND 710mm HDPE Line to KTC

This Scope of Services under this Contract includes the following:

• Contractor must provide all resources including equipment and personnel to carry out  this contract.

• Collect the pipe material from the laydown area and place along the pipeline route.

• Butt-weld the pipes to ensure a continuously joined pipe to KTC. A number of flanges will be installed along the way to cater for road-crossings, etc. The pipe-line is approximately 3,100 m long, but a final survey of the line will determine the final quantity.

• Disconnect the pipe for Lake Luilu at the T-Piece tie in and join it to the new line.

• Pressure test the line for leaks.


Mining Maintenance




Cleaning of KCC diesel fuel tanks

1. Contractor shall perform cleaning of all diesel Bulk tanks used by KCC for operations and provide the reports as required.


2. Method

2.1. Contractor to perform man entry tank pressure cleaning for bulk 750m3 tanks and filtration, vent purge and de-gassing for the smaller tanks.

2.2. Contractor will apply the relevant procedure for the work scope.

2.3. A risk assessment will be carried out prior to the commencement of the work.


3. Resources

Contractor will provide appropriate cleaning equipment and tools.

4. Personnel

4.1. Contractor must produce proof of having provided this service in other fuel operations, companies or sites around the world.

4.2. Appropriate experienced technicians will be allocated the task to perform the work scope.

4.3. The technician assigned to conduct the cleaning shall abide by the KCC onsite induction and assessment on safety procedures. A briefing shall be carried out prior to the commencement of the calibration.

5. Reporting

5.1. A report will be issued providing the details required on the equipment being cleaned.

5.2. Authorized time sheets for each day worked will be attached to the invoice.

6. Mobilization of Contractor

6.1. To be agreed between Contractor and KCC according to the most suitable schedule for both parties.


Mining Maintenance




Lime Plant Grits Handling

1. Provide 1 loaders, 1 dump truck and their specific operators for grit loading and transportation (300TPD, then 10-15 courses per day)

2. Load lime grit, using front end loaders, in tripper trucks

3. Transport lime grit (a portion of it can be stored in the area close to lime) to neutralization (distance from lime plant to neutralization is more or less 1km or to Mupine 10 km)

4. Repulp lime grit in neutralization bund area using high pressure water (6 operators will allocated, 2 per shift)

5. Provide 2 spotters (at lime plant, waste storage and neutralization area), with one supervisor


Mining Maintenance




SO2 Disperstion and Consequence Modelling

This SO2 dispersion modelling will focus on :

1. Normal SO2 released from all the four sources in the normal operating condition

2. Massive i.e. potentially catastrophic releases of SO2 due to system failures and which may result in potential multiple fatalities (if any) either within the plant area and / or extending in the surrounding communities. The potential situations, which can trigger a massive release of SO2 in the current arrangement of the roaster, Leach and FAM Tanks

• Acid plants complex, are listed below. The modelling outputs should be superimposed on clear goggle images of the plant area and the surrounding residential areas, to enable development of critical controls and / or mitigation measures, for situations which will be determined to be potentially catastrophic – which may result in fatalities.


Mining Maintenance




KTC Conveyor Splicing

Supply qualified team (1 supervisor, 2 team leaders, 1 QA/QC technician, safety

Officer, qualified labors) and special tools (splicing materials, vulcanizing press, consumables, …) to perform tasks below:

1. Cold splicing

2. Mechanical joint (super screw and clips)

3. Hot splicing

4. Belt inserting (pull in and pull out)

5. Belt repair (patches)

6. Belts splices inspections

7. Shutdown corrections

8. Housekeeping after work completed


Mining Maintenance




KTC_ Wear system install

2 years support to install and maintain all lining systems at KTC for launders, pumpbxoes and tanks and support pipeline repairs but rubber or ceramic lining pipe as needed, allowance also made to setup an onsite workshop to support this maintenance work


Mining Maintenance





This scope of works describes the requirements for the concrete works construction and structural steel works required for the installation of the new 20X50 core shed  bis.


Construction work





This scope of works describes the requirements for the concrete works construction and structural steel works required for the installation of the new 20X30 core shed bis.


Construction work




ATF 3 - Civil Infill Slabs

1. Acid Tank Farm 3

1.1 Earthworks Construction Phase:

• Backfill and compact to 95% Mod AASHTO as required up to 300mm below NGLV for foundations, bases, trenches and surface beds, etc. and use for backfilling or embankment.

• HDPE 1.5-micron liner to be placed on surface bed and gully areas and welded at all 150 mm overlaps.

1.2 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement:

• Rough formwork to sides of concrete surfaces.

• High Tensile Welded Mesh, Install type reference 395

• High Tensile Reinforcing Steel. Cut, bend and install in all diameters.

• Concrete 30MPa/10 -15mm high density. Reinforced concrete in bases, trenches, plinths, surface beds, and columns, etc.

• Unformed Surface Finishes. wood floated finish to horizontal concrete floor surfaces bed.

• Isolation and Saw cut joint as per drawing

• Concrete cover to me absolute minimum of 50 mm to a max of 75 mm.

• Concrete must be poured/placed as monogamous pours between movement joints. No construction joints will be allowed other than surface bed and wall/bases. All cold joint needs to be thoroughly scabbled and clean of latent before new concrete is placed.

• Install and cast-in threaded holding down bolts, including box out formwork, levelling and surveying, etc. in the following sizes:

o M12 (B12)

o M16 (B16)

o M20 (B20)


Mining Maintenance




Sulfur Storage Warehouse - Earthworks 2

This Scope of Services under this Contract include, but not limited to the following:

• Bulk earthworks including excavation, disposal, importing, backfilling and compaction of gravel material

• Construction of a flexible road (Asphalt surfacing) around the new warehouse to allow traffic of delivery and supply trucks.

• The contractor will be required remove containers and temporary structures currently on site and to demolish some existing raft foundations and remove any other materials that can be found site.


Mining Maintenance





The contractor is to propose the best possible detection and quenching systems.

Summarizing the contractor must supply the following information.

• Propose the most cost-effective detection system

• Each detection panel is to have a potentially free alarm contact and a discharged contact to be used by others for centralizing the detection system

• The contractor is to provide a bi-annual service agreement of the substations in question and due to this the contract will preferentially be given to DRC based companies. Please note that the service agreement will only come into effect 6 months after the completion of this contract and does not form part of this tender. However, the successful company must provide evidence that they will be able to do such service in the DRC


First scope of work entails the following:

• Design complete fire detection and quenching circuits

• Install detection panels

• Install detectors

• Install complete automatic quenching system

• Housekeeping

The areas concerned are those listed below:

1. Dryers

2. 2. Filters press hydraulic unit

3. 3. Pumps in container

Second scope of work entails the following:

• Provide and install the box with hose reel

• Housekeeping

 The area concerned:

4. Roasters


Mining Maintenance


Should you wish for your company to be invited to any of the above-listed tenders, please submit your company profile in PDF format to:  with the tender application reference number and tender name as the subject of your email.  
Please note that due to high volumes of emails sent to this address, only successful applications will be included in tenders.